Taking out my anger! Created 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:33:11 UTC by SilentGunz SilentGunz

Created 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:33:11 UTC by SilentGunz SilentGunz

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:33:11 UTC Post #53031
I hate the following things:

-n00bs who think they can make a mod
-Piece of sh*t maps
-My neighbor
-My computer
-Far Cry
-People that think Halo is the best game ever
-Dr. Kleiner
-My old couch (finally got rid of it!)
-And last but least, wasps/yellow jackets/hornets/anything else that stings and flies

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:33:40 UTC Post #53032
Just had to take out my anger... :|
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:34:30 UTC Post #53033
In a less violent form (I usually break something)

I know, I need some kind of anger management class... :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:39:01 UTC Post #53035
I've got a Dr. Kleiner model you could take your anger out on. He's a cripple, though.

Y'know, hating VALVe for their wonderful game is rather sadistic, dont'cha think :P ?

I'm with yah on most of those though. Notably Far Cry.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 23:49:25 UTC Post #53037
I partly hate Valve, for making Steam! :x
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 00:24:54 UTC Post #53043
True. All too true.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 03:29:11 UTC Post #53079
-People that think Halo is the best game ever
-n00bs who think they can make a mod
Er.... These sound remarkably similar to each other. :D
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 03:49:16 UTC Post #53088
i love far cry
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 03:50:10 UTC Post #53089
i love wasp stings :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 04:07:50 UTC Post #53094
@Trapt: :P .

Far Cry is torture in a 40 dollar box. The thing is laggy on a new machine at a medium detail level, and it has one-shot-one-kill stuff like Splinter Cell and R6 and run-and-gun stuff like HL...it strikes an uneasy balance between the two.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 04:54:24 UTC Post #53103
In a less violent form (I usually break something)
I killed my mother yesterday
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 06:52:41 UTC Post #53123
As long as you didn't break anything. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 08:24:43 UTC Post #53146
Steam is great. You haters just suk.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 08:26:54 UTC Post #53148
Anyone got that weird concole bug in Steam?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 08:28:29 UTC Post #53150
Like what?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 08:29:58 UTC Post #53152
i do
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 08:33:23 UTC Post #53155
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 09:09:55 UTC Post #53168
Hey! Don't knock hover flies/yellow jacket flies! They dont sting! They're just curious!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 15:07:28 UTC Post #53244

More Masochistic
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 15:31:54 UTC Post #53256
ey? whats all this ere? Halo is awsome idk why you dont like it explain pleaz
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 15:56:30 UTC Post #53270
well, i best let out my anger:
My Nexdoor Neighbors Dog
People that think they can map, but when they create a simple box they say "OMFG check out the box i made dudes."
Pencils that are easy to break
My mouse that sticks to the mousepad
Full Bright Maps
Animation Shop freezing in the middle of an animation your making to say "Trial Period has exceded", and it's the best animation you made ever!
i probably have more.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 16:19:21 UTC Post #53276

my science teacher for overreacting and referring me (i mean all i did was demonstrate my woodpigeon call mimic, which sounds exactly like a woodpigeon)
steam(constant log outs, constantly taking down the friends network, complicating mapping for steam...)
people linking videogames and violence
anything that pops up saying "trial period has exceded".
homework, as if i dont do enough work in school!
school guitars
pop music (one of the guys in mcflys brother cleans the floor in the hairdressers i get my hair cut in... brr...)
linkin park <see above>
one of my friends for saying metallica and iron maiden both sound exactly the same as nickleback (huh?)
cs g33ks
cs g33k mappers
cs g33k 1337 mappers
mop (when he starts calling himself a "1337 h4xx0r")
and many more...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 17:18:43 UTC Post #53293
Mettallica and all those rockbands.... hate 'em.

You should listen of what Brak thinks of rock music and metal from The Brak Show (some cartoon)...

