Skybox related enquiry Created 20 years ago2005-01-28 14:32:54 UTC by lachesis lachesis

Created 20 years ago2005-01-28 14:32:54 UTC by lachesis lachesis

Posted 20 years ago2005-01-28 14:32:54 UTC Post #86343

I've put a skybox around my map and deleted some of the walls now. The sky looks great, but in reality the map doesn't just end at the sides and then there is sky.

1) What I am after knowing is how is it possible to put those perspective textures on brushes where it looks as though your in a garden but the houses carry on and on into the distance....? Or another example would be a chicken wire fence is the map boundary but when you look through it the floor stops and you can only see sky - but in reality you should be able to see everything that lights up the horizon. Sorry if I haven't explained this well.

2) Also, my map has become brighter since I put a skybox around it but it's still not bright enough really. Will I need to go and add separate light entites where it needs a boost or can i add a 'SUN' entity in someway?

Thanks for any help offered
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-28 14:44:54 UTC Post #86345
In HL2, you can make a separate skybox and fill it with mountains, building props, etc. The source SDK tutorials explained this quite well

Theoretically, you can make your map look huge using this technique, and it's also very performance-wise.
If using a skybox, your map should be lit by a Light_enviroment entity. You can also add an env_sun entity, but that's just eye candy
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-28 17:14:25 UTC Post #86383
3D skybox answers all and is easy to use plus there is an example in the sdk folder for HL2.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-28 20:51:28 UTC Post #86460
thx for that

However when trying to get my props in place (i.e the buildings and stuff). They are massive - if I have to decompile it to resize it though, would this then be classed as a custom model and have to be downloaded with the map or will it just act like a scaled prop?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 12:58:20 UTC Post #87269
Are the buildings models or brushes? If there models they cant be scaled without a modeling program but some models are 1/16 versions so they fit in a skybox, if they are brushes scale down like you did with the skybox. You can really understand this if you play CS:S and you are a spectator on a map like office and you zoom out into the sky you'l see the 3d skybox and all the 1/16 models inside it.
Just my own little question: Inside the skybox there is a big dome with moving clouds on the top does HL2 support this and how can I do it?
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 13:27:45 UTC Post #87271
func_dust or something and use a model for the dome!

Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-31 17:11:58 UTC Post #87344
Model? Func_dust is a brush entity. Explain. Please! :)
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