Games and violence Created 20 years ago2004-07-29 16:23:29 UTC by Seventh-Monkey Seventh-Monkey

Created 20 years ago2004-07-29 16:23:29 UTC by Seventh-Monkey Seventh-Monkey

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 16:23:29 UTC Post #46447
Okay, I saw the rage against Manhunt on the news in connection with this murder (BBC article) and I wondered what peoples' opinion of this was.

I don't think it's fair to blame games for peoples' behaviour. Okay, so Manhunt sounds very odd, and maybe the authors are nuts, but to blame games seems a little stupid. That's like blaming someone copying something in, say, a book, on the book itself.

Anyway, in the words of hundreds of essay questions, "discuss".

PS: let's keep this flame- and spam-free, yeah?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 17:07:32 UTC Post #46452
i saw that too. its quite stupid his parents let him get so addicted to a game rated above his age. and since there was no other motive for the killing other than he was copying what he saw on the game its his parents again that should have taught ihm the necassery morals. it also mentions the killings spurred by doom. ow can anyone think that shooting floating demons with plasma rifles is anywhere near reality? now excuse me, im off to get my triple fast-firing rocket launcher and go frag some innocent peple in the street... mavav are gonna have a field day with this...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 18:17:27 UTC Post #46462
Exactly what I thought. They still haven't replied to my letter.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 18:27:55 UTC Post #46466
I think anyone who blames the game maker for their kids killing spree is a ****ing moron. If you don't want kids to be able to play the game, don't buy it for them what a concept lol.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 18:58:03 UTC Post #46480
Actually there are kids who kill people because of games. But those people are sad and have mental problems that need to be sorted out. Any kid with a decently sized brain knows its just a game.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 19:34:39 UTC Post #46483
Actually there are kids who kill people because of games.
This is not true.
There is no serious scientific proof that.
Some organisations claim that though.
All games with mature content are labeled with parental advisory and must not be played by minors.
Parents have the liability of their children and must ensure that they don't have access to such media. If they don't they are ones that must be blamed.
Also it should be forbidden to own or use a weapon for not absolutely reliable people. It is way to easy to get lethal weapons in many countries, which I condemn.
Sadly there are some software companies who also publish very brutal and immoderate games, in which you often have to torture other humans or animals.
Computer games are made to entertain, those games do not entertain and should be banned.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-29 23:21:44 UTC Post #46526
If your kid is to phycotic to play any violent games, dont let them buy it or buy it for them. They dont eeven need to play any video games at that.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 04:59:13 UTC Post #46583
Video games can't MAKE you violent.
I do believe that TV desensitises ppl to violence after a while, but games are cathartic.
Games don't psyche me up for violence, they relieve pent up agression.
That said, battering cats with golf clubs is cathartic too. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:01:22 UTC Post #46586
If somebody kills someone becouse of a game, he's just a psycho and he could kill someone soner or later. In the beggining peoples were saying that music is responsible for violence, leter they blamed TV, and now computer games. Oh, and kids know what is good or bad after 7years old (or something like that). And i know many 5 years old childs that are playing unreal tournament(classM-17y.), QuakeIII or CS (btw i don't think that cs is M class, there's not much violence in it.)
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 05:09:12 UTC Post #46588
Its the media and lawyers especially who come up with video games made him. That way they take all responisbility away from the kid and paint him (invariably a him) as a good little boy, twisted by a sicko corporation.

