Another spec thread Created 20 years ago2005-02-20 13:09:14 UTC by Seventh-Monkey Seventh-Monkey

Created 20 years ago2005-02-20 13:09:14 UTC by Seventh-Monkey Seventh-Monkey

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 13:09:14 UTC Post #92023
It's been too long :)

Post your specs, anything really, model numbers, speeds, accessories, etc.

AMD Athlon 2400+ XP Thoroughbred at 14x166MHz (2324MHz, 117%)
ASUS A7V600-X (VIA KT600)

512MB Generic DDR2700 (@333MHz)
512MB Hyundai DDR3200 (@333MHz)
Both at 2.5-3-3-7

Sapphire ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB (factory speeds at present, going to XT speeds after this databasing)

Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS

209GiB of PATA Maxtor storage, two 7200rpms.

Cyberdrive CD-RW 52/24/52

Your turn.

Miscellaneous hardware advice/comments welcome but no excessive showing-off or makin' fun of people on PIIs. It's just out of interest.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 13:38:20 UTC Post #92030
Mine are the same.

-512 mbs memory
-2.4 ghz proccessor (Intel Pentium 4)
-a shit graphics card

-A Samsung CD R/RW
-80gb HDD (i got about 30gbs left)

-some sounds blaster thingy (dont know exactly, dont really care)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 13:51:14 UTC Post #92035
-1Gb of RAM.
-1.84 Ghz.
-AMD Athlon XP 2500+.
-40Gb Hard Drive.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 14:24:06 UTC Post #92040
2,2ghz xp2700+
Maxtor 80gb 7200rpm + Maxtor 200gb 7200rpm
9200 128mb (Yes, It sucks.)
Samsung CD-RW/DVD Combo
Some random SoundBlaster card.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 14:35:53 UTC Post #92051
AMD Athlon XP 2000+
512 DDR333
40gb HDD [I'm so tiny...]
Sapphire Radeon 9600se 128mb
LG CDRW 52x24x52x
Creative SB Audigy LS

Yeah...that's about it...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 14:43:01 UTC Post #92054
what is the purpose of this topic ?
the "competition-of-the-guy-who-got-the-best-comp" ?

k, here is my old mine :

AMD Athlon XP 2200+
2x256 DDR RAM
40 Go HDD, splitted in 4x10 Go partitions (is it the right word ?)
Windows 98, 2nd edition
Nvidia Geforce FX 5200

I am looking for a job for five years by the way : if I got a salary, I would update more my computer :| ...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 16:11:53 UTC Post #92066
768MB PC133 RAM
GeForceFX 5600 Ultra
Sony CD/RW (40x)
Compaq DVD drive
Windows XP Pro (Soon to be dual boot with Knoppix)
Dual 17" CRT Monitors.


3.0GHz Pentium 4 (800MHzFSB)
X300 w/128MB PCIe(eeewww!)
Dual Layer DVD Burner
Windows XP Media Center Edition.
17" LCD
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 16:41:29 UTC Post #92072
350Mhz PII ;)
~320 Mb RAM
80GB Maxtor
Radeon 7500 64MB (DDR)
15" LCD screen.

I feel so retro. :D

If i make Coil run on that i'm sure everyone else will get some speedy r_speeds... :P
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 17:12:39 UTC Post #92078
Dell Inspiron 8500
2.2GHz P4 Northwood
60GB Hitatchi @ 7200RPM 8MB
Mobility Radeon 9000 32MB DDR
(Stock 239/389MHz overclocked to 301/443MHz)
1280x800 LCD display
Windows XP Pro
5.1 Turtle Beach USB Audio

i would kill for a mobility radeon 9600 but they are hard to come by
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 18:34:20 UTC Post #92102
2.4GHz P4
80Gb HDD
His Excalibur 9800Pro (Ice-Q)
Cd/Dvd drive
Cd/Dvd burner
Sound Blaster Audigy
19" CRT monitor
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 18:35:47 UTC Post #92103
what is the purpose of this topic ?
the "competition-of-the-guy-who-got-the-best-
comp" ?
Well, we all know who that is (m0p, by far), it's just for comparison, maybe a few tips'll come out of it, advice or questions on possible upgrades, etc.

