A Horror Idea, Some Screens Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-06-09 10:04:10 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 20:47:56 UTC Post #87386
probably, but it may not be needed anymore
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 01:12:06 UTC Post #87409
...but it would be an awesome setting.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 08:51:44 UTC Post #87434
yeah man :D
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 09:24:47 UTC Post #87438
Picture the decaying hands of the undead wrenching out of oily thick puddles. Shudders :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 17:07:22 UTC Post #87531
summary is at version 0.5. each .1 represents a chapter. either tonight or tomaroh night i will send the 0.9 version to jahzel to do what ever he wants with it and name it 1.0.

and i will include the power plant as an optional thing. it will let you ride the tram around the city and explore, as well as go to an area that is not accessable without the power. although the secret area doesn't need to be headed to.

and Jahzel can we have a list of the mod team so i know what we have for abilitys.

and is there anyone else who might want to be on the team since this might take a while without more mappers
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 17:13:08 UTC Post #87533
oh right, one more thing.

i changed "Gang Wars" to "Highway 666" and named the unamed one "Gang Wars" since the unnamed one had some gang fights in it and the original one named gang wars was more about trying to follow a highway that two gangs controled oposite sides of, but that didn't fit very well so now it is the new way.

and has anyone on the mod team read stephen kings the dark tower series, becasue in holy city a part was kinda inspired by it and the person(s) who want to map that area(which might end up being the sweetest ones in the game) shoulkd read the part it was inspired from.

and does anyone want to start mapping becasue there are some parts that could be started now

and i keep doing this "and" thing alot don't I

...this mods going to be sweet
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 17:53:32 UTC Post #87539
I cannot believe the shear amount of pages in this thread!
Look how many times it has been viewed!

Anyway. First things first.

We need a website!

If we are going to be serious about this thing we need a decent website where we can relay information and recruit more members. In our site we need to have a decent forum where we can talk about this thing in a lot more detail.

This is a kind of mod that needs high standards! Seriously.

I'm glad you've set up the storyline garg, we have a structure to work with now. I cant wait to read it.

Honestly, this mod should piss all over the other 'zombie' style mods that are up and running. Especially as it's not just the worry of being eaten alive bu the worry of being killed and hunted down by rival gangs or the mysterious Upper Hand group underground. - If indeed you included the Upper Hand, I'm not sure.

Let's not not do anything with this mod and start something real decent here!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 06:57:01 UTC Post #87664
We need a website!
[b]http://www.ecwhost.com/[b] !!!!

Its your only option - go with freewebs or websamba - and i'll eat your skin.


Look at that! For Free!

Tell them Kol sent you - and you might bypass a few signup rules ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 09:49:32 UTC Post #87708
ya we definatly need a website. and if its a programed website and not one of the crappy drag and drop things make a private forum as well as a public forum, private forum can only be viewed by those with the password. then we can talk about hte details of the mod without giving everything away to the general public.

summary is 90% done and will be sent to jahzel within 12-hours for final aproval.

:cool: im a sweet story writer
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 10:01:41 UTC Post #87712
Cool, nice one.

Yeah, a nice sophisticated sight to draw attention ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 11:17:29 UTC Post #87717
If we could have a site that looked like the following, that woud be pretty decent :P

> http://www.clantemplates.com/templates/default_retribution/
> http://www.clantemplates.com/templates/default_streaker/streaker/
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 16:33:47 UTC Post #87792
Bah! no premade templates!

Self Coded! :|
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 18:08:57 UTC Post #87823
i got da SDK now i just have to figure out if its going to work or not, its a 50/50 chance.

jahzel im going to have to delay the sending of the summary for another few hours, its 4:06 here right now and i should have it sent by 8:00
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-02 22:03:27 UTC Post #87866
its been sent, the .txt file in all its glory. the "Breakout" chapter has got to be my favorite. its sweet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 02:34:05 UTC Post #87883
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 09:43:53 UTC Post #87911
so, what do you think. i know it seems to have a bit more weapons in it then originaly intended but if well explained will be good.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:03:28 UTC Post #87928
That was excellent!

Really good sequence of events.

First of all, should we make the look slightly different, i.e. use different looking combine soldiers (altered skins or models) to give the mod a sepertae feel to City 17? And when we have zombies can we have them so that they look like decaying civilians (the civilians in city 17)?

Also, maybe we could introduce different gunships etc, maybe different skins or whatever...

And one more thing, perhaps the Upper Hand could look similar to the outlaws in that old hl mod, 'gunman'? I mean, not exactly similar but kind of. We could give them that 'makeshift' feel as if everything they built is making use of their surroundings. Everything looks rusty but cleverly built. Like the sentry guns that guard the UH Compound could look as if built using found equipment etc...

