Anyone else have this problem? Created 17 years ago2007-01-30 10:13:17 UTC by moosefetcher moosefetcher

Created 17 years ago2007-01-30 10:13:17 UTC by moosefetcher moosefetcher

Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 10:13:17 UTC Post #211125
Hello again.
I'm STILL trying to solve a 'resetting entities' problem. I've read the tutorials here and on other sites and THOUGHT I had a pretty good understanding of entities.
My map works fine the first time. It's when the round re-starts that all the elevators don't start at their 'first stop target'. They start where I've designed them in the rmf file (in their light boxes).
Does anyone have a solution to make them start each round at their first stop target? I've registered on a load of sites and asked, and I can't believe that SOMEbody doesn't know how to do this... It seems like such a simple thing. All the maps I know have the elevators start in the right place each round. How?
I've tried eveything I can think of - 'killing' the elevators at the end of the round then re-triggering them; trigger_changetarget-ing the first stop target of the elevators to where I want it to go; even triggering the elevator the right number of times to send it back to its start point doesn't work - that just toggles it between moving and not moving - I need it to JUMP to the start point for the start of the round!
Nothing works! Every time on the second round they start where they are in the rmf. This is so frustrating. Do I just give up?
If you know what I need to do, PLEASE help... I would really appreciate it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 15:23:19 UTC Post #211151
Hello again.
Yeah, I know about using a func_door to trigger the reset and that's what I've been doing. That all works fine if the elevator (actually a func_train) is at its last stop. If it's BETWEEN stops, triggering it seems to do nothing - it starts positioned in its light box - NOT at its first stop target.
Sorry espen - you've been helping a lot! But I can NOT figure this out.
I've set up a bunch of multi_managers and trigger_changetargets to try and force the elevator to its first stop, but that only works if its at the last stop when the round finishes. Otherwise - yup - the elevator starts in its light box.
Anyway. Probably should just give up. Unless anyone knows what I'm doing wrong...
Posted 17 years ago2007-01-30 16:45:38 UTC Post #211158
I think I know what you mean - I'd effectively be swapping between two elevators each round - the original and a 'decoy'. Will see if I can get that working.
As it is, the elevator doesn't STAY in its light box. Weirdly, when it gets triggered in the second round, it moves from its position in the lightbox TO the path_corner it WAS moving toward in the previous round. Baffling.
Thanks again for replying so quickly!
There's another problem I have to solve too. I still need to figure out how to reset the elevator's rotation - Did I tell you that the elevator rotates? I've got it rotating fine, but need it to start at 'zero rotation' at the start of each round. But maybe that's another whole thing...
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