I'm sure all of you mod makers (beginners, amatuers, experts included) have had the experience of the greatest mod ever. (everyone raises hands) You've got this design for a great theme, great models, great implementation. Your story is just fantastic, but you have no time to do all of this. Well, i'm joining the group.
I've got one of my best storylines I've every made (a better movie than game storyline). I know how to do all that modding stuff but how the hell am I supposed to do it. Yeah, get a team, but no one can be credible for their dedication, even including myself (yes, ive went through the denial stage (thinking that I can accomplish this huge task by myself) that everyone goes through).
So if this story is so great, why not write a book. I may not have a passion for writing, but I just think this story is a winner. It is a 3 Chronicle story with a form of prelude. I would like to make this into a mod but the burden would be to great on any teams shoulders'. So you could say I've quit mapping/modelling/coding/etc. for a while.
If I can finish the first chronicle to my liking, I reason with the possibility of starting a team or at least managing one. The great thing about the story though is that the prelude holds so many of the answers to the three chronicles. Thats why i'm going to finish the prelude last (release its contents). Its more of a fantasy/science fiction story. Heres the titles though:
Chronicles of Amorality
Prelude: To Thought, To Being
1st: A Prophecy's Revolution
2nd: A Mind's Reform
3rd: A Truth's Resolve
While I'm writing this first chronicle, Im actually getting a new computer so i dont have to try to run half-life 2 on a 850 MHz processer .
My new computer will be a:
AMD Athlon 64 +3200
XFX NVidia Geforce 6800 Graphics card
Its a custom PC so can't wait.
Let me know what you think of the idea though. Thanks.