Poll: Half-Life or Half-Life2? Created 20 years ago2005-02-21 20:50:27 UTC by Reigy Squirrel Reigy Squirrel

Created 20 years ago2005-02-21 20:50:27 UTC by Reigy Squirrel Reigy Squirrel

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 20:50:27 UTC Post #92387
this is a poll, which do you think is generally better?

leave comments about your decision please
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 20:59:01 UTC Post #92393
HL1 is much more my type of environment, but Source is definitely the engine. Probably why I'm looking forward to Black Mesa: Source so much.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 21:06:12 UTC Post #92397
both. I think they each have their qualities, HL2 being its engine and HL1 mostly because of the monsters. There are FAR more in hl1 than hl2
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 21:21:49 UTC Post #92398
oh yeah I forgot me, HALF-LIFE 2 is the best game ever but half-life one good for showing off archatectural skillz
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 21:50:51 UTC Post #92400
Well, Half-Life 1 is longer, more challenging and has better weapons and monsters.

When, Half-Life 2 has the engine, more of a movie feel style gameplay.

Im gonna have to go with HL1. And because its more compatible with my PC. ;)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:18:32 UTC Post #92414
Half Life's story was better, gameplay-wise they were even. Id say I like them both equally.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:29:05 UTC Post #92415
i prefer HL2.

+many monsters
+great for a game at that time
+redefined the FPS
+good weapons
+good story
+a classic
-scientists all the same
-alitle outdated

+good story
+redifined the FPS again
+looks good
+looks great
+looks beutiful
+looks amaizing
+Havoc physics + gravgun = fun
+some cool weapons and enemys in general
+characters and acting
-not many different enemys
-not as much replay as HL1
-could have used some more weapons
+it looks great

but both are great games
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:31:58 UTC Post #92416
i cant play hl2 :( because i have the worlds most pathetic pc. (if anyone wishes to donate money so i can finish my new one!!)
however, im still gunna say hl2 as it has ragdoll, cant wait to play with ragdoll, dead people and that manipulator gun.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:54:49 UTC Post #92429
I believe that the HL2 engine is obviously a much better engine, but I like to use HL1 because of the monsters, already made custom stuff, and the fact that I already understand all the entites.

That means that Im torn...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 22:58:08 UTC Post #92433
Half-Life one was good to edit for beacause of the simplicity, HL2 is far more complex however.

Half-Life 2 is more fun though.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 23:07:26 UTC Post #92434
Another thing is its easier to map for HL1.

Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-21 23:48:07 UTC Post #92450
NEVER!! half-life2 is waaaay better than hl1!!! too good!

gathers all TWHL pro hl2 members to rally and attack IEMC's forces

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 01:24:26 UTC Post #92463
Half-Life1 has better gameplay
Half-Life2 has incredible graphics + physics

im undecided...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 02:07:25 UTC Post #92471
Half-Life 2 is much simpler to map for in terms of brush work - It's basically all models.

I dunno really... I really want to play Black Mesa: Source to make an informed decision. You can't compare HL1 to HL2 when HL2 has the Source engine, so I'll have to wait for HL1 with the Source engine to make it fair.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 07:53:44 UTC Post #92512
in my opinion, HL2 = "just" HL1 + larger textures with lower scales + massive use of models + some optimisation + Havok + ... steam

I don't like both, as I cannot complete my map on both engines : ...

but ok the campaigns are great.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 08:22:15 UTC Post #92513
HL2 is all graphics and physics. The Characters seem real and you can really get into the story. Plus the combine soldiers are cool. CSS is a brilliant multiplayer game.

HL1 is way easier to map and mod for. I hate searching for props! :x

I'm still making mods for them.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 08:23:50 UTC Post #92514
Let's say HL1 was a great game in its days and same thing happens with HL2
The HL1 theme is a nice one, but we all now that if HL2 took place in cramped Black Mesa labs and halls, people would say the sequel is just a copy of the original with pretty graphics.
I think it's good to have an engine that works so much, much better with big outdoor scenarios than the original. And that's one of the things I like about Hl2, big maps and locations.
when it comes to mapping, I think Hl1 was friendlier if you wanted to make a map completely out of the game's theme (like most of my maps) and HL2 helps you decorate your work with all those props...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 08:30:04 UTC Post #92515
CSS is "brilliant" ???

CSS = weird maps done by guys who seemingly never played CS (removed strategic covers, added stupid barels that are rolling and blocking paths, or hampering your moves, just to show they bought Havok),
CSS = amazing hitboxes collisions, like you miss your target and hit the wall 1 meter to the right, and the guy is dying because of an headshot,
CSS = just 1 model/skin for each team, and just 8-10 "official" maps,
CSS = at least +10 ping for every servers,
CSS = steam.

how many multiplayer games did you played ? :roll:
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 09:01:21 UTC Post #92518
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 09:03:04 UTC Post #92520
Hl1 will always be the game for me, kinda hoped for more with Hl2.

