What's the worst things... Created 20 years ago2004-08-08 17:20:58 UTC by Floater619 Floater619

Created 20 years ago2004-08-08 17:20:58 UTC by Floater619 Floater619

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-12 18:03:03 UTC Post #50481
i love steam.
hughs steam
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-12 18:04:53 UTC Post #50483
i cant see what is wrong with steam, ive had no problem with it.
holds arms in front of self to protect from barrage of insults
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-12 19:25:09 UTC Post #50492
sends barrage of insults toward G_KID
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 05:16:21 UTC Post #50558
What is wrong with Steam:

1) It doesnt work for me.
2) It shifts everything around and to hell with other programs!
3) Uninstall it and it takes your game with it (or at least to me)
4) It was forced upon me. (which I would STILL object to, even if none of the above were factors)
5) It STILL doesnt work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 07:58:43 UTC Post #50593
6.) The new directory makes setting up VHE a bit of a problem. It not only takes a while but cannot compile becasue for some strange reason Steam have it so you have to have Half-Life in your email folder. That buggers up the compiling.

7.) It basically took over without me being able to prevent it.

8.) To play any of my mods now I have to click on HL.exe (which now keeps telling me that the directories are all messed up) but is able to work -- and I click on custom game.

9.) When Steam is up and running it slows down my internet explorer so I have to close it and shut it up.

10.) They killed WON -- Although it may have been slow and all, I'd rather have waited patiently and get a problem-free service without any errors that hinder my abilities to play HL.

11.) Because they killed WON that literally forced us to use the new Steam - which I think is outrageous.

12.) Steam is a way of advertising for Valve. 'Buy Counter-Strike Condition Zero - You know you want to'. Well actually no I dont, now F**k off!

13.) It's generally just gay and I hate it.

14.) There is no 'help' or 'faq' that should be installed with Steam. Because of this people have to find there own way to get help, and emailing Steam gets you nowhere.

15.) Steam has absolutely no consideration what-so-ever for people who still use dial-up.

16.) I hope the idea of Steam falls on it's ass and dies in it's own arrogant heap of decaying pulp.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:00:42 UTC Post #50594
p.s. I am going to email this to the bastards!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:04:56 UTC Post #50595


Steam is more alike to malicious virus than an online gaming tool.
I paid good money for HL and don't like it being screwed up by a bully of a program.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:39:21 UTC Post #50606
Yea! I too paid good money for HL when it first come out! There was absolutely nothing wrong with WON but they decided to get rid of it and introduce a program which is basically the pits.

Now because of the un-explained-by-Steam directory system, I have to comiple my map in the Jahzel folder of half-life and run it in the Jahzel@so.and.so folder of half-life! I have two Half-Lifes! this is ridiculous -- but there is no other alternative!

The only reason why they hurridly introduced us (haha introduced!?) to Steam is so that it gets up and running in time for HL2. HL2 will be Steam based, I think its a real waste. What an insult to our own freedom of choice, economic choice. It is an infringement on our own liberties.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:41:11 UTC Post #50608
17. It's horribly sluggish to start up (I mean, what the hell does it need to do that takes so bloody long?)

18. It's always screwing up.

19. I don't like the thought of where it could end up after it spreads to other applications... how long until loads of companies start using similar stuff or licensing Steam? Gee, I can't wait to have a Steam-equivalent for every program.

As for the WON stuff: aren't WON a different company? Maybe VALVe didn't like having to pay rent or whatever to WON for their servers?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:47:21 UTC Post #50612
I havent seen such a nasty little program since IE4.0 came along. Just try and uninstall THAT from win 95!!! A sledgehammer couldnt do more damage!

Its the evil corporate way of marketing/programming.
Curse you. Steam CURSE YOU!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:50:08 UTC Post #50613
Little? Steam?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:52:15 UTC Post #50615
Another problem is, because I map, I have loads of important folders and loads of stuff that is basically undermined by the new Steam program.

