Coding...HOW???? Created 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:52:20 UTC by TheBlackViper TheBlackViper

Created 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:52:20 UTC by TheBlackViper TheBlackViper

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:52:20 UTC Post #68023
I'm taking up simple coding (if there is such a thing) mand I would like to be directed to getting started tutorials (tutorials that tell you what all software you need, how it all works stuff like that) PS Im doing weapon coding
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:57:20 UTC Post #68027
I don't know of any tutorials myself, but I will offer the helpful advice that no one at this site knows how to code for Half Life (To my extensive knowledge).
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-20 21:57:31 UTC Post #68028
First, I'd suggest picking up a book on C++ coding, and learn about the basics of C++. (Some libraries now have eBook programs, most of which contain lots of coding books - see if yours does.)

Once you've got the basics of C++ down, you'll need the Half-Life SDK. As far as I know, it's at the ERC somewhere. Otherwise, Google it.

I'd assume the ERC would be the place to go for coding stuff and tuts as well.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 06:33:24 UTC Post #68072
It's been the VERC for yonks, Rabid :P

The SDK itself is here, with two versions available (full, including models, textures, etc, and a source-only one).

Wavelength is a good coding site for HL. Try this listing on Planet HL too.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 07:54:09 UTC Post #68101
Once you've got the basics of C++ down, you'll need the Half-Life SDK.
I've been working in C and C++ for about 25 years and I suggest that once you get the basics down, play around with advanced stuff for maybe 3 to 6 months before even thinking about messing with the SDK.

Compiling and debugging dll's is not for the faint of heart.

If you're serious about it, visit A development environment capable of working efficiently with the SDK will run you about 100 to 200USD.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 11:08:42 UTC Post #68137
Brian Johnson? lol no way hehehe

That's funny shizzle mah nizzle

So how did you get into C++, I'm really interested in learnign it; any tips for a newbie?

Free compilers would be a great start :P

But any words of wisdom... :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 11:18:23 UTC Post #68141
That site has some great .NET Framework tutorials/information
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 11:40:15 UTC Post #68146
Getting a free compiler is fine for starters, PaLO. Get a decent "How To" book (lots of those come with a compiler). Work through it thoroughly.

Remember, though, with regard to compilers, that you pretty much get what you pay for. That is, a free compiler may be just a compiler - like hlbsp.exe. No interface, no editor, no WYSIWYG. You may have to edit files in Notepad or the like and feed the compiler manually.

The concept is similar to HL mapping, though. A GUI interface (integrated editor, debugger, project manager) like VHE, a compiler that you can launch from the interface or commandline like hlbsp, and the final platform your product is to run under - HL for mapping, Windows for C/C++.

If you want to mess with the HL SDK, be forewarned. Just setting up your compiler, batch files, etc., to compile it successfully before you even mess with the code will be a pretty big challenge. It would be similar to someone giving you a .rmf to modify that should run under Steam. You haven't a clue at first as to how to set up your compiler for steam. Only setting up an SDK is a lot harder.

Working with the HL SDK means you'll be modifying code to compile into hl.exe or one of its dlls (you'll have to figure out where the code is that does what you want to change). Then, after you compile, you'll run HL to see if you did what you want to do. And there's very little you can do with hl.exe or its dlls to find out why it doesn't work, particularly because it's working behind an OpenGL or DirectX mask. You ever try to get out of a graphics program that isn't working right?? And it won't, the first time.

Spend time in the C and C++ programming newsgroups and programming forums like you would with HL mapping. There are programming communities out there very similar to TWHL.

If you do get into C/C++ programming, I recommend sticking with Microsoft products. That really hurts to say because I do not like Microsoft Corp. and I really love Borland products. However, when you google for help, 90% of it is going to be for Microsoft stuff and has most of the manuals available online.

