My mod that im making. Created 14 years ago2010-08-07 08:19:43 UTC by brendanmint brendanmint

Created 14 years ago2010-08-07 08:19:43 UTC by brendanmint brendanmint

Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 08:19:43 UTC Post #283975
OK, so last year, i was working on Theroses, my own personal fantasy sci-fi universe i came up with at the age of 9 or 10 to fulfill my time. Well, my computer blew to shit, and i lost all the mod files, custom textures, map, everything. so now, I'm making 2112 AKA: Theroses:revival. and its kinda coincidental, i was making a flash cartoon for school, about theroses, well that got lost too, so I'm making a flash sharing the Theroses:Revival name. same character, Kyle Peterson. Same environment, you start on ship, it gets blown to shit, and you take the hard way out in this new version. ill post the story here, i think i have some old chapters of the short story i was writing for it. probably not though. ill post map pics though of development, one difference is that this uses source 09, while the old one used source 07. Any ideas for the new mod?
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 11:58:43 UTC Post #283982
Here is an idea; Invest in a backup device.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 12:04:00 UTC Post #283983
What kind of ship is it? Sea, Space, or Air?
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 12:12:34 UTC Post #283984
You start on a spaceship, which is already in shit condition, and you escape to the planet below. To you its planet [randomnumber] to the natives its called Theroses.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 12:16:07 UTC Post #283985
I've got a tip for ya; don't call it a mod. In my two years on the site every little "mod" never gets done and ends up a stupid thread on the forums that people laugh at. If you would lower your goals to a map or two and then work up into a campaign and perhaps some custom content here and there thats good, but as soon as the word "mod" comes out it always seems doomed to fail.

Just my 2 cents
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 18:30:03 UTC Post #284002
Maybe the ship gets struck by a meteorite? Oh, I know- before you get out of the ship, maybe have the artificial gravity cut out partially- so the gravity is lower. Depending on the style of the ship, you could make sure the player gets through doors by clever use of clip brushes to guide them through the doorways. Of course, this would only work for submarine-sized or larger ships, and not jet fighter/X-wing sized ships. I've also always wanted a mod to do a (skippable, of course) intro sequence before the main menu loads using the media system that loads Valve.avi/bik - newer versions of the engine support multiple avi/bik files through a text file, but that's just me.
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-07 21:07:14 UTC Post #284004
I've also always wanted a mod to do a (skippable, of course) intro sequence before the main menu loads using the media system that loads Valve.avi/bik - newer versions of the engine support multiple avi/bik files through a text file, but that's just me.
Im 14, so this is like, years away.
brendanmint brendanmintBrendan
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-08 00:58:42 UTC Post #284005
on this subject, is it even possible to use avi's in source 2007 anymore?
Posted 14 years ago2010-08-08 08:40:52 UTC Post #284009
It should be- I can't see why Valve would dropsupport for something.

Okay, more info required; is Theroses a tribal planet, a high-tech planet, or does it resemble X era from earth?
Im 14, so this is like, years away.
All you'd need is a bik or avi that tells a short prologue to the mod's story, and then add it to the list of startup videos. Hell, you could probably use the flash version to make it if you wanted to.
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-02 18:57:32 UTC Post #284870
the storyline coincidentally sounds like USS darkstar
Posted 14 years ago2010-09-02 19:01:25 UTC Post #284874
It should be- I can't see why Valve would drop support for something.
Yeah who are they, Sony?
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