What I would like to know is where the hell does Gamespy Arcade come into it? Is that rendered useless now because of Steam?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:56:37 UTC Post #50617
Folders... use Winbolic Link and SUBST (standard DOS command). I do, all nice and (fairly) organised and how I want it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 08:58:22 UTC Post #50618
Since I had to reinstall HL and such from the disk, after Steam had worked its magic on my puter (grrrrr), I had to run the HL1.1.1 again...BUT ITS CORRUPTED (since this was the last prog I ran before my hard disk cable came out that might have something to do with it)

I think I have backed up on disk....if not, I'm not f**king dloading it again.

I cant blame steam for the corrupt HL update but I CAN blame it for me having to USE it again. Thank you very much Mr. Steam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 09:09:07 UTC Post #50621
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 09:17:59 UTC Post #50625
indeed....DESTROY!!!! ARRRRGH etc. etc.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 13:26:06 UTC Post #50657
Uhm... When I saw 120 replies I thought 'Wow! These guys have lived tru many masty situations!' But it seems like half of the posts are off topic. Anyway, heres my story:

-Once two friends in the school room where running around and I put my leg in the path of the first. He felt on his knees then slid towards the wall and the impact made a hole in his head right above the eyebrows. It was about 3cm long and 0.5cm wide. The very same day we played with friends in the snow, wich was knee deep. We were iceball fighting and someone trew quite a big one at me. I tried to run and sudennly trip on a stone below the snow and fell with my left hand on a broken jar. When I stood up I saw my friends looking at me wiredly. Then I felt slight warminmg in my hand and when looked at it I saw and opening in it the size of the return key on my k.b. with triangular shape. Pieces of flesh were hanging on a small piece of skin, my bones revealed and my blood coming out like a fountain. Untill I got back home and to the hospital I lost so much blood that I lost councuscines. Hopefully I had just finished reading "Surviving Techniques" and I put my hand on the right spot to prevent the bleeding from killing me. I was 11 that time and since then I believe in retribution.

-One year, when my dads yacht was on dry dock I was going down the ladder (wich was about 3m high) I missed the first step. And then I lost my memmory! Could you belive it? The whole place became pitch black and I felt like I'm asleep and I woke when I landed on the groud on my back. A fewseconds later I was thinking 'Were the hell am I?' and stuff like that. Luckilly my memmory was revieved few minutes later and even remembered to fetch the mirror wich I came down for. Later I was told that I was in the condition known from the Matrix - your brain and body switches to extreme mode and the adrenaline is pumped in your blood. But I was too young (12 I think, I can't remember right... :lol: ) and the adrenaline rush stunned my. Atleast I didn't felt any pain.

-Just a few days ago a guy came out of the sea and he was all in blood. The poor bastard was headfirst jumping the water from a surface rock where the depth is about 2.5-3m and landed on the only subsurface rock (about 20cm under the surface). Can you imagine what his face was looking like? You can't even guess, cause his face wasn't there... Just his eyes, nose bones and large chunks of flesh hanging and he held all this in his hand. He was all covered in blood, the lifeguards aided their help just before the guy became unconcisnues. Horrible view. Ifelt like I'm looking at a DooM4 (yes, the next generation) screen. Augh, nasty. You can look at the 'When you've been mapping to long' topic for the whole story.

-Just the day before yesterday the father of my friend slip on a rock covered with algium and hit anither rock with his toe. The result was his toenail 90 degree toward the toe and constant bleeding for 3 days (it kept bleeding until today). Strangely, he refused to go to hospital-he said that he's got phobia of hospitals
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 14:36:36 UTC Post #50700
That first one actually made me shudder.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-13 17:11:52 UTC Post #50760

Changes always are difficult to accept, aren't they?

After all, noone forces you to use it... noone forces you to play HL on-line... noone forces you to buy and play HL2... so why complain? Because the WON servers stopped? They would've stopped at some time anyway, Steam or no Steam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 02:06:57 UTC Post #50859
Changes always are difficult to accept, aren't they?
Especially so when the replacement is more bloated, slower, and death for anyone who can't get broadband.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 02:58:49 UTC Post #50872
for anyone who can't get broadband.
Wich is a very small percentage according to the latest hardware surveys from Valve. 4% I believe. The majority of users nowadays uses faster internet connections...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 03:38:49 UTC Post #50876
Doritos = chips/crisps, whatever you want to call them
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 03:40:20 UTC Post #50878
Er, silly quotes.
Doritos are what fat people eat en masse.
What's a dorito?
My above post aimed at those two....
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-14 05:49:00 UTC Post #50889
Captain: that's of all the people who use Steam. That already excludes a lot of ex-HL/CS/etc players.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 16:32:36 UTC Post #51410
An older, not specific Steam-user, survey shows 8%...