Endless constipated-screaming with their heads about to blow off and no point nevertheless... like they got no other things to do in life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 17:30:07 UTC Post #53301
i hate the lead singer of creed,
i hate my nextdoor neighbors, they call me Bob, and my name aint bob!!
i hate the damn gargantuas and big mommas in halflife
i hate maps where you walk two steps and you fall into the void
i hate people that eat at burger king and say the food there is delicious
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 17:46:34 UTC Post #53303
Animation Shop freezing in the middle of an animation your making to say "Trial Period has exceded", and it's the best animation you made ever!
This is why you buy full version software if you use these sorts of programs a lot.

What's up with everyone hating their neighbors?
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 21:49:38 UTC Post #53369
To Hammer: I never said I hated Halo, I said I hate guys that think it's the greatest game ever because it's not; HL is (soon to be HL2)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-23 21:50:59 UTC Post #53370
Far Cry is torture in a 40 dollar box. The thing is laggy on a new machine at a medium detail level, and it has one-shot-one-kill stuff like Splinter Cell and R6 and run-and-gun stuff like HL...it strikes an uneasy balance between the two.
Yeah really. That game is so f**ked up by bugs.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 08:59:57 UTC Post #53525
1. Steam
2. Steam again
3. Complex questions when you are caught off guard ("Errr...shit, errrr.... I don't know, errrr...... say that again")
4. Really sensible people trying to dance to reggae cringes
5. Any type or form of pop music/chart music
6. Really sensible people
7. Posh people
8. The Queen
9. Patriotism, ie. people waving their flags at the Queen not even knowing that the Queen isn't even human.
10. Religion. (all types)
11. Nuts apart from peanuts - which are moderately acceptable.
12. Fosters/Australian beer
13. Budweiser, I mean compared to it's czech cousin it's nat's piss
14. John Player Gold, Mayfair cigarettes -- eeugh! coughs
15. Soap Operas (EastEnders/Coronation Street/Any other mindless, unintelligent baloney)
16. So-called New Age Hippies who come from rich backgrounds
17. So-called Socialists who come from rich backgrounds
18. Conservative supporters
19. Sport (Any kind, be it football, hockey, tennis etc)
20. Anything that envolves physical activity, ie. Getting up off the sofa
21. Morris Dancers, I mean, why?
22. Jim Davidson, man he desrves a good smack in the face
23. Being asked how many novels you've read, "errr.........novels? Well, errr..........let me see, err......oh, there was one....but, errr......"
  • P.s. -
Ministeve, I can do the Woodpigeon call as well. Do you mean where you cup your hands together in a certain way and blow into them where your thumbs are held? And you can lift your one hand to change the pitch?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 09:59:42 UTC Post #53554
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 10:42:49 UTC Post #53575
Here's my 1st day of playing Far Cry with a run-of-the-mill video card (ATI Radeon 9600 SE):

It took me about 3 minutes to get the game loaded (I have good RAM, and everything else. Nothing is the MINIMUM requirements). When I finally got into the game, I saw the cinematic. It was good, but it's only a video, not game graphics. When it loaded the first level, it took about 5 minutes because it froze up in the middle and at the end. I finally get into the game. What do I see? Bad r_speeds, choppy graphics, blocky objects (nothing's round) and slow reaction times (I click crouch and it takes about 2-5 seconds to crouch. When I finally get outside, things look better. I look over at the ocean and see water leading into a black hole with a grid on it. HALF OF THE F**KING LEVEL ISN'T EVEN LOADED!

Then... it froze up. I opened the disc drive, took out the disc, closed it and turned off the computer. Then I chucked that piece of sh*t to China.

