Intentional fullbright? Created 20 years ago2004-09-27 16:41:43 UTC by Soup Miner Soup Miner

Created 20 years ago2004-09-27 16:41:43 UTC by Soup Miner Soup Miner

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 16:41:43 UTC Post #62468
Is there a way to make a map fullbright without all the error? I want to make my horror map lit up everywhere (you'll see it when its done and know why) without using so many lights.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 17:35:42 UTC Post #62490
If its outside, you might use a light_environment and then set it to 255 255 25555555555555 (just hold it a little)
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 17:57:21 UTC Post #62493
Play a bit with this RAD parameter:
-colourgamma R G B
R, G and B can range from 0 to 1, where 0 is darkest and 1 is brightest. This parameter controls the overall brightness of your map.

Another trick you may want to try out is to let all your used textures emit some light, e.g. adding them all to the .rad file.

Or just don't add lights, you'll get full-brightness instant! But that's indeed a mappers horror... :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 19:48:06 UTC Post #62503
theres this cool new thing called a forum search... just incase you missed this thread from a couple days ago :P :
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-27 22:55:16 UTC Post #62556
Just don't run RAD.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 08:12:25 UTC Post #62644
No, if I dont run rad then I get r_speeds errors, this map is huge and I don't to relive a certain inceddiant from long ago. Well as for adding light to my walls. Can it even be done without making them an entity?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 08:16:01 UTC Post #62645
How do I do that thing with RAD setting it to 1 or something like that without using a batch compiler?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 08:40:19 UTC Post #62648
In the rad parameters type, -colourgamma 1 1 1 for full bright. I'm not sure about the u in colour though, since coloUr isn't a worldwide word.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 09:07:33 UTC Post #62657
Where are the rad perameters. :

Sorry if I confuse anyone by saying this is a huge map. its huge as in total size, not huge as in open areas. There are absolutely no open areas in this map and r_speeds so far have maxed out at 100.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 09:38:21 UTC Post #62665
that sounds like a very bland map.

I have an HI map currently sitting at 950w, with no detail :o

I believe rad parameters is in teh zhlt compile tools.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-28 19:43:56 UTC Post #62813
Bland?! Im sorry if 100 is too low for an indoor map! Im sorry I have no wish for leaks in my map. I'm sorry I can't peak a hallway out at 999999999w poly. now could somone please tell me where the rad perimeters are in the normal Worldcraft compiler screen? because saw nothing even after switching to expert mode. Unless I type it ll in the additional game parameters space.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 02:40:29 UTC Post #62848
-> Expert, then on the end of the $RAD_EXE line, or whatever it's called. Tired :zonked: .
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:48:36 UTC Post #62853
Or, using ZHLT tweak them to your liking, but I'd just not bother putting a light in, or use a light environment and max out the brightness.

and all i'm saying is 100 w poly sounds like it must be 2 walls a roof and a ceiling, a door if we're lucky, in fact... all i'm saying is detail that sh*t up in this here mother f**ker!111!!11!1!11!!111!!1!!!1

99999999w poly woudl be really laggy, you must be some kind of noob to think you could get away with that
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:50:54 UTC Post #62855
Exactly, you add parameters in Expert mode, just like you would add start parameters to programs in their shortcuts. Only in Hammer'
s expert compile box, there's a special parameter box for every program/line.

As for RAD... you can easily not run it as it has nothing to do with the VIS process... When you haven't run VIS, RAD will automatically not be able to run, but it's not the other way around... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 04:52:36 UTC Post #62858
100 wpoly's doesn't sound very appealing to me. Unless you have extremely nice textures, and are using prop models to great extend...

No, 100 wpoly's offers a lot of room for details...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-29 18:51:29 UTC Post #63005
I have extremely distubrbing textures. they look like neon but mixed with a freakish twist. You'll understand when you see it. but I'm not paying so much attention to detail as I am making all my custom textures from scratch and getting the right sounds. I probably spend about 5 times more time making textures and looking for sounds than I do actualy making the map. In other words, you won't be paying attention to detail becuase you will be cringing in a feeble position in the corner of your room.
I post too many long posts.
Expert/rad path. Gotcha, thanks.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-30 18:34:56 UTC Post #63292
Well, I got the fullbright to work, yay, unfortuatley the map lagged out because of it, boo.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 04:28:34 UTC Post #63316
Liek I said, have a really bright light_environment, or a really bright light, don't fullbright, it's an error.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 18:42:11 UTC Post #63492
But its a 95% indoor map with tons of curves and teleports so i can only acheive full "brightosity" by adding tons of lights, unfortunatley.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 03:46:54 UTC Post #63536
You may want to use the '-bounce x' parameter too then. Set it to a high value, so light rays bounce around more than just once, resulting in a brighter and more equally lit map. More bounces don't really take a lot of extra compile time (but the more bounces you have, the less effect the later ones will have).
I think '-bounce 4' or '-bounce 5' would be a good value here.

And you should look to the Fade option of light entities. Setting this to a lower amount than 1 causes the light to cover a larger area, e.g. the light reaches further. It may take some experimenting to get this right though, but could really be helpfull in your case.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 07:58:32 UTC Post #63578
You can adjust the amount of minimum allowable light in the entire level by using the -ambient parm in the $light.exe compile command. For almost dark areas, I set mine to -ambient .0047 .0047 .0047 which barely lights up the dark areas of the map. I'm guessing that a setting of -ambient 1.0 1.0 1.0 would give the fullbright effect you are looking for without the lag. (Unless the lag is caused by something else...your mapping skills perhaps?)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:01:14 UTC Post #63579
(Unless the lag is caused by something else...your mapping skills perhaps?)
ooh, burned.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 10:28:13 UTC Post #63607
Not by something else. Its the fullbright for sure.
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