But the source engine pwns everything, can't wait to see some real mods :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 10:08:38 UTC Post #92528
HL2 SP just sucked... badly. But source is cool.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 10:50:46 UTC Post #92531
HL1...why? I can't play HL2 with a 32MB S3 video card (yes, I need a new video card, don't tell me because if I can figure that if I see people with Radeons and GeForces and Halo/Doom won't run, then I really need a new one)!

So I'll just rate HL1 really quick:

+Great plot
+Great setups of sequences
+Great challenges, but sometimes got annoying until I FINALLY figure it out (e.g. tripmine room which I kept shooting the first one because I automatically shoot any tripmine seen to remove the obstacle, but oops...stares at red stuff all over the walls and those chunks on the floor)
+Bosses, which are somewhat tough, but then I played on Easy...
-Xen was...not too exciting to play...I didn't see the fun factor of that besides getting to the mini/real bosses.
-There were a few bugs, like one HOM I noticed outside the room where you launch the rocket, and often, I got stuck on the lifts when they went down, but the HOM wasn't too big, and you probably couldn't notice it unless you were staring DIRECTLY at your monitor, and the lift problem could be fixed with a simple noclip on, rise a little up, noclip off.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 11:01:22 UTC Post #92540
and often, I got stuck on the lifts when they went down
Yeah, bad stuff through levelchanges.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 11:23:15 UTC Post #92550
one thing i'd change about HL2 would be to take out the vehicles. Route Canal and Highway 17 could have lasted so much longer.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 12:01:58 UTC Post #92559
Both but HL1 was longer, it had so many cool mods that showed bits where Gordon jumps into xen portal as you come in and then theres Gordon in a scientist uniform on the Black Mesa Train.

Black Mesa :Source?

Sounds like a better version of Half life : Source!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 12:51:58 UTC Post #92563
Tomatoe Ketchup: Source :P
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 13:07:26 UTC Post #92568
lots of people mention half-life 1's story being better.. PFFT! although i agree that hl1 is a better game, the story is TERRIBLE! its soooo unoriginal..

Mad scientist invents teleporter. aliens invade earth. hero stops aliens. Mysterios man arrives. The world is safe.. for now..
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:00:54 UTC Post #92584
I like itttttt!

Anyway i was disapointed with HL2 because of all the stuff that was taken out :(

Ninja combine, guns, monsters etc :(
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:18:18 UTC Post #92587
HL2 was too short i think. i was hoping to get to some alien world and kick some alien a** but you never end up leaving the City17 area. HL1 took you around alot of places. and just when you thought you were getting near the end, it would keep going. i seriously thought the objective of the game was to get to the surface. so on "We've got hostiles" when i got to the surface, i thought the game was over...until i had to go back underground and realized that i was no where near the end. HL1 was totally unpredictable, you never knew what would come up next. thats what i liked about it.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:20:18 UTC Post #92588
HL2 all the way baby!!

Dont get me wrong I loved HL1 but after I went thru and played HL2 single player (with a foot long boner the whole way thru it) I just couldnt go back. Valve really outdid themselves. The story is great and thats the most important aspect of games to me. I loved the enviroment and feel of the whole game. Here is one aspect that I thought really made the game stand out for me that gets overlooked alot - THE SOUNDTRACK!! The music is very tasteful and well done. Tell me you dont get goosebumps everytime your driving the airboat and that music kicks on with the chopper chasing you. Or in the Canals level when you are fighting by the trainstation (around where you first jump into the canals.) Hl1 is a bit longer but it the setting doesnt change, its all in black mesa (well and Xen but not long and who really liked being in that hell hole anyways :P) In Hl2 the enviroment was constantly changing. HL2 pwns joo!!! atleast until HL3
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:20:46 UTC Post #92589
I agree with Goaty and it's much better on Sven than HL2 will be!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:30:02 UTC Post #92591
HL1 was not the same environment. you didnt spend all your time stuck underground. remember Surface Tension? that was the longest level in the game and it was all spent on the surface. HL1 took you from dark underground corridors to open, brightly lit surface maps, from old industrial areas to high tech labs, and from familiar man made areas to strange alien worlds. it wasnt all the same stuff.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:34:17 UTC Post #92595
Half-life one, bitches!
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 14:44:55 UTC Post #92599


Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 16:51:10 UTC Post #92622
i remember when i first played HL1. its was on a Toshiba Satellite 6200CD with a 266MHz Pentium MMX and 32MB of RAM and 800x600 screen resolution. it had a really nice Yamaha sound system built in, which still is better than what i have in my Dell. still got that laptop too.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 17:29:56 UTC Post #92628
i played hl1 on my 233mhz celeron with integrated 4mb graphic card :P
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 18:24:39 UTC Post #92642
I played CS on my PIII with a Voodoo 3 3000 2x AGP 16MB, I think.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 18:58:12 UTC Post #92656
Half-Life 2 is much simpler to map for in terms of brush work - It's basically all models.
Yes, but one can make stunning brushwork and make a really nice map too. Props ain't everything...VALVe hasn't moved over to a full-3D editor as Epic did with UT2k4.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 18:59:32 UTC Post #92657
Someone has been monkeying with my posts. ;)

Ok maybe not. maybe its because it logged me out when I posted, but my post isnt up there anymore.

Basicly what I said was that HL1 was great but source makes a lot more things possible. HL2 was more believable for me, and I liked the story because they didnt tell you what was going on. you had to pick that stuff up by what was going on around you (although HL1 is pretty much the same way). I think HL2 is the natural progression of the game. Sure I wish it had more monsters for mapping purposes, but other than that its HL2 all the way. dont stand in the way of progress
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 19:07:17 UTC Post #92658
SO! All HL1 people! We will gahter our army on the channel #hl1nation! LETS MOVE!
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 19:34:47 UTC Post #92669
but you never end up leaving the City17 area. HL1 took you around alot of places
mmm... I remember a town called Ravenholm, a coastline highway,a bridge, a seaside jail... I think Hl2 takes you around more places. But it is true that HL was more unpredictable, and it had more of a surprise factor (In hl2 you could sort of guess what was coming up next. Nothing painful like the StarWars Episode I film though :D )
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 19:43:02 UTC Post #92670
Its like, "okay, your gonna be going over here and doing this. ANd wait, there will be a gunship and some soldiers. then youll blah blah blah blah.... etc"

And youll do exactly what they say! when hl1 was like, "your gonna go here! go go go go!"

You have no idea whats gonna happen.

But i would go with HL1 in teh source engine. And better models and textures to go along with it.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 20:22:55 UTC Post #92673
in both HL1&2 games, I am feeling playing in a corridor : you just have to go from the point you spawned to the exit, and there's only one way : anywhere you can go, you must go in, anything you can pick up or use, you have to pick it up or use it, no free stuff, "just for the fun" :| ...

I don't say it's bad, but that isn't what I like most in a game : in my opinion, the HL series are more interactive movies than real video games : the stories, the characters, the action and the atmosphere are great, but everything you will do while starting the game is already written :| ...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 21:04:33 UTC Post #92678
Is there a game where you can do something that hasnt been written??
I think that only happens in those role games you play with dice, not in videogames.
There's nothing wrong with the game being an interactive movie or being linear. Some games are linear (HL, Doom, RE), some games give you more freedom (Far Cry, GTA), others are based on being repetitive (strategy, sports) and they have to be valued for what they are.
Both HL games are great if not the very best of their kind, with HL2 being more interesting in terms of mapping due to the superior technology it uses.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 21:38:43 UTC Post #92680
Is there a game where you can do something that hasnt been written??
Nope. Source offers great capability for these sorts of games, though - Vampire: Bloodlines namely. Yes, the game is already written and (mostly) scripted, but you're offered enough flexibility to have a seemingly infinite amount of possiblities and tactics. Multiply that by the (six?) times you can replay the game as a different class of character (each with different dialogue options) and you get the idea.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 22:22:43 UTC Post #92691
What about that one game for some sort of console called Fable? Whatever you did was because of your actions.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-22 23:39:32 UTC Post #92718
Never played it. It sounded cool.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 05:51:23 UTC Post #92766
I would probably like Half-Life? better than Half-Life, but the verification issue makes it lose all of its glory. I'm very concerned about such things ...
... Half-Life is the better.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 07:33:28 UTC Post #92771
Whatever you did was because of your actions
Yeah, everything Freeman does is also because of your actions. He only shoots when I choose to shoot etc.. ;)
I think one of the best aspects of Half-life 1 & 2 is that there's a world in which you move, but it doesnt depend on you. This is opposed to games like Sonic or Tomb Raider, where the scenarios are taylor-made for the character you are using.
the verification issue makes it lose all of its glory
I bought HL2 2,328 hours ago, and the verification and downloads have taken at most 2 hours of that time. It was a painful installation procress but I forgot about it the first minute of gameplay :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-23 08:37:17 UTC Post #92775
oh yeah i played fable very fun {x-box}
ever action effects the world plus you can be evil or good

good- you get blond hair and sweet features

evil - receeded black hair and horns - seriously.
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