Thankyou NuclearDog for clearing that up for a stupid person who either doesn't know how to log in, or chooses not to log in to hide his stupidity. I was actually complimenting NuclearDog.
So go and stick that up your ass, or stick your penis up your grandma's ass, like you told me in that other thread.
Here is a tip for you NuclearDog: Don't listen to Anonymous people. I will explain to you what these people are. Anonymous people are n00bs who used to be members, but were too stupid to take peoples advice and kept posting shit maps every day. They eventually get to the point where they can't take any more insults or critisism, that they actually get to the point of leaving TWHL. Nowadays, they just come back and don't sign in.
So there you go. If Anonymous offends you in anyway, do not defend yourself, but rather go on the offense and start baggin' them back. Because Anonymous has the mind of a 2 year old, there is no way he would be able to out-tease you.
And nice little thing about Capital Letters. It's always nice to have someone with a sense of humour. Unlike some people
looks at anonymousAnd it's nice to see you stopped signing your posts. It's also good to see you taking the advice of not signing your posts. We now know you are a mature member, who is able to take critisism and do something about it.
Well done. Now if you don't mind, I am using that Capital letters thing as my MSN name.