Doors and Trains Created 20 years ago2003-05-19 16:27:17 UTC by SirAncelot SirAncelot

Created 20 years ago2003-05-19 16:27:17 UTC by SirAncelot SirAncelot

Posted 20 years ago2003-05-19 16:27:17 UTC Post #736
Howdy hoe, folks!

How do I make a door to follow the train... Like in the intro of the original Half-Life? Is there a way to combine the func_door and func_train or do I need to use a env_global? ...but I don't want to use the env_global to load a new map 'cos it's a Deathmatch map I'm creating...
Posted 20 years ago2003-05-19 17:20:53 UTC Post #737
In orig. HL, an object can only be one entity.

The door following the train in HL is a trick - it's actually fixed while the train is moving.

You could use the 'render' trick: a fake door on the train that does nothing but is a func_wall_toggle.
The 'real' door, sitting on the platform, is rendered invisible (env_render) until the train arrives.
Then the real door is made visible and the fake one is turned off at the same time. Obviously this isn't a perfect solution.

The perfect solution is to get Spirit, a 'base' mod that allows, amongst other things... combined entities!
Posted 20 years ago2003-05-23 05:54:40 UTC Post #738
env_render is on the right track, but that wouldn't work using a func_wall_toggle, since you can have ANY entities move with another in standard HL. Instead, you'd have to make two trains, one completely sealed, with no door, and one stationary with a door opening and a separate func_door. then use env_renders on the trains. Of course I haven't tried this yet, so their may be other problems with the solidity of the invisible train still blocking the player. Darn it, now you made have to go try it out! :)
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