Model download section Created 20 years ago2004-09-27 17:30:29 UTC by Luke Luke

Created 20 years ago2004-09-27 17:30:29 UTC by Luke Luke

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 16:57:56 UTC Post #63478
because i know you think my name is steve.

you seem to have a very sensitive spam-spot. im posting about the current topic (twhl model vault). the only reason it wouldnt be %100 on topic is that im disagreeing with you. now whats that law say? something about "freedom of speech" perhaps...

if you want to get permission, your going to have to email the hundreds of model owners out there. and how do you know theyre going to reply? how do you know they still use that email adress?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 18:16:15 UTC Post #63489
Oh and another bad thing about the vault is that people will claim models as theyre own.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 19:02:22 UTC Post #63496
Here's my two cents.

Concentrate on updating for HL2 and have some industrious member (like someone who has posted positively in this very thread) create a decent list of links for models, prefabs, sounds, textures and anything else related to HL that the admin can use to update the "Links" page. That way, you come here for mapping, but all the related aspects of mapping are accessible.

Not even a penny's worth there, really...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 20:49:28 UTC Post #63500
you payin for the additional site space needed?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 21:22:55 UTC Post #63514
Peace, learn your place at TWHL. And that is very immature that you changed your av to that.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-01 21:42:34 UTC Post #63518
Look, you wanna do a model download thing, then do it on your own. Forget about doing it here as not many are supporting it, especially with the strong arguements against it.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 04:35:44 UTC Post #63538
And not so strong arguments for it.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 06:41:11 UTC Post #63547
I said I liked teh idea, and I can handle that TWHL don't want to do it, shit, I even said I'd pay for teh space (if you actually read the posts) and that I was going to do it anyway, so like.. yeah whatever.

davideo: what is "my place" ?
I changed my av because of an immature spammer.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 07:45:23 UTC Post #63571
where the hells my post!?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 07:49:29 UTC Post #63576
I said: not replying to steves noobish posts

however, I would like to know what your problem is. Either you disagree with everything I say, and feel the need to attempt to put me down whenever I post (for the last two or three days), or you are just spamming mindelssly, I would go and collect examples of this such behaviour, but to be honest, I haven't got teh time to waste on such a pedantic measure (pleae take note, steve)

The post was created on the 27th sep, I made my first post on teh 28th, I have revived nothing, I made an agreeing statement to ieatmonkeychow's thread.

So for teh last time, and I won't say it again, just drop it, there's no need to argue, and if you're so god-damn intelligible you'll understand that it's pretty lame to spam arguements in threads, when they have nothng to do with teh thread.

Or are you just cranky because you are scottish? I'd be pissed off too if I had to drink malt whiskey for breakfast, and eat haggis for lunch, top it all off with a big bag of misery for dinner.

PS: I'm from teh UK, so if you have any real problems, let me know, and we can sort them out face to face...

Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 07:52:59 UTC Post #63577
Or are you just cranky because you are scottish? I'd be pissed off too if I had to drink malt whiskey for breakfast, and eat haggis for lunch, top it all off with a big bag of misery for dinner.
thank you for showing me how immature i really am, and how mature and perfect you are yourself. we should all follow this shining example of a perfect man.

i didnt say you had revived any threads, i just said i didnt. and im still waiting for some sort of explenation to my constant "spamming". ive not disagreed with everything youve said. maybe its time you started realizing theres other people out there, with their own opinions, and you cant resort to mindless accusations every time one of them shows their opinions to be different to yours.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:12:57 UTC Post #63582
I sort of agree with many here but it would be nice to have models here aswell, since im starting to feel comfortable here, thus i've not been her for so long as many as you have been.

I don't want ministeve and Peace & LOve to argue so much, sort it out guys, you just have different opinions, and thats great, but don't argue so much. It ruins the joy for us others to be in this community. If you wan to argue take it private in irc or something, i dont care.

I would like to see texture and models section and all that, but it takes much time and effort just to keep this site running. I would like to help you with that modelling site of yours if i can peace and love, since nobody here care to TRY to do anything, get more ppl to this site...

You guys complained about Atom not posting the compo results? Maybe it havent crossed your mind that Atom really has a life, i dont know how old he is but i'd guess he is a grown-up with not so much free time...
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:18:30 UTC Post #63583
i agree with most of that, but if you think the only reason people dont want a model vault is because we dont want more new people your wrong. weve given the reasons multiple times, and the short answer is that it would just be a waste of time. if peace and love wants to make a model vault by himself thats fine. his problem is that he doesnt seem to be able to distinguish between maturity and immaturity, and spam and opinion. he also seems to have gotten the idea that i disagree with everything he says, which isnt true. i dont turn round to him after every post he makes and say "your wrong. i hate you.". to be honest, i dont know where that idea has come from.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:25:16 UTC Post #63584
i understand both of you, as i also get a little irritated when ppl say im wrong (at least in irl). You dont pwN him after every post, i guess peace and love got a little irritated..