[quote](is it the right word ?)/quote]

Oui, but they're "GB" (must be a capital 'B') in English.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 20:02:52 UTC Post #92122
kol, you may be retro...but you've still got a bigger HDD than me... :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 20:08:47 UTC Post #92128
fifty two limited cereal jigawatts mounted on a epic mount for $50 dollars!
Too many references...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 16:11:11 UTC Post #92276
P4EE 3.4GHz @ 4.8GhHz (1.65v & cooled by R408a charged Mach II w/ baker block)
1GB OCZ PC3200 Platinum Rev2 (WinBond BH-5 ;D)
X800 Pro ViVo (XT modded & waterchilled)
Abit IC7-G Max 3 (fully vmodded)
Creative SB Live! 5.1 (my audigy is dead :()
4x WD Raptor 74GB (2 RAID 0 volumes, Debian on hda0 and BSD on hda1)
400GB DeskStar (for random storage)
24" Sony CRT (1024x768 @ 200Hz :badass: )
PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool 510 Deluxe (Custom build with modular cabling and extra SATA+Molex connectors)

New rig:

FX55 (Cascade cooled! :cool: )
Dual 6800 GT's (SLi, waterchilled)
DFI LanParty nForce 4 SLi
Creative SB Live! 5.1 (I have loads of these things lying around! They pwn!)
WD Raptor 74GB (Debian Linux ;o)
400GB DeskStar (storage)
19" Mitsubishi (1024x768 @ 160Hz)
PC Power & Cooling Turbo-Cool 510 SLi (waiting for 750w model)

I've got more money than sense :zonked:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 16:47:46 UTC Post #92296
There we go, He has Pwned us all ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 16:49:35 UTC Post #92299
I've got more money than sense
You think?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 17:20:15 UTC Post #92311
I hate you m0p. I just...

runs away and cries
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 17:33:32 UTC Post #92326
/me donates old rigs to TWHL members. The newest "old" rig I have is an FX53, MSI Neo2, PCP&C powered beast, will go to RabidMonkey. The oldest "old" rig I have is an 8088 based system, which will go to IEMC . :badass:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 17:39:50 UTC Post #92328
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 21:55:48 UTC Post #92406
Really? Ill you give you my streen address :D :lol:
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:40:02 UTC Post #92419
the definition of comouter is something that computes. by that definition, i have no computer.... its depressing...... its sooooooooo rubbish...... so rubbish infact that it crashes when i run notepad....

it claims to be:
128Mb RAM (16Mb Shared Video)
20GB HD (it makes up the free space, honestly! it claimed i had 54GB free?!?!)

(never operates to these though)


but im currently building a new one, so its not so bad.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:49:07 UTC Post #92427
2x512mb RAM
1x12GB HDD
1x40GB HDD
1x CD-R/DVD-Rom
Dual 14" CRT screens
Triple boot: Windows NT Workstation 4,Windows ME,RedHat Linux 9
Sucky A$$ video card
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 23:08:50 UTC Post #92435
wtf? how many small and crappy HDD's do you need?

And 14" screens? awww, look at the little babys. Duel 21 inch! Now thats the shizzle.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 23:10:27 UTC Post #92437
$800 for just monitors? crazy...

17" or 19" is fine.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 23:21:00 UTC Post #92443
But is it the "shizzle"?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 23:23:54 UTC Post #92445
The Shizzle is $4000.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 01:10:10 UTC Post #92460
Celeron 1.1 GHz (now, stop laughing)
512 MB PC330 (I thought I said stop laughing)
ATI Radeon 9200 (do I have to repeat myself?)
20 GB HDD (are you choking?)
15" LCD (Samsung)
And it's a pre-built Compaq!

But hold on! I am building a new computer next month. Here are the specs for the new one:

Pentium 4 at 3.0 GHz
1 GB PC3200
ATI Radeon 9800
200 GB HDD
Prob same monitor
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 01:14:29 UTC Post #92462
Nice PC satchmo, Where do you live? Tiger direct is running a great deal on PC3200, $54.99.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 04:29:36 UTC Post #92486
AMD > Intel, methinks.

m0p, send me the '88! My dad chucked ours away :(.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 04:48:04 UTC Post #92492
Everything > Intel, sadly...

saw a quote in someones sig: "nothing beats Intel's clock speeds, everything beats their performance"
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 10:07:27 UTC Post #92527
Intel = good.
AMD = good.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 10:55:36 UTC Post #92534
Intel are cheaper though, I think. Let's wait for poppety to comment.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 14:11:32 UTC Post #92850
Intel pwn. My EE owns you.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 14:18:21 UTC Post #92854
Intel.. Cheaper? Intel is the expensive one?!
Intel Pentium IV 2800MHz (800MHz) HT 0.09u 1MB PGA478 172?
AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Socket-939 140?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 15:28:40 UTC Post #92877
Whoops, I meant to say AMD.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 23:56:58 UTC Post #93021
I have 2 desktops, heres a tip satchmo;

