Uhm... When I saw 120 replies I thought 'Wow! These guys have lived tru many masty situations!' But it seems like half of the posts are off topic. Anyway, heres my story:
-Once two friends in the school room where running around and I put my leg in the path of the first. He felt on his knees then slid towards the wall and the impact made a hole in his head right above the eyebrows. It was about 3cm long and 0.5cm wide. The very same day we played with friends in the snow, wich was knee deep. We were iceball fighting and someone trew quite a big one at me. I tried to run and sudennly trip on a stone below the snow and fell with my left hand on a broken jar. When I stood up I saw my friends looking at me wiredly. Then I felt slight warminmg in my hand and when looked at it I saw and opening in it the size of the return key on my k.b. with triangular shape. Pieces of flesh were hanging on a small piece of skin, my bones revealed and my blood coming out like a fountain. Untill I got back home and to the hospital I lost so much blood that I lost councuscines. Hopefully I had just finished reading "Surviving Techniques" and I put my hand on the right spot to prevent the bleeding from killing me. I was 11 that time and since then I believe in retribution.
-One year, when my dads yacht was on dry dock I was going down the ladder (wich was about 3m high) I missed the first step. And then I lost my memmory! Could you belive it? The whole place became pitch black and I felt like I'm asleep and I woke when I landed on the groud on my back. A fewseconds later I was thinking 'Were the hell am I?' and stuff like that. Luckilly my memmory was revieved few minutes later and even remembered to fetch the mirror wich I came down for. Later I was told that I was in the condition known from the Matrix - your brain and body switches to extreme mode and the adrenaline is pumped in your blood. But I was too young (12 I think, I can't remember right...

) and the adrenaline rush stunned my. Atleast I didn't felt any pain.
-Just a few days ago a guy came out of the sea and he was all in blood. The poor bastard was headfirst jumping the water from a surface rock where the depth is about 2.5-3m and landed on the only subsurface rock (about 20cm under the surface). Can you imagine what his face was looking like? You can't even guess, cause his face wasn't there... Just his eyes, nose bones and large chunks of flesh hanging and he held all this in his hand. He was all covered in blood, the lifeguards aided their help just before the guy became unconcisnues. Horrible view. Ifelt like I'm looking at a DooM4 (yes, the next generation) screen. Augh, nasty. You can look at the 'When you've been mapping to long' topic for the whole story.
-Just the day before yesterday the father of my friend slip on a rock covered with algium and hit anither rock with his toe. The result was his toenail 90 degree toward the toe and constant bleeding for 3 days (it kept bleeding until today). Strangely, he refused to go to hospital-he said that he's got phobia of hospitals