CCN Report Says No Plane Hit Pentagon Created 20 years ago2005-02-25 14:00:39 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2005-02-25 14:00:39 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 14:00:39 UTC Post #93515
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 14:33:13 UTC Post #93522
... Yeah Yeah Yeah.. WE KNOW IT ALREADY!
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 14:57:32 UTC Post #93529
I seen a TV report that said a plane crashed on the pentagon, now I am seeing an other TV report that is saying there looks like to be no plane nor crash evidences on or around the pentagon.


why should I trust more the second TV report than the first one ? what make this one more "trustable" ? :|
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 15:18:25 UTC Post #93533
I watched that whole story on the TV. I think its very true.

Why wouldnt they let us watch the tape? I think it was just a bomb they planted. Bush is so gay.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 15:54:47 UTC Post #93550
why should I trust more the second TV report than the first one ? what make this one more "trustable" ?
The first one was more like "OMFG ARABS SMASH PENTAGON PLANE" and this one is more "We've done some investigation and, there's no fucking plane!".
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 16:34:42 UTC Post #93577
Why wouldnt they let us watch the tape? I think it was just a bomb they planted. Bush is so gay.
That's quite gayish comment. Yes, Bush isnt appropriate person to be a president, but saying "Bush is so gay" is just very dumb.
Yes, I believe that there was no plane. I remember that the tv-reporter (finnish) said that there's no evidence that plane crashed..First they (Tv-dudes) thought that it was a helicopter that crashed, but then they realised that a helicopter cant make that much damage.. Well, Maybe in future we'll be informed what really happened 9/11.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 16:43:45 UTC Post #93581
i think its a cover up...

Some shady dealings might have been made maybe the night before the attack which provoked it and to eliminate evidence, they bombed the pentagon....

This may offend people so i will say now that i dont mean to be offensive..
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 17:52:47 UTC Post #93601
I think it was a distraction. While that happened, some FBI dudes snuck out the backdoor with 1,000,000 kilos of crack in a big yellow school bus. :o
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 17:58:57 UTC Post #93608
There's another flash film avaliable which gives more evidence.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 10:59:35 UTC Post #93901
The implications of this (which no one in media ever talks about, such as on Question Time etc) is that the Government deliberately blew up it's own structure just as Hitler burned the Reischstag to blame it on his political enemies and introduce new 'anti-terror' bills that will rid ordinary American citizens of their human rights and civil liberties. In the UK the same thing, pretty much, is being done to remove our rights and quote: 'balance out our civil liberties'.

...Now we have Mr. Blair telling us that 'the greatest civil liberty would be for us to live our lives wiothout terror attacks' which completely contradicts Mr. Bush btw who told us in one speech that the war on 'terror' would quote: 'last hundreds of years'.

So. Just think. Our government is not only lying to us, but it is also attacking us. They are scaremongering the population into beliving that these crazy ragheads are out to get us, and people, particulary Sun Readers, tend to belive it. The truth is, the whole 'terrorism' thing is one big fabrication akin to the supernatural and paranormal. Apparently, a criminal investigation against the Government is not possible because they are "above the law".

It's so bloody obvious whats's happening, I just wish people would just look at this as a whole, rather than believing the claptrap of mainstream media to gain their oppinions.

"...Top headlines: Fox hunters gather in protest....................................................also....................................................government is responsible for killing everybody in Oklahoma, the WTC and also the pentagon............but oh well, the government is good, none of what we just said is true.......................................yay I'm, getting paid."
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 11:20:07 UTC Post #93909
I wanna get paid. :
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 11:20:08 UTC Post #93910
The truth is, the whole 'terrorism' thing is one big fabrication akin to the supernatural and paranormal
I may misunderstood this sentence, but I think the terrorism is a real thing, not paranormal at all : the point is that the governments are making some groups of them crazy and exagerating the media reports.

terrorism has always existed and will ever in my opinion, as long as there will be "governmental powers" on earth : for example, this message you just posted, about truthes and lies, could be considered as a kind of "preterrorist media attack", of "heretism" if it was some centuries ago ...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 11:39:29 UTC Post #93926
Yes that's right. You would have been excecuted for criticising the evil activities of the King and all the rest of those power-hungry scumbags.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 12:25:14 UTC Post #93959
I think I understand what you feel, but on an other hand, I cannot picture a world without that kind of guy : we cannot all be tall, else there won't be people to be able to go through tight paths, we cannot all be small, else nobody won't be able to catch the sweeties hidden over the furniture, we cannot all be intellectual, else nobody won't want to work on manual jobs, if we were all manual, we would still hunt animals with spears to survive, we cannot all be men, else omg gay world, etc etc ... we need to be together, to take advantage of every sides of our human being, and that kind of guy you are critizising is a part of humanity, they constantly teach us how hard it is to gain and keep what we call "liberty".