You want to have 2 different desktops on your 2 different monitors? Simply find the pic that you want to use on your second monitor, save it, then right-click on your desktop, >properties>desktop>customize desktop>web, then select new, than click browse, find your picture and select it, click apply, and the picture should show up on your desktop. after that, you can move the picture over to your second monitor, adjust it until its just right, and the right click again, arrange icons>lock web items on desktop. Now you have 2 different desktops.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-24 16:09:35 UTC Post #93175
That's a rather inefficent way of doing it. Can't you just have a background image the same size as their combined resolutions, and put two images together, divided in the middle?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-24 19:58:09 UTC Post #93350
2.00 GHz 2300+ AMD Athlon XP Processor
40GB Hard Drive (in reality, 38.2 GB)
-Used space: 18.6 GB
-Free space: 19.6 GB
496MB DDR RAM (Odd number, whatever)
Samsung CD-RW CD-ROM Drive
16MB AGP S3 ProSavage video card (can run CS/HL at about 72FPS peak, only slows down if a massive r_speed count is present or if a smoke grenade is leaking out in CS, and can run UT2004 demo at like...22 FPS average and 30 FPS peak?, can't run DOOM3 or Halo, as in actually unplayable, like you can't get to the menu)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-24 20:16:27 UTC Post #93353
2.00 Ghz Intel P IV
Nvidia Geforce4 Ti 4200
148 Gb HD space in total

the rest isnt that relevant in terms of game performance
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 00:07:12 UTC Post #93368
Can't do that seventh, you would have to caculate the inches to pixels ratio to fill in teh blanks.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 04:03:33 UTC Post #93386
Why? Doesn't Windoze just spread one wallpaper across both of them? Surely they have to run at the same resolutions?
40GB Hard Drive (in reality, 38.2 GB)
If you're referring to binary gigabytes (1,024 mebibytes) then the term is 'gibibyte'. Plus, what on earth posessed you to buy an XP 2300+ and leave your 16MB graphics card in!? I'm amazed that it... oh. It's PCI, isn't it? Confess ;).
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 07:56:21 UTC Post #93424
Thisen ist mein spec!

1010100001100101010100100101001000100100010100110101000011001010101001001010010001001000101001101010000110010101010010010100100010010001010011010100001100101010100100101001000100100010100110101000011001010101001001010010001001000101001101010000110010101010010010100100010010001010011010100001100101010100100101001000100100010100110101000011001010101001001010010001001000101001 liek?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 11:06:43 UTC Post #93470
GASP Seventh, didn't you read!?
...16MB AGP S3 ProSavage...
...leave your 16MB graphics card in!? I'm amazed that it... oh. It's [b]PCI[b] (see?), isn't it?...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 12:36:16 UTC Post #93486
I'm saying the area between the monitors, and you would have to turn on a special setting for your driver settings.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 16:26:09 UTC Post #93565
Heh, dandy, my apologies :) I got distracted by the framerates. I'm amazed that there're 1.5v 16MB AGP cards, and I'm guessing you must have a 1.5v socket on a motherboard that supports a 2300+?

PS: Couldn't decode that, Jahzel. 8-bit E-ASCII?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 17:55:48 UTC Post #93605
He just went to some lame binary coder thingy.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 10:32:12 UTC Post #98692
Okay, benchmarks with my new laptop.

AMD Athlon 64-M 3000+
512MiB DDR2700
ATI Radeon 9700 Mobility (64MB)
15.4" TFT (at 1280x800)

First test:

Model detail: medium
Texture detail: medium
Water reflects: world
AA: Off
AF: 4x
VSYNC: off


Second test

Model detail: high
Texture detail: high
Water reflects: all
AA: 4x
AF: 8x
VSYNC: off


Now in 720x480, on the settings just above:


Very nice, methinks. Shame there's no res. in the middle.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 14:51:55 UTC Post #98702
My new PC:

Athlon XP 3200+ Barton
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
1 GB PC3200 DDR Dual-channel
200 GB Seagate SATA HDD

But it doesn't even run the original HL. I gave up on fixing it.
satchmo satchmo“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. -- Samuel Beckett”
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 18:19:56 UTC Post #98721
m0p, ill pay the shiping cost p;us some extra for your old one, im serious.

these are my current specs
Intel D865PERL mobo
P4 2.4Ghz
512Mb DDR-SDRAM at 532Mhz
NVIDIA GeForce FX 5500
duel 17" CRt monitors
149GB HD(should be 160 but it doesn't register)
Audigi Sound blaster 2 ZS
a 16x52x32x52 combo CD Drive
400W Antec suppy
5.1 surrond sound speakers
2 intake fans
2 exaust fans w/ red LEDsin them
Antec case with window

im now debating what im going to do for my next pc
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-23 20:37:59 UTC Post #98739
I'm amazed that there're 1.5v 16MB AGP cards, and I'm guessing you must have a 1.5v socket on a motherboard that supports a 2300+?
NO idea what you're talking about. :zonked:

For curiosity purposes, here's my (crappy) 3DMark2001 benchmark results (note: all "games" run on low quality):

Car Chase: 11.6 fps
Dragothic: 18.6 fps
Lobby: 33.3 fps
Nature was unable to run...
Most other feature tests (like DOT3 bump-mapping) were unable to run...

It still runs HL/CS at great for mid-poly/decent for high-poly though, so I'm happy. :)
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