Hi, I just thought up a project for a CS:S map and thought I'd check out the SDK tools, so this is my first time using Hammer.
I'm doing te beginners 1 walkthrough on this site, and have no problems whatsoever until the 2nd to last step (I'm pretty familiar with AutoCAD and some other similar programs), on that step it asks to create a light entity.
Previously, I created a info_player_start entity. I followed the instructions on that, then when I was ready for my light entity, I chose the selection tool and clicked out in an open area so that nothing is selected. When I click Entity Tool again for the light entity, it tries to edit the first info_player_spawn entity I made. Every. Single. Time. I've been around circles for the past hour.
I also cannot create multiple block. Maybe my original Entity needs to be tied down to something? On the tutorial it tells me just to create it inside of the box in the open space. And, like I say every time I re open the entity tool it always thinks Im trying to edit the first one rather than create a light source.
Let me know what I'm doing wrong if you can, I'm using the SDK Source Tools Hammer, which is obviously the newest one.