Game was 'two player against the world" combat, with isometric view. Well, it was like STREETS OF RAGE, PUNISHER, GOLDEN AXE...
2D graphic, Sprites and sprites and sprites...
You were able to chose between 4 players.
1. Knight (the guy was in Full Plate , and caring Morning star(i think...))
2. Witch (she throws magic at enemies (fire burning in from the ground... like inferno from Diablo1))
3. Ninja ( he throws shurikens)
4. Rogue (i'm not sure it was rogue, but it was a guy in Cloak with Quarterstaff)
Ok, all levels were in some fantasy world, lots of weird monsters, orcs, dragons and stuff....
I remember that first level was in a medievil castle. when you fight your way to the roof of a castle some wizzard teleports the Princes (thet you were suposed to rescue) and summon the BIG DRAGON (who is bos for lvl 1)
Players were able to throw magic... with each kill gives few points to MANA POOL.
And last thing, i've played this game on , i think NEO-GEO. ( i adont know english word for this, but i've played it on a automat (if you undesdtand what i saed now...))
I will appreciate any suggestion you have...