I don't like them too, be president of a country or boss of a company, we can find lame asses tyrans anywhere, and sometimes there's a dire need to kick their asses ...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 17:00:30 UTC Post #94011

I Friggin' saw the friggin' plane lying in the friggin' pentogon broken walls! there is no way on god's green earth that it was some sort of missle or bomb.

Not to mention this is old... like a year old.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-27 19:25:30 UTC Post #94047
Its true.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 00:25:07 UTC Post #94065
Sure as hell was that Boeing they were saying flew into it.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 05:55:40 UTC Post #94094
Yeah, you cant just make a boeing disappear into nothing. Only david copperfield succeeded into doing that.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 06:16:27 UTC Post #94098
I more swayed by the flash film that came out a while ago. Quite a convincing little doco'.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 08:14:00 UTC Post #94114
Sure Rileymo (....the neo-con with his little american flag in the background of his av) but..........Whhhhhhhhhere's the plane wrekage? More importantly, where was the wreckage after the attack? How come the 'crash' hole isnt big enough for a Boeing? How come eye witnesses report seeing something other than a plane hit the pentagon? Why did NORAD stand down? Why were the anti-air attack missile batteries on the pentagon inactive on the day?

So many questions, so much evidence, the people are winning and the government hasn't got a leg to stand on because of it's attrocities and filthy lies that are finally coming out. I think there should at least be some criminal investigation into this.

Oh, and while I'm on a rant, did you know that the September 11th attacks happened at 8:45 and CNN reported it 2 minutes after it happened. Well, Bush was at the elementary school in Florida and was to arrive there shorlty before 9:00. When Bush was 'informed' about the hijakers, he told the school principle that a "horrible accident" had occured. He then carried on with the "photo oppotunity" at the elementary school. (What better way to hide your crimes against humanity by doing a little speech in a school. It is almost as if to say 'I could never have been involved, look at the good I'm doing for the children.) Anyway, it is also reported in the president's diary that a 'new pearl harbour of the 21st Century has begun.' Exactly what the PNAC document states in 'Rebuilding America's Defences' page 50, 'a new pearl harbour event'.

Once you realise what really happened, the more you will eventually realise what will happen.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 11:35:44 UTC Post #94133
He was already at the school when he was informed, there's the videotape of him reading My Pet Goat when the advisor whispers what happened in his ear.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 11:44:18 UTC Post #94135
'My Pet Goat', there's a satanic conspiracy in itself! :nuts:

But honestly it's getting ridiculous. It's so plainly obvious that the Government did it to gain more control over our lives, just as Hitler did, just as any dictator did. It's so staged, so sloppy, so incrminating, and I hope that all those who died in this attack including all the firefighters get their justice and that the rufless criminal activity of the globalist elite continue to get exposed and that humanity continues to thrive in one piece.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 17:14:36 UTC Post #94199
No offence jazhel, but the crahs hole is big enough for a boeing. Believe me, if you want oyu could even crash the antonov 225 in it.

Now where on the subject, any volunteers to prove my point :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 17:35:18 UTC Post #94223
Even if a Boeing jet had hit the pentagon, why is there no black box investigation? And why were the workers who uncovered the black box in the WTC wreckage silenced? Why were the FBI blocked from innitial investigation? Why were NORAD instructed to stand-down as they now admit? Why were there drills to fly high tech jets into the buildings prior to 9/11, now a well known piece of evidence proven by the recent desclassification of the Operation Northwoods document.

