GTA3 screens Created 19 years ago2004-07-16 13:08:20 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Created 19 years ago2004-07-16 13:08:20 UTC by The Mad Carrot The Mad Carrot

Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 13:08:20 UTC Post #41956
I got this trainer for GTA3 that allowes activating cheats with just one simple key combination. Like, in GTA3, to make all the cars explode, you have to type bangbangbang. With this trainer TAB+7 will do the same.

The key combination TAB+6 spawns a rhino tank. When holding down TAB+6, tanks spawn quick after eachother. After you spawned some tanks, hold TAB+& to let everything explode, the tanks will bow themself into the sky. After a few seconds, the all come down, creating serious havoc. So cool. Some screenshots:

Whahahaha. :D
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 13:27:18 UTC Post #41958
LOL! I made my own trainer which allows pressing NUMPAD buttons for cheats.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 13:45:42 UTC Post #41966
omfg! Crazy s<r33n|3s!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-16 20:08:35 UTC Post #42113
lol! I've done this before too. I did it with heaps more tanks than you used. It's strange too, once the tanks start piling on top of each other, some just go shooting in the air for no reason. It's fun after you blow them and they hit innocent civilians! :badass:
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2004-07-17 08:10:47 UTC Post #42240
I have GTA3, but sometimes it crashes when I do that kind of crazy shit. It just overloads or something..
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