How do I make reflective floors? Or is it not possible with the source engine, still?
After the first question is answered, I have another question about it, how would I make mirrors?
Created 20 years ago2005-01-28 22:28:54 UTC by
"$basetexture" "shadertest/LightmappedTexture"
"$envmap" "shadertest/LightmappedTexture_envmap"
// If the shader falls back to shader "LightmappedGeneric_DX7",
// then the environment map defined in this block will be used instead of the
// one defined above. Since $basetexture isn't defined in this block,
// the original one will be used.
"$envmap" "shadertest/OverrideEnvMap"
// If the shader falls back to shader "LightmappedGeneric_DX6",
// then the base texture defined in this block will be used instead of the
// one defined above. Since $envmap isn't defined in this block, the original
// one will be used.
"$basetexture" "shadertest/OverrideTexture"
}$reflecttexture (texture name)Hmm, something like this on a specular material..?
Texture to use for reflection. For real-time reflections, use ?_rt_WaterRefraction?.