Still not a large amount, isn't it? ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 17:27:07 UTC Post #51419
No one forces you to use steam. I like steam as I couldnt even play hl with WON as it kept disconnecting me and timing out. I never have problems with steam tbh. Plus, it doesnt ruin your HL installation. It merely caches it. But your original installation is untouched and intact.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 12:36:12 UTC Post #51588
..still, Steam is a ***sucking piece of S** that deserves to die a slow and painful death. Here's John with the Weather...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 09:03:37 UTC Post #54475
You gotta trust me, this is 100% true.

The other week someone from my school was at home alone with a few of his mates while his dad and mum was on holiday. They were bored so they took his dads car for a joy ride. They were speeding when they got cnapped by a speeding camera. So being the idoit he is he took the car to a near by carpark and smashed it up a bit then ditched it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 15:40:37 UTC Post #54548
Good on him. That is, assuming it's not stored remotely?

Edit: whoa, whoa, the car!?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 17:24:08 UTC Post #54607
the whole being born thing was a bit of a bollocks
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 17:55:45 UTC Post #54621
Its terrible not having broadband, a 56k now a-day's can get you to surf the web, there is no way that your going to play newer games online with a 56k, and thats that. People really have some bad stories... Worst thing that happened to me was that I broke me arm roller bladding, and thats just simple breakage, it just got all swelled up. Actually it was just a fracture. Oh wait theres one more thing,
  • When I was like 6 I was running out of a store in a mall, not like an actual one- just a bunch of stores lined up together outside, and a kid on his bike was flying down and ran over me. I had a two inch long gash in my leg that went all the way down to the bone. Judging by the scar it left it was about a cm wide.
You fell three meters and blacked out? Isnt a meter like a foot and a half? Unless you went like head first I am suprised you would black out... Course I'm sure I am wrong about the conversion of meters to feet so...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:07:45 UTC Post #54626
kindof same thing happened to me but without scars and bruises, one of my buddies was riding down the street on his bike, and the brakes where broke and i was infront of the bike so he keeps going, and i'm like "What the hell are you doing, stop the bike!" and then he says "The Brakes don't Work!" and i tried to run to the other side but he turned to that side and ran over me (well, not actually ran over, just cracked me in the chest with it.)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:12:53 UTC Post #54634
my gash to the bone is a lil' worse than that. Other than getting hit by a bike you didn't get super hurt : but yeah thats kinda happened too me to but normally I just kick Justin's (my friends) tire if hes going to hit me(before he does) and it forces him to turn away and hit something else... Im so cruel arn't I :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:12:56 UTC Post #54635
The worst thing to happen to me is probably when I lose my wallet all the time. I always freak out, and just by luck, I always get it back (Although sometimes the money is wet cause I lost it in the water :
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:15:59 UTC Post #54638
it wasnt bad really, i punched him in the head after he was about to stand up.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 18:29:41 UTC Post #54646
(Well it not that bad of a thing but...)

One, when I was maybe like six or five, I don't remember, I raced my uncle towards a bed, to get a boost I skided down on my knees towards it.

What I didn't see, because the lights were off, that I had sped towards a sharp corner of the bed headfirst.

We all now what happened next, my forehead went straight into that sharp point. Last thing I remember was that I was histericaly crying and blood was gushing out everywher eon my face.

Now I'm left with a permanent scar on my forehead, and since I recently got glasses, my friends purposely annoy me by calling me Harry Potter. :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 20:22:13 UTC Post #54671
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 20:25:43 UTC Post #54672
The thing is, people have these blazing fast PC's but Really slow internet

Where as me, I have a slow PC and DSL.

Anyone who has a PC slower than 500MHz say so, I feel your pain.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-27 20:39:39 UTC Post #54676
So how many pages of Harry Potter have you smoked throught, ZombieLoffe?
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