no Gibs BUG? func_breakable Created 8 years ago2017-02-21 14:35:38 UTC by kruk kruk

Created 8 years ago2017-02-21 14:35:38 UTC by kruk kruk

Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 14:35:38 UTC Post #333671
Hi, i run in to a strange problem -.- my func_breakable (vent cover) 16x16x64
dosnt spawn metal gibs (any of gibs wood, glass ect even custom ones) in some places on the map ... in some places it works fine but in other it just disepers on brake ;/
Looks like placement of it has some influence, i use same func_breakable
everyware ..did try everything ;/.

I use
JACK 1.1.1064
Vluzacn's ZHLT v34 x64
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 14:48:31 UTC Post #333674
Number of gibs spawned is based upon size of the breakable object. I wouldn't be surprised if that is so small that sometimes it chooses to spawn nothing.

Take the same entities and stretch them bigger as a test.
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 16:59:32 UTC Post #333678
Ok so i think i know what's causing it...

Looks like im working out of the 8192 grid in editor and those func_breakable dont spawn gibs over position -4096 ;p

So i guess that's what can cause it ?
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 17:20:44 UTC Post #333680
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 17:24:24 UTC Post #333681
I'm inclined to think the main cause of your problem is that your map is too large. :P
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 18:22:49 UTC Post #333683
Eh yeah forgot about this since did use JACK set to default unit size 16384 ;p
Probably this:
Im not much of a coder XD but just changing all the positions from 4096 to 8192 and compiling the hl.dll will fix it?
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 18:24:31 UTC Post #333684
It should, yes. I'd change it to 16384 though, that's the maximum for vanilla GoldSource IIRC.
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 18:35:07 UTC Post #333685
Eh nope doesn't look like it helps :( everything still doesn't spawn over the 4096 border :<
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 20:45:40 UTC Post #333686
yeah max in hl1 is 8k (or 4k from center)
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 21:16:54 UTC Post #333687
Had that problem with a map of mine. Looks like you'll have to work within the limits :(
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 22:12:12 UTC Post #333688
heh good thing it's just one of my maps XD can just move that part :>
Another prof not get to ambisius with 1998 game mod ;]
Posted 8 years ago2017-02-21 22:53:12 UTC Post #333689
I looked into this further: it doesn't work because the gibs are spawned using a temporary entity message. They are dependent on networking settings, and those settings limit coordinates to a range of 4096 units from origin in every axis.

Specifically, this:
MSG_WriteShort(&gMsgBuffer, ffloor(flValue * 8.0));
It writes a signed short, which is any value in the range [-32767, 32768]. 4096 * 8 is 32768, so anything greater is just not going to be written. This is unfixable without engine access.
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