Thanks Rabid. and BTW, I didnt figure out the problem

I did however get closer to compiling the model. It compiled, but the model has a big cube in the middle for some reason, along with a random cylinder floating in the air. Also I didnt get the texture directory correct.
Here is my new .qc file:
$modelname "Bench/Bench.mdl"
$scale 7.0
$body "Body" Bench.smd
$surfaceprop "metal"
$cdmaterials "modelsweightwrap"
$collisionmodel "Bench" {
$sequence idle "Bench.smd" fps 15 ACT_IDLE 1
Here is the line I believe is the problem: $cdmaterials "modelsweightwrap"
"weightwrap is the name of my UV map VTF file.
should this be: models/weightwrap? My directory goes modelsBenchweightwrap.
EDIT: Rabid, the command cd "%sourcesdk%bin does not work...
Oh, and here is a screenie of what is supposed to be a weight set, but has a cube in it for some reason.....