Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 19:02:17 UTCPost #90899
You know how you can click a brush once to select it, again to make it "spinable" and a third time to stretch it? Well I can't anymore and I didn't change anything. Whats going on and how do I fix it.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-16 19:25:48 UTCPost #91116
I know all the shortcuts for rotating and everything (for future reference always assume I know shortcuts and things like that because I HATE people telling me stuff I already know, I'll let it slide because you didn't know this but next time take it into account).
Its just that its more convinient to click a brush twice instead of prssing ctrl m, and setting the rotation manually.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 00:31:44 UTCPost #92454
I have a question people...(about the BanStick? )...what kind of stick is it? Is it a giant pointy one (I think it should be a giant pointy one to poke those pesky imposters )? Oh, and people, don't forget to stick on your ? on the BanStick?.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-22 14:21:31 UTCPost #92590
i wasn't telling anyone to ban you, tool. i was talking about VOX2222 and ieatmonkeychows (or whatever they were called). they spammed up this thread good before the posts were deleted.