Has anyone seen When The Wind Blows? It's kinda freaky..... it's this really old short film (animated, uses drawn characters and miniature sets blended together) and it's about this old man and woman who find out a nuclear war is about to begin (I dont think you get the details about how or why it's happening - I'm pretty sure it was made as a shock-factor film to show the effects of nuclear bombs and scare people..).
Anyway, the old man has this book he got from the library that shows how to build a safe place, which requires 2 doors slanted against a wall, painting all of the windows etc... and the woman doesnt believe it all, she just goes about her business, but then it happens - and boy does it happen. They use this really weird, dirty, mangled sketch/animation effect to show the effects of this bomb dropping - cars and lorrys going down the road just get lifted up and roll along fields, houses get torn apart, animals are slung into the air... it's all pretty violent and scary to say it's just an animation. Then at the end, it shows how the old man and woman are deteriorating slowly from the fallout, until they eventually fall asleep for one last time in the dark, and the man is left talking to himself. It's kinda sad, but it really frightens you at the same time.. really well made. SEE IT!
/strange review of animation