How do I turn Env_beam off? Created 15 years ago2009-06-06 13:42:10 UTC by josko_91 josko_91

Created 15 years ago2009-06-06 13:42:10 UTC by josko_91 josko_91

Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 13:42:10 UTC Post #268025
Hi! I've had this problem bugging me a few days now.

What I'm making is a few '' rocks '' falling down from the roof with a fast speed and being triggered from a button. And the env_beam with every info_target around it with func_buttons on the info_targets representing all the rocks. So the env_beam with the info_targets will be my ' trigger_random ' workaround and it works very good! No lag either. but I can't get the Env_beam to turn off when I want it to do so. I want the env_beam to turn off after 10 seconds.

My setup:

Name: rock_btn
Target: bigbeam_mm

Name: bigbeam_mm
bigbeam .01
rocks_quake .01

Name: rocks_quake

Name: bigbeam

And so on. That is basicly it, only that I have 13 info_targets around the env_beam with func_buttons on them that target each rock, so when the beam hits one func_button randomly, that rock will ' fall ' down

So How can I turn this damn Env_beam off? :D
I believe it's something tricky, So I'll let it to you, oh smart community to help me!
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 13:51:20 UTC Post #268026
Its even easier than you might think: simply check the Toggle flag of that env_beam. Triggering it will turn it off.

Toggle means: on, off, on, off etc...
Posted 15 years ago2009-06-06 14:57:14 UTC Post #268031
holy shit! And all I had to do is check the toggle flag on the env_beam :P Nooby me. haha, thanks mate, Cheers!
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