[Seventh-Monkey: I will enforce that, too

Created 21 years ago2003-12-10 15:30:49 UTC by
The story line could be that the annonamouse material could be put in a bucket, forcing all kinds of creepy things out and makeing the bucket swell to enormas size.
The bucket could have minions that hunt down anything that is against the bucket.
All of your old heros and the G-Man get sucked into the bucket and die. A new hero could start with every weapon from the old game and then collect new ones along the way. He could go on a rampage, killing little buckets that create a huge explosion when killed.
When the hero reaches the giant bucket, he has a huge fight, like the one in the first Hald-Life where he fights the big baby thing, where he has to kill all the switches on the bucket.
Then after they are all shot, the bucket kicks the bucket. :lol:
[wow i wasted a lot of time for that lame joke]