this is a poll, which do you think is generally better?
leave comments about your decision please
Created 20 years ago2005-02-21 20:50:27 UTC by
Reigy Squirrel
and often, I got stuck on the lifts when they went downYeah, bad stuff through levelchanges.
Half-Life 2 is much simpler to map for in terms of brush work - It's basically all models.Yes, but one can make stunning brushwork and make a really nice map too. Props ain't everything...VALVe hasn't moved over to a full-3D editor as Epic did with UT2k4.
but you never end up leaving the City17 area. HL1 took you around alot of placesmmm... I remember a town called Ravenholm, a coastline highway,a bridge, a seaside jail... I think Hl2 takes you around more places. But it is true that HL was more unpredictable, and it had more of a surprise factor (In hl2 you could sort of guess what was coming up next. Nothing painful like the StarWars Episode I film though
Is there a game where you can do something that hasnt been written??Nope. Source offers great capability for these sorts of games, though - Vampire: Bloodlines namely. Yes, the game is already written and (mostly) scripted, but you're offered enough flexibility to have a seemingly infinite amount of possiblities and tactics. Multiply that by the (six?) times you can replay the game as a different class of character (each with different dialogue options) and you get the idea.
Whatever you did was because of your actionsYeah, everything Freeman does is also because of your actions. He only shoots when I choose to shoot etc..
the verification issue makes it lose all of its gloryI bought HL2 2,328 hours ago, and the verification and downloads have taken at most 2 hours of that time. It was a painful installation procress but I forgot about it the first minute of gameplay