The official story is being disproven, and they are losing, big time. And all those who fell victim to these deliberate attacks are having there justice served. I think the real 'paranormal UFO sasquatch hollow earth-like' theory is told to us by the officials who maintain they are right and that everyone else is wrong. All these little attempts to 'debunk' so-called '9/11 conspiracies' are failing. (Just check out the 'Popular Mechanics' website and see their attempts to debunk the '911 theory' trash) Its like a forensic investigation, no matter how the Globalists will try to wipe their fingerprints off this death scene, evidence that shows they were responsible will always emerge.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 19:57:10 UTC Post #94304
NORAD was likely ordered to stand down because they wouldn't shoot down a commercial plane just because it was hijacked... that'd be an even worse example of terrorism.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 19:59:17 UTC Post #94305
exactly, and your conspiracy stuff is written by a guy whom makes a life of it, seems to me that it isnt a reliable source.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 20:42:25 UTC Post #94311
No offence jazhel, but the crahs hole is big enough for a boeing
Firefighters destroyed a section of the wall because of the inminent danger of collapse. The hole you are talking about is not what the "craft" initially made
NORAD was likely ordered to stand down because they wouldn't shoot down a commercial plane just because it was hijacked
The normal procedure is to take off and escort the hijacked plane, not to shoot it. They did none of those 2 things
and your conspiracy stuff is written by a guy whom makes a life of it
Just one guy? not really... And the "official" version is also told by people who make a life of it ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 20:47:11 UTC Post #94312
I hear a lot of that the planes never existed anyway, so of course they weren't escorted. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 20:57:20 UTC Post #94313
wait a minute... :zonked: I saw the WTC planes on TV, they did exist!!, but they were not escorted... blame it on igNORAD!!! :
It's kind of strange when all the emergency precautions and procedures fail the day they are most needed...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 21:36:44 UTC Post #94319
kasperg, they are talking about the pentagon's plane, not the WTC's planes. and also it is really strange that all the emergency precautions fail the day they are most needed. which is why I think Bush really wanted to bomb the pentagon.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 23:21:53 UTC Post #94323
Jahzel=Crazy pot smoking hippie

In case you haven't noticed, conservative values are triumphing hre in the USA, liberals are huddleed in the corner scared spittles.

Kasberg, cool new av ;) , You can blame Pres. clinton for the lack of secuirity, Pres. Bush was barely in office long enough to get settled in the white house, and the lib-demos were whining about economy.

Some one needs to delete this thread, and ban Jahzel, hes purposely instigating political arguements.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 23:42:25 UTC Post #94333
Thats his personality. I think we should ban you for trying to force views on people.

Besides, i would take him over you any day. Sorry :)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-28 23:44:42 UTC Post #94334
What the...? Force views on people??!!! Force views on people??!!! Expressing my view is not forceing my view, forcing is holding a knife to your neck saying I will kill you if you do not agree with me.

Bug off.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 00:00:39 UTC Post #94336
remember that one time you said that was following other people's veiws and not my own. And you said i was a traitor for having my own views? Thats forcing your veiws on me.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 00:34:31 UTC Post #94338
Uh... no? I'm sick of you libs saying that "forcing your views on people is wrong" If thats true, than you saying that I can't force my views on you, means your forcing your views on me. You see? It contradicts itself.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 04:09:10 UTC Post #94358
Ooh, paradoxico.

Riley, it wasn't a political argument until you started with your liberal-bashing :|.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 04:35:01 UTC Post #94363
Anyway. :P Why would Bush have the Pentagon attacked if indeed the planes that hit the WTC were real? Hell, you don't even hear Osama saying that Bush staged any of it, he's more than happy to take credit for it... he must be in the pocket of big oil/big business/Republicans/pure concentrated evil (that's obviously redundant).
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 05:32:30 UTC Post #94367
I dont really think Bush has anything to do with a possible conspiracy plot, if something was done that day, it could've been ordered by someone else. I still remember something Rumsfeld said:
Here we're talking about plastic knives and using an American Airlines flight filled with our citizens, and the missile to damage this building and similar (inaudible) that damaged the World Trade Center
It could've been a metaphorical use of the word missile, or an unintentional revelation, we might never know... :confused:
(the image of my new avatar is found in the HL2DM t-shirt that they sell at the VALVe store via Steam. I dont have the t-shirt but I thought it looked funny) :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 05:46:40 UTC Post #94368
Oh, il be happy enough to crash a plane in a building to prove my point, a 737-400 wont make a 10 mile big hole, the force of the impact will concentrated on the nose, as soon as it hits a wall the force will be partitialy bounced bakc to the plane the main fuselage of the plane will bore a hole in the structure and the wings will cause much damage because of the amount of fuel conserved in the wings itself.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 06:26:53 UTC Post #94370
you are right, and the invisible wings of the 757 actually did some invisible damage where they supposedly crashed... weird... :zonked:
The aluminum nose of the plane would break/vaporize before crashing through multiple sections of the solid pentagon building...
the dna structure of 97% of the passengers and crew wouldnt have survived the temperature they said was responsible for the vanishing of most metalic debris, and yet they have recovered it...
Maybe The Combine has something to do with all this :
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 07:31:30 UTC Post #94375
Yeah, The plane would be ripped apart and causing a not to big hole.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 09:04:10 UTC Post #94388
Yeah I'd say those combine are are to blame!

