yeah what he said, anyho, i want to map the last bit in halo where you have to excape the ring in the warhog, except i will make it like 5 times harder, AND with a CUT SCENE! I hope the camara is a lot less bugy then before : read down for more details about map.
You start out with a shot gun, and take a vehical inside those inside parking lots. You drive and a cut scene shows a bomb counting down from 3 to 0, and then it blows up. It goes back to normal view, and you drive until something infront of you blows up, and something falls blocking your way. You swerve to the right (or else you die) and more bombs keep blowing the damn place apart. When you get outside, you go on a bridge, but right when your on the bigining of the bridge, part of it blows up, so you fall... thats all i got, i made this up on the spot

how u like it so far? Btw i think i will have them be terorist (in the year 2004 :nuts:)