Well guys, the first TWHLmix is coming to an end. Lets hope it is finished soon.
Now, here we can plan for our next try at this, TWHLmix2.
Here is what I suggest:
We make a website, styled in TWHL style if atom lets us. This could be where we make this thing work. A perminant hardcopy list on a page. A homepage explaining the project. a member list. Disscussion list. All that, if we can.
We could do multiple projects, for different MODS. We first can do a mix CS map, or do a HL2 map when HL2 comes out.
To speed up production, we could, at the start, decide on a theme, and each make our maps before it comes your way. Someone could make the first map, then take screenies to show the theme. Then, we each make our part and follow the list to add it in where we want, and then, I could recieve it at the end and fix it all up nice and perty .
Sounds good?