Anyway, you are not getting the points. You are only reading the invaluable pieces of evidence that may actually be disinformation rather than a 'conspiracy theory'.

And let me just get one point straight, this is not a conspiracy theory. It is not a conspiracy theory that half of NYer's believe the Government was complicit in these attacks. Stop calling this a conspiracy, we want answers, and for the sake of all those who died at the hands of the Bush Administration, the truth has to come out, and we are not going to just leave them alone and let them get away with the biggest crime of the 21st Century. Their official explanation is 'sloppy', badly thrown together, missing fundemental facts, and In my views and the views of many others a complete and utter disgrace. And if you think that it's kooky to investigate the staged terror attack of 9/11, well you need wake up and start acting like a human being.

And no it isn't 'normal proceedure'.

"Interception is a standard - and mandatory - emergency procedure in the U.S. In suspected hijacks and one that had been used routinely in 67 air scares over America in the nine months preceding 9/11. But, fighter jets were instead ordered out of an air base 180 miles away in Cape Cod. And they flew so slowly that they did not even arrive in time to stop the second hijack attack on the south tower of the Trade Centre."

"...The Pentagon was hit by the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 at 9.38am, The aircraft, with 58 passengers on board, had left Dulles Airport, in Washington DC at 8.20am and suddenly disappeared from radio contact at 8.46am. Astonishingly, no fighter jets from Andrews Air Force Base, just ten miles from Washington D.C., were ever scrambled to intercept it. Instead fighters were ordered from 130 miles away at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia. They finally arrived after the Pentagon crash had already happened. Thought to be flying towards Ohio, Flight 77 disappeared from radar screens for half an hour. But the plane astonishingly reappeared in airspace over Washington D.C. at 9:24am. It was then that the pilot executed a complex manoeuvre, turning almost a complete circle and dropping the last 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes to hit a wing of the Pentagon with perfect precision."

"It was the sort of flying that you would expect only from a seasoned airman. Yet at the cockpit controls was a rookie, a terrorist named Hani Hanjour, who had been such a bad trainee pilot that managers at his flying school had reported him to aviation authorities five times.

"A pilot they want us to believe was trained at a puddle jumper school for Piper Cubs and Cessnas brings the plane in so low and flat that it clips the electrical wires across the street from the Pentagon and flies it with pinpoint accuracy into the side of this building at 460 miles per hour..."

OK, here are some good points raised by the 9/11 Truth Movement. I chose to show you these because they present accurate facts that question the validity of the official 9/11 explanation of events. I fully support the 9/11 Truth Movement and I think alot of the victims of these terrible events also do.

Ignored Urgent Warnings
  • In the months before 9/11, over 23 documented warnings of coming attacks from eleven foreign governments (including Presidents Putin and Mubarak personally) were received and ignored, many specifically mentioning the use of planes, symbolic urban targets, and Washington & New York. The administration never explained what ever became of these alerts and the 9/11 Commission apparently forgot to ask.
During the same period the Federal Aviation Commission received 54 terrorist hijack warnings, including some that mentioned the "preferability" of domestic flights for hijacker who wanted "to commit suicide in a spectacular explosion."

Quashed Domestic Investigations
  • FBI field probes into Al Qaeda activities were routinely quashed or obstructed, and after 9/11 the headquarters' officials most responsible for the interference were promoted to higher posts. (Attorney General Ashcroft simultaneously downgrades terrorism as a Justice Department priority (below accounting and prison reforms) and tells acting FBI director Tom Pickard "I don't want to hear about it [terrorism] anymore.")
Incapacitated Oversight

In May 2001 Cheney takes command of the Counterterrorism Task Force but never convenes a single meeting until September 8th. (Counterterrorism "czar" Richard Clark is gradually taken - in Cheney's words - "out of the loop" and ordered to focus on cyber-security instead). In August 2001 Bush responded to the "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the US" presidential briefing by vacationing for three more weeks in Crawford and cutting a lot of brush.