Half life is too violent. It made me go out and pretend to be a facecrab. I'd jump on old ladies' heads and 'control' them...I SWEAR officer...
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 08:04:53 UTC Post #46632
I have been playing shooting games since Wolfenstein 3D and I have never killed. Violent games are fine as long as the person playing them isn't mentally vunerable.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 08:14:04 UTC Post #46642
Has any one everr seen Soldier of Fortune? That game is messed up. You can blow off people's limbs... :nuts:
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 08:20:54 UTC Post #46651
GOD! SOF on PS2 sucked so very, VERY much. I would blame the loading times and polygon splicing as opposed to its gory content for any fatalities.
Face it, kids kill people because they havent got laid. Once they get their hole (if you pardon the expression), all that violence crap goes out the window.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 08:21:58 UTC Post #46652
Im talkin about SOF for PC.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 08:28:42 UTC Post #46655
I have got the SoF gib models for HL. It 0wnz!!! I also know some mods you can do for any Q3 based game to let them use the Ghoul 2 models, the only trouble is finding ones for it.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 09:18:40 UTC Post #46675
This is what the MAVAV is afraid of.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 09:24:00 UTC Post #46677
its quite stupid his parents let him get so addicted to a game rated above his age.
ministeve, I'm on your side, but it is not age that matters. it is how mature you are. Half-Life is rated 17+, where you are 14. I think you are smart and mature enough to handle it, as most people, but there are some stupid people out there that have to ruin it for all of us. stupididy is the key to all of our problems.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 09:36:51 UTC Post #46684
I am a passafist, I do not use any violence in reality, nor do I think others should either. In some ways, media, as well as other tools, do have various effects on the way we behave. For example, if we were to see a documentary on tv about thugs beating up old ladies, our reactions are all pretty similar; we may well react with anger, frustration etc. Yet, what we are looking at is a box with a screen.

However, I must say that is is unbelievable to see that once again 'games' are blamed for someones death. I have actually played 'Manhunt' and I have no intention of immitating any material
related to such game either. I believe that some people are born more violent and potentially harmful than others. It is a chemical inbalance.

I hope that MAVAV doesnt use this as fuel for their fire.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 09:43:32 UTC Post #46689
It is almost 100% certain that they will.
I do, usually condemn voilence too, but there are people who do not deserve to live or be a part of a human community.
Mostly I feel like this about people who abuse their great powers to derogate others.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 09:50:37 UTC Post #46693
I.e. George Bush, among others.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:05:03 UTC Post #46702
If you look at other past killings such as when those guys killed people at at school in America, it iis actually books that distort peoples brains more than any moving media.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:08:45 UTC Post #46706
Yes very true, in future people should avoid any literature such as 'Spot the Dog' which may prove to be potentially harmfull for the human brain.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:10:32 UTC Post #46708
People also get whacked up on Hitlers book 'Mein Kamph'. Crazy people.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:15:50 UTC Post #46710
Ainsley Harriot's 'Barbeque Cooking in Minutes' book is also warping the minds of many people.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:17:05 UTC Post #46711
Even worse: Delia Smith Cooks up a treat } this is kinda getting off topic
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:20:33 UTC Post #46713
...they also say that Garry Roades' 'Friends for Dinner' is the cause of many cannibalistic inncidents that have occured.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:25:19 UTC Post #46715
I was once profoudly affected by Noddy i tried to steal a car that looked like noddys and PC plod arrested me then I shot him becaause he smelled funny and i dont know why i did it because theirs no sentences in this paragraph.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:25:28 UTC Post #46716
rofl is all i can say!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:27:59 UTC Post #46718
Returning to SoF, it's one of the best MP games EVER! Brutal? Eeee, maybe a little, but it's cool! sometimes i like brutal games(flying gibs and so on) but i don't like to watch true scenes of violence, like terrorist cutting of heads (in tv), or watching such scenes on internet (like rotten page). There are MANY peoples that LOVE that kind of views : , including half of you propably(more than half of my friends think that terrorist cutting someones head IS very cool). Actualy we live in violent times. I think that death scenes shouldn't be seen in tv news :/ That's sick
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:28:22 UTC Post #46719
I remember when Those kids did that school shooting, and then turned the guns on themselves. I forget what state it happened in, but it was a trajedy. They shot and killed 5 students, and 1 teacher, then themselves. There were two of them, who hid the guns in a bush on the playground, then the next day retrieved them.