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 11:05:13 UTC Post #53581
Strange, my system runs it perfectly with no problems/crashes/slowdowns. MAybe your machine is sucky. Things I hate:

-Noobs who ask dumbass questions like "what is a brush?"
-Floater's mapping skills
-AMD Athlon 64
-Pop music and any mainstream music
-Steam haters
-Doom3 haters (doom3 rocks fuckers)
-Noisy little kids
Mettallica and all those rockbands.... hate 'em.
^^Ahem, screw you. Metallica fuckin kick the crap out of any music you listen to :D

Far Cry rocks. People who say they have bugs probably have crap computers. If you have anything less than a 9800pro then you are wasting your time with far cry. Anyone with the nvidia fx series are also wasting their time cos the fx series sucks at directx9 games. It worked fine for me out of the box. Then again, I have the best pc of any TWHL member so thats probably why.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 13:35:24 UTC Post #53612
something wrong with metallica? are you some sort of leprechaunmanbeast creature with lima beans?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-24 18:20:52 UTC Post #53671

1. Master Of Puppets
2. Prickly_Pimple
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 03:44:32 UTC Post #53776
13. Budweiser, I mean compared to it's czech cousin it's nat's piss
My parents agree there :P
19. Sport (Any kind, be it football, hockey, tennis etc)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 04:22:19 UTC Post #53802
12. Fosters/Australian beer
I kill you!

Have you ever tasted VB? Bloody hell, you can't just assume Australian Beer sucks because Fosters sucks..... :x
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 07:08:00 UTC Post #53829
It's not a question of 'assume', it's I know it does!
...Taste's rank!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 10:33:22 UTC Post #53897

even the adverts are crap.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 12:21:27 UTC Post #53914
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 12:24:07 UTC Post #53916
whats a brush?

joking master of p

:P :P :P

muha ha ha physcho music is gonna scare all of u soon well maybe in september and if u dont understand well ull see :lol: :lol:

the horror :o :o

Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 14:49:17 UTC Post #53977
i hate:
  • DELL
  • ppl who love DELL
  • CS worshiping wankers
  • sporty ppl
  • ppl that think that games have to be over 1 GB to be a good game
  • people who likes to ride bikes
  • freeweb templates
  • IBM
  • flying insekts (they seem to be atracted to me... )
  • ppl that dont know the diferance between a switch an a hub
  • the OSI model!!!
for starters...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 14:53:55 UTC Post #53981
I hate:

Steam haters
DELL computers (Like mine)
Flies/wasps. God, they're annoying.
Sport, 'cos I'm awful at it
The term "Super Definition": Call it HD FGS!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 14:58:01 UTC Post #53983
Floater: Burger King IS delicious, provided you're eating food from there a few hours later than you would eat decent food. Then you're so hungry that it seems delicious.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 15:20:57 UTC Post #53992
WON haterz are now top on my list of all things I hate....
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 16:20:34 UTC Post #54014
er.. I hate all of you :x

You're ruining my life, why can't you be boring and crap, all of you, why can you make the community stagnate, make me forget about HL and let me die in peace :(

Oh, wait a minute.. i don't hate those things.. i love them :D

worships hl CD

I ate the line that separated hate and love :badass:

And speaking of hatred:

I hate: Everything and everyone
I love: Everyone and everything

There :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 18:18:08 UTC Post #54067
I love hating Steam and hate hating WON!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-25 21:35:11 UTC Post #54095
MAybe your machine is sucky.
I just said my comp was good! Sheesh, lay off. :x

Here's the specs compared to the minimum needed for Far Cry:

~Me~ ~Far Cry minimum~
-512 MB RAM -256 MB RAM
-ATI Radeon 9600 SE -ATI Radeon 8500
  • Direct X 9.0 sound card -Direct X 9.0 sound card
(forgot what it's called)
-Direct X v. 9.0 -Direct X v. 9.0
-CD-ROM speed of 16x -speed of 16x

I don't play online and the hard drive space doesn't matter.

My system doesn't suck mop, so stop insulting and leave floater alone. :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-26 03:46:28 UTC Post #54137
What about the processor?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-26 09:04:36 UTC Post #54210
That's where he is going wrong. He uses a food processor.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-26 11:00:49 UTC Post #54231
are you kidding? i use a food processor and its so fast windows starts up BEFORE i press the button!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-26 12:42:56 UTC Post #54247
Hehehe. You guys are getting funny y'know :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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