here is my favourite word "u" do u understand what it means on the internet? if not then piss off u
and that goes to all of u
do u understand you = u it is internet slang are we not on the internet I say who ever gets vexed at that does not understand the internet and
should there for not be on rather in a writing block or in freakings novel camp either givin the teach a blowjob or an apple which ever gets u the freaking "a" im sick of this shit almost every thread there is some idiot making some stupid comment on writing dont u guys get it that last post i made about spelling i was freaking mocking u all lighten u p u airheaded pompuses and freaking well map i wil not from this day ever again use grammer ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and u guys have ruined that
like i said this is the internet
i know i have proper english in the REAL WORLD so i have nothing to prove to u pompus shits hear that have nothing better to do then pic at peeps why cant we all just get along there are so many idiotic haters on here it isnt funny .for a community like i said before this place is very negative now for the rest of u that actually come hear to map and not
worry about the bull shit politics that have infected this website lets get along and finish what the manifest destiny of this site has set out to do make great maps for a great game