The whole city is pretty much a scrapheap of debrie, broken cars, rubbish in the streets, random junk strewn around all over the place to give that deserted feel.... :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 11:07:48 UTC Post #87929
decaying civilians
...for isnstance, the zombies could resemble the corpses you saw in HL?, bloody clothes maybe some with zombie attack wounds from when they were attacked... It'd be cool if you could have some with missing jawbones! (and general missing body stuff!)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 16:39:31 UTC Post #87975
ya. your in waht was city 6, so thats kinda the idea behind where they got all this stuff. and it was quickly quarentined by the combine when the out break occured, some military stuff was left behind. oh and i forgot to putr in that becasue i wanted to mail it on time that at one point during friends and anti-friend you are shown two maps. they are both on a table, they both are the same maps of the world before the combine. there is a pin in one of them somewhere near the arizona, navada, and california state borders. on it is also alot of scibling, one of the things that you notice on the map with the pin is that almost all of the west coast of the USA is reded out, with words saying that it sunk into ocean. and things like city locations and known facts about the combine controled world written on it.

glad you liked the story Jaz. :cool: isn't it sweet :cool:
are you going to send it out to everyone soon becasue we really got to get thsi mapped and modeled before HL3 comes out
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 17:16:19 UTC Post #87982
As i said, do you need any help?

I have had experience with HL2 for a while now and i can just about grasp the setup of entities!

Whatever you do, do not use freewebs as a host for your site!

Take a look at my profile for pictures of a city map me and this guy are working on if you want to see my work!

All i can say is good luck and some ideas:

There is a HL2 mod called HL2 Substance which is HL2 with some guns reskinned and the civies follow you everywhere!

The mod contained reskinned combine in camo (green) and looked good and the guns were edited so you could see more of the hand!

Reply ASAP
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 17:48:43 UTC Post #87999
nice, i would say yes right now and give you a part to map, but i don't know if jaz made any modifications to my story, or if he wants you on the team for that matter. but you probably will be accepted
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 18:00:29 UTC Post #88004
So your continuing this for Hafl-Life 2, good luck then!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 18:06:55 UTC Post #88007
Ok Garg and i know i probably will not be accepted as 'Jahzel' does not like me !!

Oh well maybe some other time!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 18:39:18 UTC Post #88021
Here's a tip for making people like you: Don't be an annoying retard.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 21:31:43 UTC Post #88048
yes, we are continuing for hl2, its the only way this will work. and just becasue jahzel doesn't like you doesn't mean you wont be on the team, but it does lower your chances. but we need people with the ability to do stuff like that

and lastly, is there anyone on the mod team who would like something to map
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 23:14:03 UTC Post #88055
Can I see this txt file? /me is interested/trustworthy. In return I can map something :F
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 00:48:42 UTC Post #88059
humm...to wait for jahzels word or not...no, dm petrol alone qualifys you for this. ill whip something up that is a little more detailed of a part that jahzel couldn't posibly have changed much. accually ill send you two. one is a little more advanced then the other. but you will have to use current models becasue as you know we haven't really began that part yet.

good luck.

next section:

combine soldier-need a more desert camo look.
rebel forces-make them look like what you think upper hand guys would look like.

gunship-one that is a little more beten up, as if it hasn't had a good thoroh maintnece check up in a time(what happens when its been away from the citidels facilitys for to long)

fast zombies-reskined as more peopleish.

normal zombies-same

headcrabs-(would like to get these out alltogether, but if we don't get a coder that) zombie ticks, attach on and suck your blood

creapy graveyardguy-can be the scientist guy(more info later)

black HC zombie-(only if headhumper arn't removed.) pretty much the same thing.

civilians- well some maintnence worker like people.

there will probably be more, but get started
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 04:39:47 UTC Post #88068
I could map for it... I haven't learnt much HL2 SP mapping yet, but the brushwork and lighting should be fine.

Example of my HL2 work. My main priority of this was lighting, and to make it look like Ravenholm.

Yayz. I'd like to get a real scary part with real atmospheric lighting and stuff. (If Jahzel lets me in of course, lollerz)
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 10:49:59 UTC Post #88107
m_garg, are you sure the zombies should be the VALVe type zombies?

You see I was thinking, if we want this to have that classic zombie feel we need to have new monster models that resemble civilians who have been infected. Resident Evil style zombies? Also, we could have infected combine soldiers as well to blend in with the rest of the hordes of zombies. (Plus, because they have some armour they could be alot more difficult to shoot).

Also, the thing about HL zombies is that they attack with their claws in that swiping fashion. I don't think that should be the way it goes, I think they should be trying to grab hold of you to devour you (as zombies would normally). If all they did was just try and claw you it wouldn;t be as shocking. Imagine if you run into a narrow tunnel, the thrill of trying to escape a large crowd of zombies trying to grab you and eat you would be great. Normal zombies would just be standing their clawing at you...

Another thing is, the deliberate zombie infestation was already part of HL? so if in our mod their was a deliberate HL? zombie infestation it wouldnt be very different. You see in our mod the infestation was part of an epidemic and in HL the zombies were made by headcrabs.

(Edit:...we could even have both normal hl zombies mixed with the new infected civilian zombies? Just an idea...)

