I've returned once again with some more problems Created 6 years ago2019-02-19 12:05:25 UTC by SirCobalt SirCobalt

Created 6 years ago2019-02-19 12:05:25 UTC by SirCobalt SirCobalt

Posted 6 years ago2019-02-19 12:05:25 UTC Post #342056
The map is coming along quite good at the moment. I've now decided to add some custom sentences so I can properly create my own scenes. I've set up a sequence in which a scientist is to walk up to a guard and say something followed by the guard saying something followed by the scientist saying something and then walking off.

Here's the problem, I can't get the sentences to work unless I check the interrupt speech flag in each sentence entity. However this causes every sentence to be spoken at the same time (except the last one which for some reason doesn't work at all). After looking at a few modding examples I've noticed the use of sentence time for custom sentences but i'm not exactly sure if it might help or not.

The second problem is about a rotating button. I'm trying to get the actual button to rotate clockwise from a point like a typical valve, but instead it seems to open outwards like a door.

Once again I would very much appreciate your help. I've been thinking about uploading the unfinished mod as a sort of demo but I've got some serious stuff to do to it first.
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-19 13:04:31 UTC Post #342057
For the button, you can check the flags, so it's either X axis or Y axis.
Admer456 Admer456If it ain't broken, don't fox it!
Posted 6 years ago2019-02-19 22:04:32 UTC Post #342060
Oh my god I am such a moron. I fixed the sentence problem by using a multimanager and the rotating button now works as intended. The crisis has been averted.
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