I like Rad Brad's idea! that would be nice, if someone care to just make links to sites, that wouldnt be much trouble, at least not as much trouble if you should dl all models and see trhu them all... That links idea would be much more easier to update aswell, example; if some pr0 modeller just has released a splendid new model pack you might just bring that up as a newspost...

But it's said that the moderators/admins dont have acces to post things like compo results and stuff, thats sort of why they are here, i think... Atom should give them more power, or else this site wont last if only one has the power to do such things...

Thats my opinion, i'd gladely accept your opinion, bring it on.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:37:25 UTC Post #63587
Hey! Are we missing something here? A model vault isn't in demand AT ALL. I don't exactly see thousands of forums posts saying "Look at my new model". So why bother? You want to do it, do it yourself.

Discussion Over.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 08:44:52 UTC Post #63589
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 09:38:48 UTC Post #63590
There are some very good suggestions here.
1. Get more members.
2. Get a Model Vault together.
3. Expand...

I like all of them, just the same as I liked so many other ideas over the years.
Getting back to basics, this site was set up to look after people new to mapping, that had a copy of WorldCraft and wanted to get on with it.

That hasn't changed!
While a Model Vault would make a great addition, so would any one of the hundreds of suggestions in this forum.

I believe you should all continue to post these types of suggestions.
You never know... some of them might be incorperated..
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-02 10:26:18 UTC Post #63605
wooteh! i fianlly did something right!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 04:38:27 UTC Post #63789

Please, steve, one more time, read your posts after what I posted, for about 3 days, all I say at the end of my posts was "I disagree with that"

"thats bull"

"what? that movie sucks?"

so, li,e, if you ain't got nothing good to say don't say anything at all.
that's my opinion, I post in threads where I can answer a question or add my opinion to an idea, not to simply disagree with it for the sake of posting in that thread.

An dmy god buddy, immature, fucking hell, I'm not being immature (I can, if you want me to) I'm being pissed off, because if you don't where I got the idea that you were spamming after every post I made, you are pretty f**king switched off, and you must have some kind of disease that makes you anooy people, moan about everything, and disagree for the sake of causing an arguement.
if peace and love wants to make a model vault by himself thats fine. his problem is that he doesnt seem to be able to distinguish between maturity and immaturity, and spam and opinion
How would that hinder me from makign a model database?
I think you just put that in there to make it look liek you're making a constructive criticism, but really it's just a cheap shot.

If you're just posting about the current topic, why did you bring up resident evil in this thread? and why did you think i changed my avatar because of ti, unless you were deliberately trying spark something off.

I've said this too many times, but just drop it, Live and Let Live as Paul McCartney said, and just think before you post, because let's face it, we all spam a little, but I don't we go out of our way t argue with people, I know I don't try and cause arguements, I'm actually here to help people, not just wallow in self pity and give negative comments 100% of teh time.

If you're just posting and keeping in with the thread, why not post an idea as to hwo I could solve a problem, and not just pointing out problemns, liek the email, what would you do to solve that? I'd probably just leave their nake in the credits, and say that the modellers name has to be used in the maps credits and the easter egg.

I used a whole bunch of peoples modles for cs_jungle_assault, I didn't ask one single person if I could, I just included their names in teh credits. Which is enough to satisfy any copyright law. And satisfy the modeller.

So how about this, if you are going to post a negative, try and post a positive as a solution, otherwise you're just being negative all the time, and that can't be any good for your blood pressure, or your Karma.

so chill out and stop being such an ass.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 09:43:40 UTC Post #63824
GGGGGrrrrr, long post.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 20:56:23 UTC Post #63941
This is a mapping site. its not a wally site or 3dmax or what ever the modelling thing is called. i reckon it would be cool but i can just get all that stuff from a bunch of other sites. like if you want prefabs go to it has textures and prefabs.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-03 22:03:19 UTC Post #63947
Everyone using the same models??? Its how people use it that would add to the room, or mood. Its not like you would see EVERY SINGLE MODEL into every map. Some might not even be useable in their maps with what they are thinking. I hardly even use models, but I do use em to spice up the room. MODEL
TheGrimReafer TheGrimReaferADMININATOR
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 01:18:38 UTC Post #63958
yeah, that's a good point, you hae a database of 1000 models, no way in hell are you gonna see them re-used until about 6 months in the future, by which time you have more.

