FRP = Fantasy Role Play its not easy (with my english

) to define it perfectley so I'll will copy/paste something here:
(RPG). A roleplaying game is one in
which a referee (the Game Master
or a Dungeon Master)
guides several players through an
?adventure? in which they play the
parts of fictional characters.
Game Master (GM, DM): The referee,
who chooses the adventure, talks
the players through it, and judges
the results.
Get it?
Few of my friend and I gather around, we pick GM (and thats me, they are to lazy for that). Then we pick rules for our little capaign. There are many rules for different setting of campaign. If we are gonna play some fantasy-dragon-killin' setting then we use DnD (Dungeon and Dragons, you've have to hard that! . And there are many other, like cyberpunk, superheroes, horror.... )
Then they create their "character" that they will guide in GM's campaign. And basicly thats it. GM tells the story, and players tries to solve all the riddles and triubles that GM is throwing to them. (but, players often do something totaly unexpected, and then story that GM is prepared go on a totaly diferent way... witch is good). And that is a "real" FRP.
If you still dont understand try to play eny BioWare game. Baldur Gate, Nevervinter Nights (and fallout 1,2 and any other rpg game)... Its the same thing, Dnd rules, you controling characters, but in this case computer is a GM.
Hope this help...