what do i need Created 20 years ago2004-07-23 01:39:13 UTC by hiccups hiccups

Created 20 years ago2004-07-23 01:39:13 UTC by hiccups hiccups

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 01:39:13 UTC Post #43902
Hiyya to all...just a quite question: im gathering all my resources before i start modding my first (hopefully of many )and i was just wondering what file/tools/apps would be required. I got HL (duh), the SDk (without a compiler), Milkshape, the MDL viewer, hammer. is there anything else i would need. many thanks from a first time modder....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 03:37:37 UTC Post #43917
Yeah, you should wait for HL2 to make a mod. There's not much time left if you're going to make one for HL. :(
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 03:39:14 UTC Post #43918

You'll need something to code in, or a C++ compiler.

If you plan on making/editing models you'll want a MDLDecompiler. I think milkshape has a built in one, but you might want a standalone tool. It decompiles DOLs too.

Check VERC.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 08:36:36 UTC Post #43966
if you want to make a mod dont do it when youve been a member for 5 days. really. we all passed that stage where we dreamt of making our own mod. it takes a long time to fully understand limitations of the engine, full understanding of entities, scripting and many other skills. as for coding it will definetly take a long time to learn. as in a few years. modelling is another trickyone where you need alot of practise. i wouldnt try making a mod yet. ive been here almost a year and i still wouldnt be albe to make a full mod. mods on this scale would also need a full team, and not just 1 man doing everything.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 13:22:20 UTC Post #44010
Hey hiccups, why don't you submit some maps to the map vault so we can see what level you're at. :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 14:38:47 UTC Post #44044
if you havent submitted any maps then your definetly not at a stage to make a mod.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 16:43:54 UTC Post #44098
Don't start with a mod.
Try to build one single map with a lot of cool features and a story.
Play around with engine.
Then let people judge on it. Players and mappers.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-23 17:25:16 UTC Post #44111
took me 3 months to know most modeling techniques. excluded are unwrapping and animating.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 04:04:55 UTC Post #44268
geez....well...ahhh..i feel like a real dick now. I've moddeled and coded before, for Q2, but that was a while ago. i guess you guys a right.....i'll stick with the levels, but about submitting maps, i got a 56ker.. i aint gonna be submitting anything on this piece of @@@@. oh Btw ministeve perhaps you should try to be abit more constructive with your comments. i realise it would take me a long time, im not a complete moron. i was askin about wat tools to use so i could get a feel for 'em. Gaugeing someones skill by the amount of time someone is a member on a Forum is pretty low..great way to make someone feel like they have the skill....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 04:33:52 UTC Post #44269
hiccups is right. There are many people who have been mapping a long time and have only just discovered this site. You can't judge people by how long they have been here.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 04:40:27 UTC Post #44270
56k? So what? You can still submit. Maps are really small in size anyway.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 04:57:13 UTC Post #44272
Yep, Anthony is on 33k. He still submits maps.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 18:57:05 UTC Post #44504
if you saw some of the other threads you would see why im getting so noob-paraniod. sorry if you are more experienced.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:15:20 UTC Post #44517
Q2 modeling and coding, cool.
Did you use QuArk or are you a Hammer user?

Ignore all the lame stuff above, We have had a spate of questions like "Help fix my box, it doesn't work" and the 'old members' are getting a bit frustrated. So please don't take offence, they mean well :-)

For a really general idea of what you need to get mapping (and ultimately produce your own Mod) have a look at Where to start.
And for app's try Links

Don't listen to SilentGunz...
Quake celibrated it's 8th Birthday last month as I am sure you are aware, while everyone rushes off to be part of HL2 (or DooM3 even) there will still be people Modding and Mapping for HL1.....
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 19:16:41 UTC Post #44519
wise words. a more sensical version of what i said, with some nice links on.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-24 21:30:18 UTC Post #44557
thanks guys. Steve im sorry if i sounded rude, but i'm a member of a number of forums, some not even having anything to do with HL or mapping and people NEVER want to answer questions to people who have only been there for a few days. I was using an Old Quake modeler, but i forget what it was, very basic, hard to animate, then i discovered Quark but i didnt have Quake anymore. ahwell. Im relativly new to HL modeling though. As far as maps go...i get good ideas, work them, then i have another idea and that map sits on my HD until i delete it. i have trouble staying focused. BTW i dont think the database for the general mapping questions is working properly.
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