Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 14:32:53 UTCPost #85883
H guys I was just experimenting with the new hammer, and I was making a box-room with a gun and a light in it (and of course, a playerstart entity) When I compile and play the level, its completley dark. I checked every entity, they arent clipping any walls, or anything. Its a regular yellow light. and I tried light spot and light environment and nothing seems to be working. I just have no light! Any ideas? -It's not FAIR * *
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 15:28:36 UTCPost #85915
I am running rad. I know that for a fact. I placed some combine soldiers in there, and i can see them. They appear rather dark, but i just cant see the gound ,walls, or ceiling.
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-26 15:44:20 UTCPost #85916
Wow. Yeah Guys im sorry. But i tried a new map and it worked. But the entire thing is trivial. I still dont understand why my old map didnt have any light. Oh well. Thanks for the help anyway.