First elevator gave me a problem... Created 20 years ago2003-11-06 20:36:46 UTC by Marlborometal Marlborometal

Created 20 years ago2003-11-06 20:36:46 UTC by Marlborometal Marlborometal

Posted 20 years ago2003-11-06 20:36:46 UTC Post #4146
It?s my first attempt to do an elevator with its doors, buttons and so on... Well, though I?ll not make the doors move with the elevator it?s cool anyway.
Here?s my problem:
I managed to lit the elevator (func_train) itself properly but miserably failed to make the mosnters inside it lit!. I?ll explain that: the player has to get inside the elevator with a scientist and when he gots there the scientist looks completely dark, as if there was no light there.
I put a light entity in the place where it should be, but doesn?t work. Can you please tell me what I?ve done wrong?.
Oh, and my scientific dances inside the elevator, guess I made it move too quick.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-06 23:12:13 UTC Post #4148
Monster entities determine their lighting from the floor below them. However this isn't completely accurate. They determine their lighting from the first WORLD brush below them. Func_ entities won't give light to monster entities. So your elevator is lit, but your scientist is not lit because the floor UNDER the elevator is not lit. The solution for your situation is to put a light in the elevator shaft. As for the dancing scientist, I haven't found a solution for that. :P
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-07 00:12:07 UTC Post #4150
Hmm... I?ll try that... A shaft is the "Hole" the elevator goes through, right? (you know, I?m not english). I try that... By the way, I think that scientist dance less when the elevator moves slower and tend to be hurt when the elevator moves fast (at least in narrow elevators!)... It?s funny that Valve left the dancing scientist there though I don?t remember any elevator you use with a scientist inside :).
You?re helping me much SlayerA, thanks a lot!!!!!.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-07 01:30:08 UTC Post #4151
Figured out the problem...
SlayerA had reason but there was another problem. I made the elevator shaft (the hole, you know) too deep and seems light has its limits so here?s a piece of advice for novice mappers (like me):
"Don?t make things too high or too deep. You?ll regret".
And that?s all.
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