well the races each have diffrent movement speeds and hit points so if you a half ling you are oing to be faster but weaker than an orc. also the gold system will be simalar to cs but there will be a shop and u his the buy kew and buy whepon armour and magic. gold is obtaind by slaying monsters and compleeting tasks it can also be obtained by selling old amour and goods. also some race may not be able to use sertain whepons like a half-ling can not weild a great sword nor can a oger cast a high level spell because it is as smart as a brick. also races will have diffrent combat styles an orc will smash down a door and charge in to battle while a half-ling my pick the lock on the door and pick off foes one by one with a cross bow. the basic game, whepons and class and race system will be based directly from the dungons and dragons rule books because it has some of the best midevil recorces and details. this game will be online and players will form in to groups or go alone and adventure througe the planes of fire, the etreal plane, the shadow relm, the outer planes and more. the gamewill not be played from beging to end it will alow players to wander paths and caves and then back track to the neares town. some players will have abilites depending on class that others dont alowing them to get to areas un accesable to any other class. the world will be devided in to towns, dungons, and other areas. there will be some npc's in shops ect that you can talk to and will give u missins to compleet in returen you will recive gold and other rare items. each race will its own model. and each class will have its one equipment. monster will turn up any where depending on where the can be found and and how also defeant a moster will ern you xp and gold when u gain a level you will gan access to new spells and abilites also new whepons will be avalible. if you want any more info just let me know