K so this is the situation:
Trying to make an awesome map for The Battle Grounds, a revolutionary war mod that kicks ass. The theme of the map is the Americans are storming a small British outpost in Appalachian wilderness, and must ultimately break into the central keep through the big door to win the map (coolness :cool:).
I originally envisioned a breakable and useable door with one of those beams that drop into slots to lock it and keep it from being opened. After realizing that it is impossible to have two entities tied to the same brush I was forced to make two doors, one useable and the other a func_breakable, side by side. I had no trouble making the door and func_breakable, but I ran into trouble when trying to have it lock.
So here is what I want to happen:
The door is able to be opened and closed normally, but when the bar (a func_door_rotating pivoting on the x-axis) is rotated in front of it the door will become locked (thus will force the aggressor team to break through the fake door next to the locked one).
I have tried using multimanagers and multisources but they do not work right. Things usually end up with the door permenantly locked, the bar opening it once and never moving again

Any help (tutorial? ;)) would be greatly appreciated, and thx lots for sitting thru this long-winded post