Flock Problem ;) Created 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:17:22 UTC by vortex10101 vortex10101

Created 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:17:22 UTC by vortex10101 vortex10101

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:17:22 UTC Post #47534
Problem: I'm trying to trigger a flyer flock to fly from point A to B, either with the monster_flyer_flock or the monster_generic with the model aflock.mdl. I've tried to target an info_node_air, a scripted_sequence with the action "fly2" (for the aflock.mdl model), and various other things, but either I see the flock of flyers just flying around and not moving to point B at all, or the aflock model will perform the action where I put the scripted_sequence (at point B- since this is where they should go) (I set "walk" in the "Move to position"). I also tried to put two scripted_sequences (one for point A, and one for point B, where A targets B, but that results in the flock just teleporting from A to B (zapping to the spot), and not actually flying there.
If anyone knows how to do this, here's my next question - is there a way to have a train trigger it with a path_corner (Trigger on Pass)? :roll:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:19:29 UTC Post #47535
Sorry, what was meant by the zapping, was the aflock.mdl, not the monster_flyer_flock.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:23:14 UTC Post #47537
In the scripted_sequence, set the Move to Position option to Walk or Run instead of Instantaneous....

Anyway, it may well be that flying flocks weren't meant to move to a certain position. They're only seen in Xen, on the background, flying around a bit...

Well, trigger on pass triggers it's target when a train passes that path_corner... Not really difficult to work with.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:24:30 UTC Post #47538
I didn't set the Move to Position to "Instantaneous", its set to "Walk" and the path corner trigger just didn't work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:27:00 UTC Post #47539
Then I think it's not possible for the monster_flying_flock. After all, it does behave a little different from other monsters already...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 08:33:05 UTC Post #47543
What about scientists? I mean, their scripted sequence is walk and they move to the position of the scripted_sequence. But thx anyways...if anyone else has ideas, i'm open to them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 06:46:07 UTC Post #47682
Flock Flyer's follow path_corners.
Weird I know, but I don't think they were ever meant to do anymore than their coded AI. If you set up a series of PC's then they will floow them (Target the first one) and perfom their sequences as they go.
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