[14:55:53] <Tycell> OMG I'M GONNA CUM
[14:56:01] <jaardsi> SPLAT!
[14:56:02] <m0pXnet> omg
[14:56:06] <jaardsi> MY FACE!!!!
[14:56:09] <m0pXnet>
[14:56:15] <Tycell>
[14:56:16] <ZombieLoffe>
[14:56:21] <Tycell>
[14:56:23] <jaardsi> IT'S MELTIGN
[14:56:26] <ZombieLoffe> THE
[14:56:31] <m0pXnet> were you watching something in your geyporn collection 'cell?
[14:56:32] <Tycell> Sorry, that would be my plas-cum
[14:56:36] <jaardsi>
[09:51:42] <Helena_19> hello Zombieawayh
[09:52:02] <Helena_19> i'm a girl. are you a boy?
[09:52:38] <ZombieAwayh> No, i'm sick and twisted.
[09:52:40] <ZombieAwayh> That's what I am
[09:52:55] <Helena_19> i see. i would like to know more about you
[09:53:28] <Helena_19> come and meet me in this chatroom:
http://date.4u.hu[09:53:52] <ZombieAwayh> Go away or i'll kill you with the old fork-in-the-eye.
<ministeve> well i cant get ns working on steam
<jaardsi> If you have problems getting mods to work, it's likely that the problem is between the seat and the keyboard
<ministeve> true
<ministeve> wait
<ministeve> fuck you!
[23:32:24] <Hugh> RabidMonkeh gets chix.
[23:34:18] <Trapt> He gives the chicks rabies though....
[23:34:35] <Hugh> So? If the relationship goes on long enough she's gonna have white stuff in her mouth anyway.
[09:58:14] <atixive> no thanks i dont want 1.5
[09:58:28] <atixive> 1.5 = $H!+@#
[09:58:45] <Hugh> Watch your language you little shithead.
[09:59:03] <Hugh> There could be fucking children around and here you are " FUCK THIS FUCK THAT I'M BETTER THAN YOU PIECES OF SHIT"
[09:59:40] <atixive> oh dear
[23:47:38] <chicken_man> i just downloaded a good tracer i can find wear any one one of you's address
[23:47:46] <ministeve> get my adress
[23:47:48] <ministeve> its easy
[23:48:36] <chicken_man> hold on
[23:49:32] <chicken_man> installing it
[23:50:56] <ZombieLoffe> It's not really "1337 h4xx0r" to trace people
[23:52:21] * ZombieLoffe slaps chicken_man with some red thongs
[23:52:23] <chicken_man> ok ip
[23:52:48] <chicken_man> who wants to go first
[23:52:52] <ZombieLoffe> I do please
[23:52:55] <chicken_man> k
[23:53:45] <chicken_man>
[23:53:48] <chicken_man> ready
[23:53:54] <ministeve> lol
[23:54:00] <ministeve> first move made by zl
[23:54:01] <ZombieLoffe> OMG OMG HE GOT MY IP OH NO
[23:54:02] <ZombieLoffe> !!!
[23:54:27] <chicken_man> working
[23:54:28] <ministeve> chicken man makes a move to find zl's adress
[23:54:39] <ministeve> status: working
[23:54:43] * ZombieLoffe makes a move towards ministeves masculine physics
[23:54:44] <Nimbus1951> what'are ya gonna do? ask him out?!
[23:54:49] <ministeve> lol
[23:54:53] <ministeve> get awa
[23:54:56] <ministeve> im narrating
[23:55:03] <chicken_man> ok waht city and ill tell you the town
[23:55:07] <ministeve> lol!
[23:55:13] <ZombieLoffe> What city and youll tell me the town?
[23:55:13] * Nimbus1951 bites off ZL's dick - that'll teach ya!
[23:55:15] <ministeve> towns arent in cities!
[23:55:26] <chicken_man> what contry
[23:55:28] <ZombieLoffe> What are you on about, chicken man
[23:55:31] <ZombieLoffe> norway
[23:55:35] <chicken_man> ha ha
[23:55:40] <ministeve> zl has given chicken the country
[23:55:46] <ministeve> zl is in norway
[23:56:11] <chicken_man> stockholm????
[23:56:17] <ministeve> stockholm?
[23:56:20] <G_KID> Lol.
[23:56:23] <ZombieLoffe> stochkolm isnt in norway, dummy.
Alot of babbling about sweden and norway and so on.