Disabled Air Defenses
  • In June 2001 Rumsfeld rewrites the NORAD/FAA air emergency response protocols to require his office's permission in the interceptor launch authorization chain. In the year before this revision the NORAD/FAA emergency response had worked flawlessly 67 times. On 9/11 the system missed four out of four.
  • Three overlapping air war games were scheduled and run on September 11th that diverted NORAD air assets to Alaska, simulated an East Coast hijacking, and inserted phantom objects into FAA radar screens that confused air controllers on the ground. See more on war games here!
The Amazing Disappearing National Chain of Command
  • If we are to believe the 9/11 Commission's account nearly 40 million Americans were watching the attacks on TV before word ever got to our Secretary of Defense or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. George Bush heard much earlier but was busy with a pet goat story and stuck around the school for photo ops for a half hour more. The behavior of our top defense officials on 9/11 morn remains inexplicable to this day. See Gail Sheehy's "Who's in Charge Here?" and George Bush's "Interesting Day."
The Pakistan Intelligence Chief who Loved Everyone at Once
  • In early September, three weeks after wiring $100,000 to "lead hijacker" Mohammed Atta, Pakistan Army Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt Gen Mahmoud Ahmed was in Washington conferring with George Tenet and breakfasting on 9/11 morn with the new CIA chief Porter Goss. After his peculiar web of friendships surfaced he was encouraged to step down, but he has never been subpoenaed or even questioned about it by the 9/11 Commission or journalists to this day. But then we must remember that the Commission Report did conclude that, "Ultimately the question [of who funded 9/11] is of little practical significance" and thus assure us that the classic investigatory follow-the-money technique is now obsolete and we shouldn't trouble our little heads with such details today.
The Bitter Fight against Investigations
  • The Bush administration repeatedly refused and resisted attempts to launch investigations and consistently underfunded and obstructed those that managed to get underway. The National Transportation Safety Board which ALWAYS investigates every airplane crash was totally shut out by the FBI and told to stay away. The 9/11 Commission was given less than a quarter of the funds of Clinton's Whitewater investigation, and many high official (including Bush & Cheney) would not testify under oath. The FBI anthrax inquiry lost all momentum once the strain was identified as a US military brand. And Ashcroft urged all federal agencies to ignore all the Freedom of Information requests that they possibly can.
The Amazing Disappearing Evidence

Short sampling: The FBI claimed all four WTC black boxes were destroyed and missing (but rescue workers claim that three were found), the FAA air controller tapes were systematically destroyed within hours of the attack, the WTC steel was immediately shipped abroad before it could be tested, the last three minutes of the Shanksville crash tape have never been released, and all court cases regarding the attacks have been denied access to vital evidence because of "national security concerns"

The Amazing Disappearing Demand for Accountability
  • Although the government's entire 9/11 fable and its Commission apologists depend on the incompetence defense, no one in any agency has ever been reprimanded, let alone fired or punished for that same murderous level of "incompetence." Although to be fair, neither has the government ever successfully prosecuted ANYONE ANYWHERE for their role in the attacks. American whistleblowers who have come forward with proof of government misconduct and deceit, however, have been quite efficiently fired, persecuted, and discredited in the public eye.
The Ripley Believe It or Not Sideshow of 9/11 Miracles
  • Brief sampling: The symmetrical demolition-like collapse of the 47-story WTC building without any major fires or damage (also pronounced inexplicable by the FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] investigation team); the five surviving "hijackers" who still noisily protest that FBI claims about their murderous suicides are premature at best; the magic hijacker passport that floated threw the WTC fireball and building collapse to land totally unscathed in the New York street below; the eight-mile debris trail from Flight 93 in Shanksville, a plane that supposedly flew straight into the ground; the WTC first responder testimony that "there were bombs going off all around" - so many odd mysteries, so much still left to know...

For a good insight into this whole thing, I recommend you read 'The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11' by David Ray Griffin.

"It is a puzzle that may never be solved because, in another odd coincidence, no pictures exist of the moment the aircraft penetrated the building. Jose Velasquez, an employee at the petrol station opposite the Pentagon, has stated that security cameras there would have recorded the moment of impact. 'But I?ve never seen what the pictures looked like. The FBI were here within minutes and took the film away," he told reporters. - David Ray Griffin.'"

