I got an Idea 2 Created 20 years ago2004-09-26 14:15:43 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Created 20 years ago2004-09-26 14:15:43 UTC by BrattyLord BrattyLord

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 14:15:43 UTC Post #62194
Well guys, the first TWHLmix is coming to an end. Lets hope it is finished soon.

Now, here we can plan for our next try at this, TWHLmix2.

Here is what I suggest:

We make a website, styled in TWHL style if atom lets us. This could be where we make this thing work. A perminant hardcopy list on a page. A homepage explaining the project. a member list. Disscussion list. All that, if we can.

We could do multiple projects, for different MODS. We first can do a mix CS map, or do a HL2 map when HL2 comes out.

To speed up production, we could, at the start, decide on a theme, and each make our maps before it comes your way. Someone could make the first map, then take screenies to show the theme. Then, we each make our part and follow the list to add it in where we want, and then, I could recieve it at the end and fix it all up nice and perty ;) .

Sounds good?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 14:40:35 UTC Post #62197
I thought there was going to be a mods section on twhl anyways...why bother members scattering stuff on other sites?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-26 14:42:25 UTC Post #62200
Blimey, that sounds too. I will do the site then ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 19:01:59 UTC Post #63006
Hey, can you guys reply, or are we not going to do this again?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-29 20:11:39 UTC Post #63015
I can help with the site's design, I'm a graphics artist, as well as coding the HTML. I would also like to do the maps.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 07:42:07 UTC Post #63094
we should also use geocities to accomplish this-- Its fairy easy and there is no templates, which makes the site original, or you could go to view, then source on the tabs copy it into a notepad and save it as twhl.html and then we will have an exact copy of this page with little changes-- with moderators permission of course. I can accomplish that If you guys want---I want to be somewhat a part of this project.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 07:52:28 UTC Post #63106

Geocities isn't good. We have people which are very skilled with PHP and stuff, so lets let them do it.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 08:20:19 UTC Post #63112
we should also use geocities to accomplish this-- Its fairy easy and there is no templates, which makes the site original, or you could go to view, then source on the tabs copy it into a notepad and save it as twhl.html and then we will have an exact copy of this page with little changes-- with moderators permission of course. I can accomplish that If you guys want---I want to be somewhat a part of this project.
That's absurd. The Geocities bit I mean.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 08:35:16 UTC Post #63116
The post orginally was more offencive but Seventh edited it.
/me doesn't like.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 10:17:40 UTC Post #63140

<3 jaardsi
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 16:15:59 UTC Post #63254

Jaardsi, can you do some good HTML for us? If so, you could work with spark and make the site...

for now, we need to plan what to put on the site, here is my recommendation:

1: Homepage. explaining the project, with news and suck. Looks good with a screenshot of the TWHLmix1 to attract people. Commentary by me.

2: Staff. Not really staff, but a list of the members. A special thanks to people like haz who try and keep this thing going.

3: Finished Projects. Screenshots from all the things we've done.

4: In Progress. Here you can see which lists are in progress, and join the ones you want. You can see whats going on in the production world.

5: (Optional) Forums, if you can... Not sure about this one, but, we could brainstorm topics and such here.

What else could we have?
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 16:21:06 UTC Post #63257
Uuuuh, I could help..! I love you really Bratty!11!
Fine, ok jahzel is better at html. But I mean, i'm fucking stronger than him and i'll break your legs if you dont let me.

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 06:43:34 UTC Post #63340
I cant help whith the site but its realy a great idea!
Just so you know...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 08:07:05 UTC Post #63355
I see you're serious.
BL has listed important points.
Most important is a leader who is fully dedicated to this projects and who has no mercy with people who voilate the rules.
Also all the participants need to be able to stick with a time schedule.
Otherwise there will be no result at all.

But let's finish TWHLmix1 first, please.

Jaardsi, finnish your part! :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 09:34:07 UTC Post #63377
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 16:12:47 UTC Post #63447

I have been the leader at the start, so I think I should continue doing this, although we are a group, not a dictatorship.

I have more time now than before.

and, read my post in "I got an Idea"remade as a response to you saying "but let's finnish TWHLmix1 first, please".

People who want to do site:

You guys can work together if you want, otherwise I think jaardsi has the ball.


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