We need to give that feel of wild groups of derranged, hungry, desperate, decaying civilians roaming the streets looking for a victim to devour. In the streets would be burned out cars etc and tons of rubbish and clutter etc. (Looting)

P.s. Are you sure desert? ...It is an urban environment?:

And Habboi, I do not dislike you* and I suppose, if you are sensible, we could find some jobs for you, but only if you act maturely and do not harass any of the members of the group...

Rabid, definately join, nuff said :P

...And Trapt, we could use your horror skills! :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 11:31:05 UTC Post #88109
ya, i would definaly like a whole new monster for the zombies. but that might require some codeing.

and let me clarify on what i said about the not waiting becsaue that sounded a little, i can't remember the word i had thought up for it. i meant that i wasn't going to wait to see if you cahnged anything.

Rabid, im just going to send you all of Ch.2 when i finish it, which will probably be saterday. feel free to change the details of it.

and well also probably need new monsters for enemy gang members, we should just be able to copy the combine soldiers code and change it a bit.

and the combines might be in there normal black, urban camo, becasue there in a city. or in desert camo becasue the city is in the navada, arizona area.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 13:02:53 UTC Post #88118
May i ask:

Who is on the team?
Have you got coders, texture artists etc!
Ok Jahzel but i swear that i have never harassed any of the members of the group...!!!
Also the zombie idea of grabbing instead of clawing sounds difficult to code but it has sort of been done on a map called RECO for Sven Co-op.

Where can i get this baby of a story!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 17:02:24 UTC Post #88163
its my baby, you can't have it. but you can read it though, if jahzel sends it to you
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 19:01:28 UTC Post #88177
And are you going to answer the questions above?
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-04 21:02:28 UTC Post #88207

Perhaps there is no answer yet? Maybe because they haven't been decided yet?

Think about it...
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 00:14:42 UTC Post #88232
my story keeps getting better. Jahzel, you know how in the summary i did almost nothing for the second chapter, well for rabid ive been writing it in detail, if it doens't end the creapyest, scariest chapter in the game then rabid will have done something wrong.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 04:13:36 UTC Post #88268
Oooooh I'm looking forward to this :D
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 08:59:58 UTC Post #88287
Hurry up with that website ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 09:58:28 UTC Post #88299
Oooooh I r also looking forward to this.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 13:10:16 UTC Post #88322
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 00:34:26 UTC Post #88489
do not be looking forward to this, be extatic. you won't be disipointed.

thats why im going to put some more time into this. so Rabid, im going to send you a part tonight and the rest some other day. what im sending you will occupy you for a while.

I feel so proud of myself :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 14:22:06 UTC Post #88552
reading the storyline of HL the things i thought up seem so perfectly fitting.

the thngs they should add to that timeline(which will be revealed in PRK in more depth) are the following.
1:the portal storms causing a huge earthquake on the SanAndreas falt, breaking off almost all of the west coast of North America. this leads to the destruction of citys 2 and 3(Los Angelous and San Francisco) and the fleeing of citizens from the crumbling new minicontenent to start what will become city 6, when the citys are renamed

2: the erecting of a citidel where the UN building once was.

3: the (ordered by the combine) work in city 6 by the lab gragg once worked in to create a better human for overwatchination, aka the white soldiers. but this resarch goes bad and the dna strands that made the new soldiers so much better escaped and mutated creating the zombies. the scapinping of that resarch and the begining of it anew, which quickly leads to the white soldiers.

the quarentineing of most of city 6 to prevent the zombies form getting out into the world. and breen setting up a tv show to make sure that people don't get to many ideas, and that any who do get thrown into the city. this little part is told on the flight into the city and can be seen by the modified scanners that have cameras on them
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 15:05:00 UTC Post #88557
That sounds pretty f****g cool M_garg!

I like the way it is the intention of the Combine - this gives good reason as to why the whole project is so cruel!

Those TV screens will look cool aswell!
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 17:06:36 UTC Post #88569
*pokes rabid

did you get the e-mail and part of the CH2 story, and if so do you like it

and thanks jahzel, ive been working my as off to make this fit with HL 100%
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 03:12:35 UTC Post #88665
Can I have my part of the story? I've been stuck with ideas of what to map lately, and since Jahzel has given teh OK for me, I'd like to start mapping now. I have no current projects, so I suppose I will be focusing completely on this.

Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 03:20:28 UTC Post #88666
I got it, and I love it - Should be great fun to map. I've got loads of ideas.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 09:28:02 UTC Post #88690
Are there any female characters? Like a female sniper, maybe of the Upper Hand...? :

...Not that it matters and all, but I was just wondering... :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 09:59:51 UTC Post #88697
i will see if i can fit one in.

trapt, pick a chapter and I see what i can do. some chapters i won't let you do though, im going to save tehm for the end so that were all good enough to map um
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 13:55:28 UTC Post #88727
See my avatar??? shes a female combine ;)
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 16:36:05 UTC Post #88774
thats just scary.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-07 17:41:15 UTC Post #88790
Can we make it so that when you play our mod you get amnesia and wake up in the middle of the night screaming?

And can we also hire a bunch of guys in black coats to come and check the mod's records to see how it was played?
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