([23:56:53] <ZombieLoffe> I live in lillahmmar!111)
[23:58:51] <chicken_man> hold on
[23:59:33] <chicken_man> running again
[23:59:36] <ministeve> lol
[23:59:40] <ministeve> 3rd attempt
[23:59:46] <G_KID> Priceless lol.
[23:59:47] <ministeve> you havent even hit the right country yet
[23:59:52] <G_KID> Hehe.
[00:00:06] <ministeve> itll be even harder to find me
[00:00:10] <ministeve> im not in a city
[00:00:19] <chicken_man> frankfurt am main
[00:00:23] <ZombieLoffe> chicken, you running on me?
[00:00:24] <Nimbus1951> lol
[00:00:27] <ministeve> frankfurt?
[00:00:31] <ministeve> int that in germany?
[00:00:34] <Nimbus1951> ZL did you move lately?
[00:00:54] <Nimbus1951> frankfurt = germany yes
[00:01:02] <ministeve> haha!
[00:01:07] <ministeve> still not even close!
[00:01:22] <ZombieLoffe> Yeah
[00:01:24] <G_KID> Lol, you will have to guess harder chicken_man.
[00:01:25] <ZombieLoffe> yesterday you know
[00:01:27] <chicken_man> let me try some 1 else he mite be useing an ip router
[00:01:31] <ZombieLoffe> I was like "SCREW NORWAY" and went to germany
[00:01:33] <ministeve> ok
[00:01:34] <ministeve> get me
[00:01:40] <chicken_man> k
[00:02:47] <chicken_man> in the uk????
[00:02:49] <Nimbus1951> I'm gonna trace my ass all the way to the toilet now...
[00:03:06] <chicken_man> k
[00:03:08] <ministeve> it is probably
[00:03:18] * Nimbus1951 has left the building...
[00:03:21] <chicken_man> sheffield
[00:03:25] <ministeve> what!?
[00:03:29] <ministeve> i live in scotland!
[00:03:40] <chicken_man> well its near
[00:03:40] <ZombieLoffe> hahahahaaa
[00:03:43] <ZombieLoffe> Chicken you're my hero
[00:03:43] <ministeve> no it isnt!
[00:03:48] <G_KID> Lol.
[00:03:48] <ministeve> your not even in the right country!
[00:03:49] <ZombieLoffe> I want to have sweaty buttsex with you
[00:03:49] <G_KID> Hagahaha
[00:03:50] <ZombieLoffe> please
[00:04:03] <chicken_man> that is wear your isp is
[22:10:48] <ZombieLoffe> noobie!
[22:11:00] <dajuppi> ZombieLoffe, yeah but ive got girlfriend
[22:11:10] <ZombieLoffe> <- pwned
[08:51:26] * PTS
(~you@ has joined #twhl
[08:51:26] <ZombieLoffe> Welcome, comrade PTS!
[08:51:56] <PTS> reminder: kill my internet provider and rape his family
[08:52:04] <ZombieLoffe> lol
[08:52:08] * CompileTrapt eyes Andy
[08:52:12] <Hugh> How do you know it's a he?
[08:52:14] * CompileTrapt eyes PTS
[08:52:16] * PTS
(~you@ Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[08:52:19] <CompileTrapt> Hehe.
[08:52:29] <ZombieLoffe> hahahahaha
[23:42:26] <Hugh> Someday when I'm rich, I'm gonna take all you freaks to a nightclub... it'll be wild.
[23:42:41] * ZombieLoffe shrugs
[23:42:51] <ZombieLoffe> Nightclub + hugh + alcohol = Ass ache next day
[23:42:57] <Hugh> ;o
[23:43:12] <Hugh> Nightclub = females: females + alcohol + hugh = ass ache next day.
[20:57:33] <krang2k> cry why dont this shit work!!
[20:57:57] <Hugh> Because you touch yourself at night.
[20:58:26] <Mephs> shush
[20:58:30] <krang2k> ok
[20:36:07] <petty> ZOMBIELOFFE
[20:36:11] <ZombieLoffe> YES PETTY
[20:36:12] <petty> YOUR FUCK
[20:36:14] <ZombieLoffe> FUCK ME NOW! IM READY!
[20:36:25] <petty> DEAD I WOULD RUN AND HIDE
[20:36:33] * Slasher_101 wants to light sum candles an cry because of ZL's comment
[20:36:38] <ZombieLoffe> omg, kinky sex games 3>
[20:36:47] * ZombieLoffe runs and hides
<+OtZman> Mephs, I have broadband now
<+Mephs> damn you
- +Mephs is the last one....
