[quote]This actually isn't all that complicated but it IS a new effect that's possible with the latest development build of Spirit of Half-Life.
example mapNote: changes from 0.42 to 0.43 have broken the behavior and positioning of the train in this level, but the train is unrelated to this effect - ignore it.
When you start this level, you exit an elevator and immediately go into "bullet time" (for lack of a better phrase). A grunt down the hall immediately (but in slow motion) starts to attack you. You move and fire in slow motion as well, but your ability to look around (and aim) is unhindered. As well, when the bullet time starts and ends, there is a triggered "wooshing" sound, and during bullet time, there is a deep breathing/heartbeat sound.
The effect is a combination of new and old entities. It's all controlled by a multi_manager that is activated by a trigger_once when you exit the elevator. The multi_manager has the following properties.
* (0) activates a trigger_command which sets the host_framerate to 0.01
* (0) activates an ambient_generic which plays a wooshing sound (ambience/port_suckin1.wav)
* (0) activates an ambient_generic which loops a breathing-type sound
* (2.5) activates an ambient_generic which plays a reverse of the first wooshing sound (ambience/port_suckout1.wav)
* (3) toggles the "breathing" ambient_generic off
* (3) activates a trigger_command which sets the host_framerate to 0 (normal speed)
The new entity is the trigger_command which lets you to send commands to the console, allowing you to set cvars and console commands. This command can be used for evil (unbind all) so it'll be a good idea to either thoroughly check Spirit maps before running them, or download them from somewhere where you trust them to have already checked.
Um... comments? I think this effect is rad.