Utterly Disgraceful Treatment Created 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:14:27 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:14:27 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:14:27 UTC Post #95831
Watch this video hosted on prisonplanet.com about how the police used horrendous restraining methods against non-violent protestors against abortion. 'Nunchucks' were used on one peacful protester, and nunchucks are actually an illegal weapon that can cause a tremendous amount of harm. Fortunately, all this was captured on home video, so there's no cowering behind lies. This is the kind of brutality one would expect in Nazi Germany, certainy not America. Disgusting.

Now I'm not a religious guy, but since when are ordinary American christian citizens criminals for stopping murder?

*P.s. I wouldnt watch this video if you have a weak stomach.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:23:55 UTC Post #95833
I also want you to see this short segment from Alex Jone's latest documentary 'Martial Law: Rise Of The Police State' inwhich a Bhemian Grove member gets confronted.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:36:58 UTC Post #95837
I also wouldn't out-right call abortion murder.

The difference between killing something that is socially aware and has knowledge of what you're about to do.. and the that of a barely developed life-form that is only aware of it's own animal instincts.. well the difference is huge.

Although there is a moral stance that can be taken, and still protect the right to life on unborn infants (although I'll get back to this..).
That is that when people start to use abortion as a means of contraception, it becomes a complacent use of a very extreme method.

With proper education and a 'licensing' of the sexual act abortion would be used by only those who have been sexually assaulted and those whose children suffer defects in the womb.

Abortion must take into account both the parent as well as the child. If a parent is incapable of providing for their child then what kind of "life" will said child be subjected to anyway?
When you consider that children are shaped by several factors (Parents/Society around them) then depending on the circumstances of the mother (and father) and her social standing and surroundings, the child will grow up a product of that environment.

So to abort a child which will be born into a less than satisfactory environment and wait until your position is good enough that you can afford (mentally and financially) to support the child and to raise it in the best environment and social surroundings that you can.

I think it's wrong to abort past 2 months. Because teh child begins to form and become more and more aware.
Think of it as dying in your sleep; I'd much rather be shot in the head while asleep than to watch someone do it to me when I was awake.

Unfortunately life is often cruel and unfair. And what these pro-lifers fail to see a lot of the time, is that they are in a relatively good position if they have the time to protest and interfere with another persons life.
These pro-lifers are also the most vehemently pro-war. There's no rallies against war by these people because they are deeply religious and due to the promotion of the war on terror as a religious struggle, these right-wing nutters are more than happy to send their children off to die for absolutely nothing! Yet they want the right to tell someone they must ruin their life (children ruin your plans for a better life, or at least make it a Hell of a lot harder to acheive the goals if you're already on the poverty line), because their "God" says it's wrong to kill.
Yet their children, are killing and being killed.

I can't take anyone with that level of hypocracy seriously.

I haven't watched the video yet but I will, perhaps you should watch a few videos of infants being aborted; it's shocking stuff, but I still have my opinion that it is a neccesary evil.

As for the police, well shit, we all know they're the most corrupt institution next to the politicians.
Above the law..
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:38:32 UTC Post #95838
Well said PaLO
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 09:45:46 UTC Post #95840
In fact; I can't just leave it at that! What can we actually do about the police? Sure a few might get dismised but that institution of corruption and brutality will still remain.

Is there actually anything we as citizens, the people supposedly in charge, can do to reform the state?

Are we to be forced itno "terrorism" in order to change the state's ways? To make them take notice!?

It doesn't seem like we have a lot of choice..
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 14:44:56 UTC Post #95888
PaLO I absolutely agree with you about these 'Pro-lifers' and will quote what Bill Hick's said; "But I've always found religion to be fascinating, such as how people act on their beliefs.. Pro-lifers murdering doctors"

I disagree with their strange beliefs, and I have very mixed views on abortion. These days it's 'yuppie' parenting and designer babies. If the kid isn?t up to spec he/she doesn?t get born.

Anyway, the real issue I was concerned about was the absolutely disgusting treatment of the peaceful protestors and the otherworldly prison sentences and fines allocated.

I mean come on police; pepper spraying women holding babies is quite frankly evil. Now in America they are tasering 8 year olds, 79 year old women, and gguys in wheelchairs. People always say to me, "that's not true, no evidence." Well to those I say, "Get off your fat ass and see for yourself the mainstream news headlines in America. Luckily alot of the news articles that report such incidents get saved on prisonplanet.com so they will always be available to see. I mean I read today how an 8 year old was arrested in an elementary school for going on a rampage :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-08 15:43:06 UTC Post #95894
a barely developed life-form that is only aware of it's own animal instincts
I don't know what the law on the time is in different places, but I'm pretty sure that a couple-of-weeks-old bunch of cells isn't actually sentient. Surely?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-09 17:20:36 UTC Post #96054
This might be the only thing I agree with Jahzel on ;)

Isn't it stupid how if you kill a pregnate woman, its a double homicide? But when a doctor does an abortion, its OK?
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-09 17:30:51 UTC Post #96055
The woman has asked for the abortion.
In an abortion, the woman doesn't get killed.

So...of course the doctor isn't gonna be tried for double homicide!!
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-09 20:47:34 UTC Post #96081
"and by the way, a foetus isn't a living person its just a little group of cells. You're not a human untill you're in my phone book." - Bill Hicks

Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 23:13:50 UTC Post #96562
I don't know what the law on the time is in different places, but I'm pretty sure that a couple-of-weeks-old bunch of cells isn't actually sentient. Surely?
Well, when certain methods of abortion are used (the most notable for the arguement of 'animal instincts'), such as a vacuum (sounds .. unreal, but google abortion methods) it is quite possible to see the forming infant squirming away from the suction tube. Not pleasant but illustrates a clear knowledge of self by the infant.
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 23:14:24 UTC Post #96563
And awish to preserve itself
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 11:25:05 UTC Post #96615
After how long?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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