<+OtZman> HAHA
<+OtZman> let the fact that I feel sorry for you comfort you ^^
- +OtZman pets Mephs
- +Mephs shrugs off OtZman and walks off (pocketing some bandwidth in the process)
<+OtZman> ^_^
<+Thriller> im on 64k
<+Thriller> !!!
- +Mephs lunges for Thrillers throat
<+Thriller> ?
- ZombieLoffe throws random metal objects at people
- jaardsi throws random sharp metal objects at ZombieLoffe
<ZombieLoffe> Meh, fu, I have iron skin
- jaardsi turns on his giant magnet
- ZombieLoffe has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[22:34:05] <GoldenShadow> I'm gonna clean up my map a bit and put a proper up and down buttons, and figure out how to make it stop at certain floors
[22:34:33] <GoldenShadow> you guys are gonna be impressed
[22:34:42] <ZombieLoffe> Only if there's pr0n.
[22:34:53] <GoldenShadow> everyone except ZombieLoffe
[22:35:07] <ZombieLoffe> Pr000n!
[19:19:23] <jaardsi> JESUS this coffee is CRAP!
[19:24:19] <jaardsi> but that didn't stop me
[19:28:35] <Nimbus1951> hope that doesn't apply as well for "JESUS she is ugly!"
[21:32:50] <XargoL> People tend to forget that moderators are humans too, with their own opinions
[21:32:58] <jaardsi> "He insulted me :("
[21:33:27] <jaardsi> And Andy here is one motherfucking angry piece of administrative manmeat
[21:33:55] <jaardsi>
[21:34:05] <Nimbus1951> make me a mod and I'll ban ya'll in no time
[21:34:40] <Nimbus1951> I'd make Hitler look like a shy schoolgirl on the first day of school
[21:34:50] <doodle|holidays> haha
[03:46:03] <ZombieLoffe> Nirvana = ass
[03:46:03] <m0p> :O:O
[03:46:10] <ZombieLoffe> they really do suck
[03:46:21] <m0p> agreed.
[03:46:29] <m0p> suck factor 10
[03:46:33] <m0p> of 10!
[03:46:43] <m0p> ;O
[03:46:50] <@Ant> ...
[03:46:50] <m0p> thats the highest suck factor ever
[03:46:52] <@Ant> Thanks m0p.
[03:47:18] <m0p>
[03:47:22] <m0p> No problem.
[17:53:17] <Cryo> Blaah
[17:53:28] <Cryo> Right after I spend 90s on a staff, I get a drop which is better. =(
[17:53:37] <ZombieLoffe> rofkl
[17:53:41] <ZombieLoffe> that's life, bitch
[17:53:53] <Cryo> "Staff of Horrors"
[17:54:03] <Cryo> I suppose Michael Jackson wants it back.
[17:54:06] <ZombieLoffe> rofllllll
[17:54:16] <ZombieLoffe> I laughed out loud at that
[01:56:01] <Unbreakable> Warcraft sucks.
[01:56:43] <Unbreakable> I never liked the whole quest games.
[01:57:26] <ZombieLoffe> Warcraft is a damn rts
[01:57:44] <Unbreakable> meh.
[01:57:53] <Unbreakable> same diff.
[01:59:10] <ZombieLoffe> What?
[02:01:17] <Unbreakable> I never really liked them, don`t know why, I`d play Tiberian Sun, but thats as close as I`ll get to a game like Warcraft.
[02:01:55] <ZombieLoffe> k
[02:01:59] <ZombieLoffe> you're gay
[02:02:11] <Mephs> lmao
[02:02:18] <Mephs> subtle insult, thar mr loffe
[02:11:12] <ZombieLoffe> <Mephs> subtle insult, thar mr loffe <- I'm a master of descretion
(00:56:05) <@RabidMonkey> it was awesome
(00:56:06) <@RabidMonkey> i was like
(00:56:07) <@RabidMonkey> OMG
(00:56:09) <@RabidMonkey> THIS IS LEET
(00:56:11) <@RabidMonkey> WOOOOOOT KEKEKE
(00:58:21) * @RabidMonkey
(rabidmonke@c-24-9-34-129.hsd1.co.comcast.net) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
(18:00:59) <MetalPig> I'm tired of censorship ;/
(18:01:10) <MetalPig> I want proper mainstream movies to incorperate skullfucking of pre-teens.