"There are only unanswered questions, such as that posed by Kristen Breitweiser, whose husband died in the World Trade Centre. She apparently told a television show: "I don't understand how a plane could hit our defence department (The Pentagon) an hour after the first plane hit the Twin Towers. I don't understand how that is possible. I'm a reasonable person. But when you look at the fact that we spend a half trillion dollars on national defence . . . I think there were procedures and protocols that were not followed on September 11."
P.s. Rileymo, just "go back to bed", as Bill Hicks would say to the American people, "...your Government is in control again, go back to bed."
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 09:07:21 UTC Post #94389
Yeah, you can fly those machines wiht an inmense accuracy. how else can you land a boeing wiht 200 mph?
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 09:09:52 UTC Post #94390
...If you are an experience pilot perhaps...
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 13:56:36 UTC Post #94414
That's 173 knots. I don't think that's possible, and Jahzel, at speeds like that, it comes down to physics, not skill.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-02 14:24:58 UTC Post #94600
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-02 14:30:22 UTC Post #94602
This world is becoming a dangerous place indeed.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-02 17:29:53 UTC Post #94648
Right, i really dont take you serious anymore from today on.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-02 18:02:05 UTC Post #94655
I do think that's a little inconsistent. I mean, the story starts picking at itself :|.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-03 09:43:41 UTC Post #94730
Ignore all the conspiracy stories for now.

Concentrate on the facts that we can prove:

Escort planes were not scrambled within the 10 minutes they would nomrally have been scrambled once any plane goes off-course in US air space.

The various adminitrive changes made in the build up to 9/11.

The warnings received by the Bush Administration from other governments prior to 9/11.

The links that Bush has with the Saudi Royals, in particular, the Bin Laden family.

I believe that Bush and his cronies knew this was going to happen, they didn't orchestrate it, they simply made it easier for the terrorists to achieve.

The reasons why those young men took it into their hands to kill 3000+ people are varied, but most concentrate on Americas foreign policy, or lack of one.

For decades (since WW2) the USA and it's allies have been pushing their weight around the globe and opressing 3rd world, and developing countries in order to sustain it's capitalist lifestyle: that of greed and over-indulgence.

The US had 9/11 coming, just be thankfull the "terrists" didn't get wise and simultaneosly poison various reservoirs.. they could have killed a lot more people.
There is an explanation why they didn't, and that is, the 9/11 attacks were a purely visual display, meant to shock and outrage; but also to focus the eye of the world on the plight of those responsible.

The problem with half of America is that it still believes that Rambo was a documentary. And that the US support in Afghanistan was noble and honest, and that the US interests in Middle Eastern oil supplies were based on Fair Trade. The list goes on.

Basically, the USA have been using their military and financial powers to support and incite coups and to push power to candidates they feel will be of benefit to the USA.


For the USA. What about the people living under these dictators? What about the rest of the world?

Anyway, I digress.

I feel that the Bush administration allowed the 9/11 attacks to happen, then covered up as much evidence as they could.

It's worth noting that an operation like the 9/11 attack would have taken several years to plan, fund, and execute. There would have been plenty of oportunity to prevent it.

But their plans relied on a mass terrist attack on the USA in order to provoke the American public into believing that war was the only option left. And that diplomacy wasn't viable. Of course the US was never too big on diplomacy, they liked to point out the corruption in the UN as a justification for avoiding true democracy. All the while ignoring the glaring corrpution in their own assembly.

It took the US two whole months to get into Afghanistan. That's an awful long time considering the Intelligence Agencies already knew Osama was there.
After they failed to find Osama, the second phase of the plan comes in, and that's to finish off Sadam once and for all (Bush's daddy failed, Dubya has to make pops proud..). the links Saddam had to "terrism" are weak, he was not harbouring Al Qaeda members, Sadam is a Sunni Muslim, an enemy of Osama.

Now thousands of people have died, many more continue to die at the hands of American soldiers and foreign terrorists in iraq. the terrorists that weren't there when Sadam was in power, because he was a fucking nutter who murdered people for trivial reasons. Terrists didn't have the balls to fuck with him.

And now the US is turning it's eye towards Iran :| I mean.. Jesus Christ. It's all unfolding now, Syria next, then North Korea, hell, Germany and the UK next. Who's going to stop them?
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