trigger_hurt Created 20 years ago2004-09-27 07:12:20 UTC by Drek Drek

Created 20 years ago2004-09-27 07:12:20 UTC by Drek Drek

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 07:12:20 UTC Post #62356
I've created a map, and it is almost done, however, I have one major problem. There is a large crevace with lava at the bottom in the middle of the map and I have created two trigger_hurts, one in the lava and one on top of the lava so that you are killed if you fall into the lava, and take damage if you get close to the lava - this is a Natural Selection map so it will be possible to fly close to the lava.

However, I jumped off the bridge into the lava to test the triggers, only the map crashed when I entered the first trigger. I am assuming I did something wrong. I've read the blurb in the entities about trigger_hurt, I've searched these forums for probably at least an hour, I've searched the internet, but I can't seem to find any good answers. What does "master" do, and how does it work? Is it necessary when using the trigger_hurt, or is it only necessary when the trigger hurt can be turned off and on by another trigger of some sort? Does anyone know of a good tutorial for trigger_hurts?

Thanks in advance.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 07:16:59 UTC Post #62358
master is used to turn it on/off via another entity, yes.

but why it crashes is a mystery, perhaps post the exact entity set up you used, all you should have is a large brush covering the area you want to hurt, textured with aaatrigger and set it to a trigger_hurt, set teh damage to soemthign reasonable, like 50 and that's it.

there's no secret tricks (except using a minus hurt number to give health.

you should use func_water textured with lava and set it to hurt, maybe
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 10:30:00 UTC Post #62400
I'm wondering if it crashed because I was in cheat mode. I think this is something I am going to have to check at the NS forums - damn, forgot to recharge my mouse... again...

I will post the map though in problems again. I'll link to it here. Thanks for the quick response.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 10:38:52 UTC Post #62404
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 10:46:05 UTC Post #62406
After testing it again I think the trigger_hurt is working properly, I think there is a problem with dying in NS when you are in cheat mode on a listenserver. I turned on noclip and flew into the trigger_hurt and I took damage properly, it is just when I would have died the game crashed. So I guess I won't post the map after all.

Hopefully I will be able to post the completed map after tonight's compile. :D


You'd think it would be a simple thing to remember to put my damned mouse in its cradle every night when I go to bed, but can I remember this one simple thing? nooooooo...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 11:55:58 UTC Post #62411
Are your two trigger_hurts overlapping?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 11:56:43 UTC Post #62413
he just said he fixed it =/
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 11:57:38 UTC Post #62414
also, like i said, use func_water and have that give damage, instead of having a trigger_hurt in a func_water.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 17:32:50 UTC Post #62484
Well, I didn't fix it, I just figure it is an NS beta problem. The trigger_hurts aren't overlapping, but there are two trigger_hurts touching each other. Is this the problem, and not the NS beta? Although it seems strange to me that this would be the problem because it is only when I am about to die that the listenserver crashes. I take the damage no problem.

The brush in question is above the func_water, so that you take damage when you fly too close to the "lava".
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 18:18:47 UTC Post #62498
Well, try not having any trigger_hurts touching eachother (That sounds nasty) and see what happens.
If all fails, submit to the problem vault.
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