Cordon compiles don't help for a couple reasons.
1. "Expert" compile doesn't support cordon compile--It just does the regular compile, despite cordon settings.
2. Under "Normal" it works, but it doesn't process the mapname.rad file, so I can't check any lighting.
So, what I've been doing is visgoup/hiding the current chunk of the map i'm working on, and then <gasp> select/deleting the rest of the map and running a full compile. 30seconds vs. 10 minutes = A-ok!

Can anyone see any problems with doing this? I backup regularly, and CTRL-Z the delete after the compile.
The only problem I can possibly see, is sometimes cloning a perfectly good object--no brush errors--and pasting it inexplicably causes "leaf saw into leaf" error. So I suppose, it could happen with the part of the map I'm deleting, but it hasn't happened yet.
For all you batch compilers out there, can you do cordon compiles that process the mapname.rad file?