mcmitcho, ejoop is mainly prefabs and not models, prefabs suck c**k if you'll excuse my language. And I only want a modle section, anyone know a good host and wanna build me a site for a bit of cash in return, or anyone just want to help me out. I do maps and models, no good at web building yet, give it time (i have to do it for my job, so i'll have a ripped dreamweaver soon woohoo)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-04 15:25:04 UTC Post #64075
I can mkae databases and such for a site for models... Just email me and tell me the layout. I will accept any cash in the US dollar.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 09:01:20 UTC Post #64409
I'd like to see a demo of what you would do, I want a blue colour pallette and a generally square theme, white font colour and a font similar to this one we're using (whatever taht is)

Will I need to get a seperate server or do you knwo of any good deals, jaardsi, zombieloffe, you guys got any suggestions?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 11:58:21 UTC Post #64472
I'm almost certain that this font is Arial. If you really want, e-mail atom, he might e-mail you the CS sheets.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 12:26:33 UTC Post #64487
I guess, but I'm not too keen on ripping off this site, I just want it to be similar so that people understand that they are together as one.

I only liked this idea because of teh potential to take TWHL into a bigger market place so to speak.

So ieatmonkeychow, ther's your first job, get the TWHL templates, run up a mock, and I'll see if you've got what it takes to do this.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-06 17:25:45 UTC Post #64549
Cascading Style sheets?
You mean this?
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 02:15:53 UTC Post #64562
That'd be the one.

Shoulda checked the source :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 08:21:10 UTC Post #64596
well there you go, it's all there, now get a move on!!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-07 17:07:11 UTC Post #64706
lol, wtf? nice job ZL...

ill do it as soon as im done with these skool projects. And if you goto my website, you can see what i can do with datbases. The only problem is is that you cant register for now. In a little.

What about my payments... seriously, no free jobs...
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 04:35:54 UTC Post #64801
I'll pay you when I see what it will look like, don't go nuts, just a small example of a database, and a homepage, that's only two pages, ish, then I'll eitehr hire you or let you go, hehe :P

I'll pay you when I see if it's gonne be good, and supported, ie : backup!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-08 08:58:03 UTC Post #64828
okay, but how exactly are you gonna pay me? and how much?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 09:38:25 UTC Post #65025
Well if u guys want free space i can provide as much as a gig for your models. I can hook u up with an ftp server to access the files u guys just have to figure out how to upload from the forum to ftp. Let me know if your still interested.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 09:45:47 UTC Post #65027
no, were fine. I got ftp access and all of that and stuff.

unless thats what peaceandlove wants to use...
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 13:13:13 UTC Post #65064
I want the most reliable server, no shit that will end soon or just f**k up all the time. we don't need lots of space, just a small amount to start with.

i can pay you by internet transaction straight into your bank - if yuo have a bank..

I still need to do a little research into this, so gimme a little while..
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 15:06:25 UTC Post #65086
how do you put (insert peace and loves money type here) into a american dollar account?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 16:20:27 UTC Post #65093
i change it via electronic banking, it can be exchanged and moved to your bank in about 5 minutes, internet banking ;)
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 16:30:38 UTC Post #65094
ahh, how much?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-09 17:55:10 UTC Post #65102
Well i have been around for a long time. And i wont be going anywhere.. If you want to pay ill charge $5/month if thats ok.. Let me know.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-11 09:30:23 UTC Post #65409
well, I don't mind that price, it's the whole 'get the site ready to be hosted/posted/and mosted (mosted - whatever :nuts: ) asap'

i'd liek to have it all in one place, and readily accesible, so monkey, do me a favour and get teh ball rolling, it;s on your head now, if you can't be bothered, speak up and let some otehr poor soul have a go.

We'll negotiate a fee upon seeing your submission for teh template.
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 08:50:11 UTC Post #65589
ALright! Damn!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 09:09:24 UTC Post #65597
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 11:49:47 UTC Post #65643
I suggest jaardsis (and the rest of the finnish people), which actually has unlimited hosting (max filesize of 50mb) and it's pretty fast.
Jaardsi should be able to make a 2nd account or something :}
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-12 11:53:25 UTC Post #65647
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 07:33:10 UTC Post #68088
My god... How many times has this forum been shown- :zonked:
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 19 years ago2004-10-21 10:53:09 UTC Post #68131
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