Stealth fans: Look now! Created 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:48:00 UTC by Vassy Vassy

Created 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:48:00 UTC by Vassy Vassy

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 16:48:00 UTC Post #57308
I'm currently working on a short spirit map pack, which will involve lots of stealth, including avoiding cameras, eliminating guards before they can activate an alarm, and avoiding being spotted. It's set in an installation in Siberia, which appears to just be a standard military camp, but has secret, illegal operations taking place underground.

I don't know how far I'll get with this pack, but if I get anywhere, I'll post some screens when it starts to show some promise.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 17:07:00 UTC Post #57316
Good to see you progressing something Vassy...
Well done, I hope it all works for you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 19:26:44 UTC Post #57335
Sounds extremely good to me. I just hope there are silent kills, after all, that's what makes stealth so great!

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 03:03:59 UTC Post #57421
Good luck :)

I'd like to play this.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 13:09:09 UTC Post #57557
I'm going to include a silenced glock (to replace the original). It will sound silenced, although it'll probably attract loads of guards ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 14:53:24 UTC Post #57578
No alterations to the code then?
GL and ... hf.. uh.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 15:32:50 UTC Post #57581
w00teh for stealth.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 16:35:48 UTC Post #57616
If you are going to modify the programming, which I know you're probably not, look at the splinter cell game for ideas. Its all about stealth.

you could set up a way for darkness to hide you from enemies, but it would probably take extensive c++ abilities.

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 16:37:36 UTC Post #57618
Depending on what kind of Stealth you are incorporating into your maps, I'd say this can be a great map pack or a frustrating one. If Infiltration is the main stream Stealth don't make it hard. I'll probably speak for a lot of people when I say this. If you've every tried playing anygame that included just a little bit of Infiltration and it was hard, restarting over and over gets old very quick. On the other hand if you make the infiltration part medium difficulty and don't base the entire map pack off of it, then I'd say you'd have a pretty dandy map pack. Hope it turns out great and good luck.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 17:33:29 UTC Post #57659
You DO know I'm already doing something like this right? How come I'm not getting this kind of support for Life Gear! I hate you all!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 05:16:29 UTC Post #57735
Quiet you! :P

I'm just thinking how much this sounds like the first level in Timesplitters 2.

The stealth element in a game should be a fun addition, as opposed to an absolute necessity. I'm a big fan of the unrealistic but fun AI where you jump out at an enemy, attack him then hide again, after which he just forgets about it. Splinter cells stealth my be realistic, but trying not to be noticed THAT hard makes for an infuriating game that will gather dust in the corner. (just ask my copy splinter cell pandora tommorrow!)
Good luck Seb!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 08:31:18 UTC Post #57759
I hate you all!
Calm down ;) maybe people just like his story more.

Off-topic, I think you shoulda kept your original nick, Worldcraft dude. Was much more distinctive somehow.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 08:42:47 UTC Post #57762
Yeah, a name and a number, how gey is that :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 11:28:43 UTC Post #57790
It's based on the first level of TS2...that's where I got the idea. It won't be frustrating stealth either. It's not "get seen and you fail instantly". However, being seen will make it a lot harder, since guards will run to activate alarms, which will trigger endlessly spawning grunts. The only time the "get seen and you fail instantly" idea happens is at the very start, when you're being smuggled into the base in the back of a truck. And you'll only get seen if you shoot the guards by the road when you're being driven in. So hold your fire! Actually, even better, don't shoot anyone until you get inside, since you will start with only a crowbar, and a silenced pistol with one clip of ammo.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 11:33:39 UTC Post #57792
Its all good then. ;) Please give a hev suit before weapons, I hate seeing the HEV suit arms in weapon models when you havent got it on!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 15:07:17 UTC Post #57820
Can't wait until I see that!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 17:01:32 UTC Post #57848
Off-topic, I think you shoulda kept your original nick, Worldcraft dude. Was much more distinctive somehow.
No kidding, nt only that but now for some reason nobody seems to respect me anymore. I'm serious! Ever since I converted my account everything seems to be under the impression that I'm a completely different person!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 17:06:54 UTC Post #57854
just change back dammit! change back!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-09 17:49:18 UTC Post #57862
ARR! I'll change back when SWAN MAN IS REVIVED!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 03:02:06 UTC Post #57892
It's hard to keep in mind who's who when you change your nicks and avatars. If you keep an avatar very long, it should stay; like your mulletman and my monkey.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 04:22:41 UTC Post #57908
Also handy would be to use the same nickname everywhere (as well as avatar or sig)...

As for Vassy's mod:
Please, please let the player know what he needs to do at the start of the mod. I've seen way too many mods now that suppose the player knows exactly where to go and what to do while it's just not obvious. From Half-Life I remember I always had a goal, something to head for or to do. I hope you won't make that mistake unlike many others did...
Endlessy spawning grunts are a real pain. From MoHAA, I remember having killed everyone and still got soldiers after me. That's just frustrating... there would be other ways to encourage stealth-play...
Also, you plan on having playtesters?

But, how's progress?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 05:02:25 UTC Post #57910
Spawning monsters wouldnt be that bad if it only happened for a certain ammount of time when the alarm is raised, a la Metal Gear Solid. But as captain P said, clear objectives are imperitive to gameplay. Thats the difference between stealth infiltration and lurking in someones garden at night...which i...dont do....-anyways I reckon a mission briefing would be a good introduction, like Hitman....I didnt realise i had so many stealth games for playstation!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 13:35:03 UTC Post #58024
I might have playtesters...and I might find an alternative to endless soldiers. Maybe I'll limit it to a squad of 8. And you'll have objectives/radio messages popping up onscreen regularly, so you'll know exactly what to do.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 13:48:35 UTC Post #58031
wcdude, i cant get swan man back! my brother deleted the contents of my pics folder and HE IS GONE!!! i shall try redrawing him, but he will never be the same again...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 14:43:48 UTC Post #58037
Why the hell do people let fellas like bigsteve live? It's not acceptable. Like ieatmonkeychow's opressive brothers. RISE UP! RISE LIKE YEAST!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 16:57:13 UTC Post #58067
Fine I'll start a poll and see how many peolpe want me to stay as Coolfat3459 or go back to Worldcraft Dude. Vassy, could you exaplin the story a little more? All we know is your in Siberia and your going in some underground military base.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 17:05:19 UTC Post #58070
YEAST I TELL YE! it sucks, no matter how hard i try i cant get him back. would someone else like to try their hands at it? only using mspaint mind, none of this fancy stuff.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 17:13:56 UTC Post #58076
I, unfortunately can't remember what he looked like, but I shall try anyway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-10 17:59:50 UTC Post #58088
I remeber exactly what Swan Man looked like. But dang I lost my picture of mullet Swan Man!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 05:26:56 UTC Post #58185
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-11 06:07:52 UTC Post #58186
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