Created 20 years ago2004-07-07 22:15:12 UTC by
Yet my retarded math teachers can't do the f@#!ing math and find the difference in the costs, and buy the Freaking better computer.They bought the better computer. I own both a Mac and Windows computer, and these days it seems like everyone who talks about Mac computers says something equivalent to, or uses bits of the following phrase: "OMG MAC SUCKS!!!! THEY ARE SLOW AND THEY SUCK BECAUSE THEY HAVE 1GHZ PROCESSORS!! AND THEY COST 2000$$!!!"
Mac's may look great, but I'll bet they're a right pain in the arse when it comes to things such as compatabilityCorrect.
Does HL run on mac?No, although they were about 75% done with the port when they cancelled it. You could probably run VirtualPC with Windows on it and run it, although it would probably be laggy.
i hope cs dies and doesnt get remade on the hl2 engine. that would suck bad.Too bad. There's already a Source version in development.
urhm, Rabid?Ah, see, you have a reason to hate them. All I meant to imply from my posts was that not all Macs are bad, they're just built and configured differently.
Yes apples may be good, But I don't really care.
I didn't come to this site to change my whole computer Mkay?
I just came to get some mapping done!
And I hate the apples at my school.
They aren't the 1 ghrz whatever thing you might have. these are the 1killabyte crap computers