Omg what has the thread come too

people molesting cats!! (even though they do deserve it, too smart for thier own good!!) dogs rule!!
its true "fancy a shag" is one of the best chatup lines, because:
1. they will jus shag you if thier really up for it
2. if they are not a slag, then theyll think your only joking so gets you into a conversation, and then..shazzam, in the bed screaming like a fox on heat in no time!
3. even if they dont want too sleep with you then theyll probably think your being funny agin, and they could have horny mates for them to introduce you too.
thank god for that line!! but ahh there is number 4. -
*slap* you sick bastard
this happens because of the following reasons so be wary
1.they are ON and so never mess
2.They have just broken up from a long term relationship (may well get slap as well as kick in bollocks just for revenge on her a bitch and run like feeecckk!!!)
3. they are actually a man. soloution--drink less toilet duck and tequila