Hope that helps.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 12:17:17 UTC Post #68152
Thanks alot, it's pretty much what I started to do anyway, the biggest problem I'm having is compiling teh programs, so I guess I might just buy a decent program with all the frills.
What do you use? or reccomend?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 12:50:28 UTC Post #68155
I don't have an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) right now as I just upgraded machines and my old Borland software won't run on XP.

I'll probably get MS Visual C++ here pretty soon.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 13:49:04 UTC Post #68165
Ok, thanks for your help, I'll be sure to ask you for links to coding forums :P
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 20:37:35 UTC Post #68191
I have experimented in many different programing languages. I have found visual basic to be the easiest, and C++ to be the most effective. Java's only real advantage over C++ is the unique applet system that Java is famous for, so do not try Java.


I did not read most of the earlyer posts, because I really don't have the time, but I hope my bit of information helps, and has not been said.

I suggest that you start small with C++, learn the basics. You need to get a book, and online tutorials always work well. Play around. That is the best way to learn. You learn from your mistakes, and you can incourage mistakes by playing around, therefore making learning a faster process. Do not touch the Half-Life SDK for a long time. Learn C++ if you really do want to code.

Most people when faced with this reality say "Oh, thats too much work, nevermind", but don't be like that. Programming languages are great recources to learn, and can help you with all your technological walks of life.

I know I have offered this same advice, "Playing around with stuff", for mapping, texturing, whatever, but, it really works, so get out there and have fun with your learning, and I hope to see you become a great programmer some day. some day.

There is no such thing as simple coding. You need to look big in order to obtain small. Learn more than you have to, and the small stuff will look like a cinch.

Some people will tell you " don't go too fast now, you'll be confused". I tell you now. Go fast. Be confused. It helps.

I know what I have wrote here is more philosophy of learning than simple coding, but, you need to know it all.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-22 11:17:40 UTC Post #68332
Meh, I have two books on c++ now and I'm looking into gettign a compiler (I'd still like a link to d/l teh one taht you guys reckon is the best), I've been playing with some simpel caclulator style programs, but I need to run them to9 see if it all works.

I don't want to learn coding to make a mod, I just want to learn as much about c++ as I can so I can go get a job as a programmer, or even get an unpaid job as a mod's coder, and get into teh industry like that.

I'm just doing it all, and seeing which glove fits best.

Thanks for your take on the whole thing, I'm glad to say we have a very similar philosophy, so perhaps I'm heading in the right direction.
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-04 16:03:03 UTC Post #71563
looks v hard by tutorial on wavelengh :confused:
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 07:18:44 UTC Post #71665
Meh, those are crap imho =/
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 08:38:53 UTC Post #71677

That was me? :x
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 08:41:48 UTC Post #71678
I don't have a clue mate, I'm sure you just point the model to take on teh 'dead' animation.

Try looking through the HL SDK
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 08:53:01 UTC Post #71679
Get MSVC++6.0, i don't care how. :P

Then go to the VERC site and check out the Half-Life coding tutorials/articles.
Quick link:

Try to follow these. I suggest you try these out:
Dynamic Lighting
FatBoy Mode (ROFL one)
Customizable Hud Color
Dynamically Resizing Models

Just some funny stuff to try out. :)
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 09:29:08 UTC Post #71691
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 10:56:19 UTC Post #71719
Coding is a 'no-go zone' for people like me who havent got a clue what it all means and probably will never.... I just leave it to the coding anoraks...
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 12:03:08 UTC Post #71738
they prefer to be called nerds, or .. wait for it: boffs !! :o omg lollerskates roflism hehe hoho haha hihi
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 12:06:28 UTC Post #71741
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-05 13:48:34 UTC Post #71766
Coding, woot woot.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2004-11-07 00:12:25 UTC Post #72038
This is what I did, was I got the SDK, read some tutorials, fallow what it says and you start to get feel of how things work. That's what I did and I'm pretty far in my mod. But now that HL2 came out, I'll have to re-do it! Oh well...
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