Created 20 years ago2004-07-07 15:37:56 UTC by
I want to join inI'm not sure if someone who talks nonsense like that should be a participant.Just explain to me why we have to send the lighting.rad, if you cant compile 10 rooms then you shouldnt be mapping
whats the lights.rad and why do we need to pass it on? Surley if you just keep passing the RMF and doing a full compile it isnt needed.The lights.RAD file is used when compiling to designate Texlights. You need to pass on lights.RAD because it lists all the texlights people have used in mapping and want to be texlighted. There are some custom ones people have added and are not in Valve.RAD so problems would occur and areas that should be lit wouldn't be lit.
If you don?t use VHE, then I pity you. MAKE SURE IT WORKS!
?If it dosen't, pass it backwards for the last guy to fix, or get
permission to screw with his work and make NECESSARY MODIFICATIONS
?remember to correct the visgroups afterwards. ;)
3.Visgroups: If you don't know what they are,look them up in VHE help.
These keep things nice and neat, and it looks professional if you
visgroup your room with a name like room### when you have finished.
Also, it's a good way of showing what you've done, and where.
So kindly visgroup your precious work when done.
4.Temporary walls: These are brushes that use the texture "PICTURE0"
They are the only thing you have permission right now to delete!
Create these to show the next guy where to start.
For example, You might use them to block off an uncompleted hallway.
Put them in their very own visgroup called "Temporary walls",
so we can find them easily. -VISGROUP!
-Remember this: aaatrigger is for ENTITIES ONLY! Grrr... likely to be DELETED by the next guy, permission or not, if it
irritates them too much. Don't want your work deleted? Simple. Make
sure it works! IF, hypothetically, you DO delete somebody's work,
CONFESS you misconduct below, and you might be shown mercy.
They know what they put there... You can't hide forever...
6.Stealing/"Borrowing": It's ok to re-use objects other people have
made WITHIN THE TWHLMIX MAP COLLECTION. For example, I have included
some nice flaming torches, and it would simply look better if the
next guy just used those, instead of bothering to invent some random
new ones. HOWEVER? Dragging without permission somebody's precious
prefabs into YOUR OWN HLDM, MOD, or whatever, I can only describe as
SICK. I detest the thought of anyone who dares attempt it.
But of course, I needn't worry at TWHL ;)
7.Changelevels: If "twhlmix" gets a bit full, a changelevel would be a
good idea. The next map should be called "twhlmixa", and then
"twhlmixb", etc etc. ?in true mapping tradition. OR if you want to
add an entire map(s) for yourself (:D), make sure the change levels
for the START AND END work SEAMLESSLY! ?and include the last
"transition hallway" in a new "twhlmix#" for the next guy. One other
thing? try not to overlap locations so seems like the next map turns
around and plows right through the same place the last one was,
'cause that's just weird.
8.Wads: For simplicity, we will ONLY be using textures from:
Halflife.wad, Xeno.wad, and decals.wad, which everybody has.
-But that's still no excuse to go and make a xen map!
9.rad file: for texture lighting, add ANY texture lights you use to
this file. -acceptable "light" textures ONLY, please.
10.Themes: Stuck for ideas? Build on the guy before you! That way the
rooms will blend nicely, and the whole thing will look MUCH better!
?But, if inspiration hits: at least make the transition
semi-believable, ok? A teleport sprite even?
11.Last but not least: Make a nice contribution, please. It doesn't
matter if you're a n00b or 1337, Nobody's perfect.
Just do your best?. so you can look back and say "Yep, I helped out
with that, and I'm glad I did."
that should explain almost everything