This did not happen because of videogames, books, ect, but because of social problems. These children were nerds of the school. They went insane, because no sane person would do such an act, except if they were brainwashed suicide bombers, like whats happening all over the middle east. I beilieve that these children did go insane. They were not in their right mind when they commited such an act. They were people at the end of their ropes, ones that should be given phyciatric help, but it was too late for them. the cruelities of American children got to them. I'm glad not to be what most stereotype as the typical American child, one of cruel thought, brats (my name means nothing), trying to cause pain and emotional distress to others.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:33:24 UTC Post #46723
The young murderors were victims of Mind Control technology.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 10:40:11 UTC Post #46727
That flash movie about that myg0t clan has a nerd going insane and shooting people :D
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 11:00:02 UTC Post #46728
...more than half of my friends think that terrorist cutting someones head IS very cool...
You should seriouly ditch them and find new friends.
This is sick!
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 11:03:25 UTC Post #46729
when i watch tv news i'm glad that i don't live in America. Say what you wont but most incidents like those mentioned above are happening in America :( .
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 11:40:57 UTC Post #46743
The worst thing I ever saw was this 'Banned American TV' thing, it comprised of all the bits that dont get shown in Police videos, etc. There was also numerous gunfire scenes, burning scenes and I mean burning scenes, man it was horrific.

There was also this Sport's Disaster one which had ugh! bone breaks and stuff - man I don't even want to talk about it any longer! :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 14:15:59 UTC Post #46768
Or sites like rotten, why would someone normal want to make that kind of site?
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 14:24:34 UTC Post #46773
acctually, we bolderize here, but some parents are just very irresponsible, which makes stuff happen. I am not proud that bad things happen here, but I have to say, worse happens in areas like the middle east. Remember when that German guy at someone that wanted to be eaten? He put an add out, and got like 20 people who wanted to be eaten. Now that crap is just wierd.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 17:41:52 UTC Post #46864
he said it tasted just like chicken. anyway the guy who ate him was his gay lover, i think :/
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 17:50:11 UTC Post #46869
I don't think that eating people, that want to be eaten is not as bad as arbitrary killing people.
Still it's not quite right.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 18:02:50 UTC Post #46872
Are they really sane? If not, it's still not right.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-30 19:14:28 UTC Post #46887
remember when Those kids did that school shooting, and then turned the guns on themselves. I forget what state it happened in, but it was a trajedy.
Happened in multiple states. I can recall California and Colorado off the top of my head.
Or sites like rotten, why would someone normal want to make that kind of site?
No idea. That is a sickening site.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 03:15:02 UTC Post #46976
Are they really sane? If not, it's still not right.
Ofcourse they are not! Why they agread to be earen? Who knows, maybe they wanted to end with thier lives in that way, so nobody whould know about this (how you find the body?). Anyway it's even more strange, that first piece of body they eten TOGETHER :zonked: Humans are the most stupid(or insane) creatures on Earth sometimes :
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 07:32:25 UTC Post #47053
Humans are the most stupid(or insane) creatures on Earth sometimes
Not sometimes, always!
Animals just do what their instinct tells them. Humans are intelligent enough to bypass their instict and can do much more stupid things that way.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 09:57:37 UTC Post #47075
and were way to self obsessed. im the only 1 out of all my friends that knows dolphins are smarter than people. they kept asking me "but why dont they have houses? only stupid animals dont build houses!"

none of them can look forward to a career in construction :D

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 11:17:02 UTC Post #47087
umm, dolphins are not smarter than humans, lol.

only stupid animals don't have computers, and can't make choices for themselves.

Haz is right. You know, humans are the only creatures to have homosexuals.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 11:19:25 UTC Post #47089
its proven by nerds!

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 11:20:12 UTC Post #47091
oh, really. :roll:
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 12:26:33 UTC Post #47107
Humans are much more inteligent than dolphins! Dolphins haven't invented nuclear bomb! :D The true is, that the more someone is inteligent, the bigger is the chance he's insane (a little, almost none or just completly insane). Einstein, for example comed to one party without his shoes (he forgot them). There are many such examples, all on most inteligent peoples... But that's only MY opinion, maybe i'm wrong.
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-31 16:35:55 UTC Post #47155
Humans are much more inteligent than dolphins! Dolphins haven't invented nuclear bomb!
checkmate again.
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