Here is list of 10 conspiracies currently circulating the network of society. They are certainly probable, given the current state of affairs:
1. Jeb Bush has actively concealed the fact that a homeless woman sitting in a spacecraft hovering over Fairbanks was a background singer for Linda Tripp.
2. Sir. Elton John refuses to believe that a housewife who thinks she saw Elvis in or near the Great Wall of China is wearing a very clever disguise so as to be mistaken for Gary Shandling.
3. John Denver strongly suspects that a Microsoft lackey in Martha's Vineyard can't wait to get the autograph of the Queen of England.
4. Scotland Yard had a visit from a group of Men in Black who said that the seventh son of a seventh son in the White House wants to extract a DNA sample from the cast of Friends.
5. An unknown branch of the government hopes it never comes to be that a KGB agent within seven miles of Denton is secretly feeding false information to Penn and Teller.
6. Al Gore wants you to believe that the tallest person who's visited Fairyland has spent the last five years running from Lee Harvey Oswald.
7. An elite team of government assassins strongly suspects that one of several children in or near Death Valley wants to extract a DNA sample from your frontal cortex.
8. George W. Bush knows that it's only a matter of time before the tallest person within seven miles of John Malcovitch's head can't wait to get the autograph of several small crustaceans.
9. J. Michael Straczyinski knows that it's only a matter of time before the first child due south of a covert government medical facility has caused the resignation of conspiracy theorists worldwide.
10. William Jefferson Clinton was told by visitors from the future that an illegitimate child of Elvis last spotted in the Bermuda Triangle is pregnant with the love child of a gigantic killer moth.